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Everything posted by Rocket35

  1. It was funny in parts but I didn't really like it. I really can't put my finger on it, but what did we learn? I guess just keep an eye on it....
  2. Bolen baby! Followers and springs....
  3. Thanks everyone for the advice and input. I will be looking into this soon- still shooting SSTK til after the WSSSC.
  4. Main Goal: Balance my Mental Management System. CONSCIOUS (thoughts) 1. Set tangible goals 2. Positive Reinforcement • Visualize myself as a Champion. • If the stage is good- say “That was just like me” and replay it in my mind. • If the stage was bad- start mental rehearsing the next stage immediately. • Never talk about my or others’ mistakes. 3. Mental Rehearsal • Rehearse shooting the match by shooting exceptionally well. • Run a mental program before each stage several times. • Focus on follow through and stop trying to make up for errors by shooting faster than my capabilities. SUBCONSCIOUS (skills) 1. Train 4-5 times a week (Dryfire/Livefire). • The day before- only do mental rehearsals. • Study COF’s if available to become as familiar with each stage and it’s specifics as if I wrote them myself. 2. When you are training, be all there. • Make it count as if shooting a match. 3. Track performance analysis. • Find my weaknesses and make them strengths. • Know my zero and capabilities. • Eliminate trying, rushing and not trusting my speed. • Keep a diary to track my progress. SELF-IMAGE (habits and attitudes) 1. Identify my habits and attitudes that need to change. • Avoid bad attitudes. • Eliminate reinforcing mistakes by giving them improper attention. • Again- Never talk about mistakes with others. 2. Set-up a new self-image this is in direct conflict of my old one. • Reinforce my successes in my diary and tracking spreadsheets. • Forget any errors and immediately move on to the new task at hand. • Hold positive thoughts about myself and others. 4. Apply a Directive Affirmation • I cause my Conscious, Subconscious and Self-Image to move toward being in balance, thereby increasing my performance without frustration. I am a Champion!
  5. Used the UpLula on the last 2 rounds just to be a wuss!
  6. Well I must be blessed. Among other things, all 5 of my STI magazines that have "SNL" basepads fit the EGW magazine gauge without tuning. All still hold 21 rounds and have been 100% reliable thus far. And the new Rescomp mag I got will hold 22 rounds and fit the gauge using a 3mm Bolen basepad. The 4mm just doesn't quite fit. But with a little bit removed from the top of the feedlip area, it might. Just thought I would share that bit of information.
  7. It's not a real big concern as I have 5 other mags that will be used primarily and this mag is for the 23 round stage that I don't need to reload. But just would like to find out what's going on. I may have to look into the grip as I think some of the STI mags are on the "sticky" side as well.
  8. Has anyone else experienced this? Looking for suggestions other than sending it off to get "tuned".
  9. I was having the same problem with all OAL from 1.135-1.1230" out of the #47NX mags. It was suggested to widen the feed lips to about .430". I have mine out to .40" and it has taken care of about 90% of the hand cycling nose down jams. These mags run 100% when firing live fire though.
  10. Just got this in an email. Haven't had the chance to try it out yet...
  11. Not sure if this is it, but try this one: http://www.ericgrauffel.net/shop/product_i...59028fa5175d173
  12. Mine has over 30K rounds loaded on it- I am due to have the tune-up done as well. I plan on dropping it off when I head out to the WSSSC in Mesa this month.
  13. That is sweet Bobby! Don't red and black go well together?
  14. I'm in Squad 19. I get to sneak around the berm and see if you shoot matches like you practice on your videos! Cool- should be a hoot. I have always wanted to shoot one of these matches! Should be a great opportunity to meet fellow Benos members.
  15. Rhona is still pretty hot: Wasn't she the original model for Lora Croft of Tomb Raider?
  16. Didn't think so. I figured they would have had her name plastered all over this if it was. That is the problem with sequels or prequels (sp?) in this case....
  17. Is Kate Beckensale still in this one? Kinda looks like her, but then kinda doesn't...
  18. I had a dry year due to a major move and attending an academy that I couldn't bring my gun. I plan to shoot much more this year though.
  19. Damn- that is bad ass, WTG. And that rifle is pretty awesome too!~
  20. Can this be confirmed? If it is in Vegas that would be awesome!
  21. Cool- thanks for the heads up.
  22. I have had the pleasure of taking two of Matt Burkett's classes and learned alot. I am not sure he is still doing pistol classes. But I would suggest one if he does. There are so many good sources these days, it makes it kinda difficult to decide. But I have been looking at taking a class from USSA with Phil Strader and Mike Seeklander for some time.
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