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Posts posted by Cuz

  1. On 10/1/2021 at 8:30 PM, Intheshaw1 said:

    I just bought tungsten weights and added 5-6 oz if I remember correctly.

    That seems like an awful lot of weight in a Gen4 or 5 backstrap, are you sure that’s right?  I don’t even think the Taylor Freelance Seattle Slug for Gen 3s add that much weight and they stick way out. 

    I didn’t think the Gen 4/5 had that much room. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Farmer said:

    I figured with you giving us the play by play some pirate was going to grab them off your porch before you got home. 😆

    I’d love to see someone’s ring doorbell video of a porch pirate sprinting up the driveway and then throwing his back out trying to swiftly lift a 65lb box of Bullets and then have to crawl away in pain. 

    Of course, then he would probably sue you for getting hurt on the job while on your property…

  3. Thanks for the pic.  I like Carver products, but in this case, for my Gen5 G34 I think I'd rather go with the Thug Plug.  They really don't add much weight, but they are certainly reasonably priced.  Carver would normally say in the description if it was Carry Optics legal.


    Damn you guys, I just went and ordered the Thug Plug on ebay.  I like the fact that it's black instead of brass colored.  It's from the GlockStore, but through ebay the shipping is free. 

  4. Problem solved, thanks everyone.  All it took was about a 1/8 turn of both clutch bolts.  Now, I can dump in around 450 cases and it works fine.  Don't know how many more I can put in, but I don't care about that.  The bin I use to spray lube on my cases holds about 400-450 cases in a single layer.  Makes it easy to spray and roll them around to get coated, then after a minute or two I can dump them into the case feeder to start processing.  I wanted to be able to dump the whole bin in and not have to break it up into smaller amounts.  This basically equates to one "session" for me.  Then my arm gets a bit tired and I can take a break while getting the next batch ready.

  5. 3 hours ago, Aircooled6racer said:

    Hello, I am using the Carver one with no magwell. It works well. Another option is the C&H Precision one but it is too pricey for me. Thanks,Eric


    is the Carver plug carry optics legal?



  6. 1 hour ago, CocoBolo said:

    I've only loaded a few 100,000 rounds, but I've never counted the cases.  

    Ah, a beginner eh??


    Thanks, I think I will probably count out the amount I “think” is around 300 cases just to see how many it really is. The Dillon manual says to fill it up to halfway. I only put in half that much at most. 

  7. 9 hours ago, AHI said:

    Is the motor "bogging" down ? Or is the clutch slipping on the feeder plate?

    Normally run 400 -500 when loading. Have fun a lot more . A 1000ish the plate clutch

    Will start to slip.


    I’m not really sure how to tell. It seems like everything just comes to a stop. I can manually “help” the feeder plate along, but it won’t go on its own. It just seems like the motor isn’t strong enough to spin the plate with more than 300 cases in the bin. 

  8. I have a pretty new RL-1100 with a variable speed case feeder. If I put more than 300 or so 9mm cases in it the case feed plate bogs down and won’t spin. If I remove some cases to get it down around 250 it starts to work fine. I really thought I’d be able to dump 500+ cases in it, but that is NOT happening!  Is this normal?


    How many 9mm cases are you able to dump into your case feeder and have it function correctly?




  9. 40 minutes ago, twodownzero said:

    The application of a DQ never depends on what the shooter "intended."  We are not in the position of reading their minds.  That's why the rules define what is and isn't an AD.

    Ya know, I appreciate when these questions come up and are discussed in a civilized manner. It gives me an opportunity to recalibrate myself from what I thought would be a DQ to what I now know isn’t. And it caused me to review the USPSA rules to verify the info BEFORE I went and ruined someone’s day in a match. I know the question was originally in regard to Steel Challenge, which I don’t participate in, but it was a valuable discussion for me just the same. 

    Thank you. 

  10. 6 hours ago, belus said:

    I have a 1050 dedicated to brass processing which I run with two universal decaping dies. Unfortunately that limits my ability to swage while processing brass.


    Has anyone attempted to reverse the direction a 1050 indexes? That would put the swage station at the end of the process like the option on the CP2000. It doesn't seem hard to flip the casefeed shuttle over, or build a cartridge kicker for station 2.  The primer plunger could become a sensor for primer sizes too.


    There's probably more than just flipping the index arm/paw. But it seems plausible when looking that press torn down.

    Why would you need to do any of that?  Just add the extra decapper on one of the last 3 stages. I’m pretty sure it was mentioned in another thread that one of them has a hole where the rare primer would fall through. 

    I have an RL1100, and my processing toolhead (9mm) starts with the FW Arms popper decapper, then staging, then, on the other side in 6 and 7 I have a Lee and Dillon sizing/decapping dies, just to make sure. 

    By all means, correct me if I’m wrong, but if the first decapper missed a primer, the swagger would still stage the case (and crush the spent primer), but then the other decapping die pops it out. I’ve only processed about 7,500 cases with this process, and the popper decapper hasn’t missed yet, so I can’t confirm this. But next time I swap toolheads to process, I’ll start a case or two in the swage location and see what happens. 

  11. 2 hours ago, zzt said:


    You cannot apply USPSA rules to SCSA.  If it not specifically included in the SCSA manual, it does not exist.  Here are the SCSA rules covering accidental discharge.


    10.4 Accidental discharge
    10.4.1 Any shot fired while loading/unloading/reloading or lowering the hammer. This includes any shot fired after the “If clear, hammer down, holster” (Rule 8.3.8) command has been issued, except where a shot is deliberately fired to clear the gun under RO supervision.
    10.4.2 Any shot fired during remedial action in the case of a malfunction.
    10.4.3 Any shot fired outside of a timed string, without RO permission.

    10.4.4 Any shot fired into the holster or into the ground within 10 feet of the competitor.
    10.4.5 Any shot fired which travels over a backstop or berm in any direction.


    10.4.1~2 do not apply in this case.  The only three rules that could apply to your scenario are 10.4.3, 10.4.4 and 10.4.5.  There are no other AD rules.

    Was it an accidental discharge?  Yes.  Is it a DQ?  No.  Why?  There is no specific rule in the SCSA manual to cover that particular scenario.  The AD was INSIDE of a timed string.  The AD hit FARTHER than 10' from the shooter and it did NOT go over the berm.  If you cannot cite a rule that specifically addresses this particular AD, you cannot DQ the shooter.


    George Jones answered you earlier.  I hadn't read his post before I posted this.  He is an NROI instructor.  So take his word for things. 


    thanks for this great explanation. I was having a hard time rationalizing how an AD wouldn’t be a DQ for unsafe gun handling, and now I understand. 

    Appreciate it. 

  12. I’m sorry, it’s my fault. Back when everyone was out of stock, and either not taking any back orders or limiting you to one case, I discovered that Bayou would let you back order as many as you wanted to pay up front for. Well, I may have been a bit overzealous in my ordering. And, I may have had a couple of friends order some for me when I reached the limit on my credit cards. Sorry, I’m sure they’ll get caught up soon enough. 

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