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Everything posted by blackdragon

  1. Of Course Angus! I think we have sold some Armscor to some shooters in Phoenix also! Ivan
  2. Bountyhunter, I feel your pain, Had my gluecose level checked a year ago mine was way high. I have been doing the same thing, Trying to control it with exercise and diet. Mine stays around 110. But when I first had it checked it would go from 200,300 back to 100. Same thing. I've just about had it! And it does suck! Probably will have to go on medication, Hate it! Ivan
  3. Chad S, As far as I know all the Dillon presses with the exception of the 1050 are warranteed for life. If you buy a used one and it breaks send it back to Dillon and they will repair it! Any one out there know this to be true? Ivan
  4. Iam going to add one more thing, Why thank you!. When I worked for the SO in CO. If I had to wrestle or chace someone down I would usually tell them" If I wanted a work out I would go to the gym" Followed by " If you didn't do any thing wrong why are you running?" Ivan
  5. Here we go again breaking ALL the rules! Ivan
  6. Sure Flex.... A neighbor! How high did those dogs go up the wall? Ivan
  7. Ah Sterling, Coming from you? But I believe He had an idea on Nov 3rd. BAD Ivan
  8. Ditto, Had one about 10 yrs ago in a sig 220. Nothing, Nada I thought it was a waste of my $, Yep EricW I fell for that crap! Ivan
  9. Cool Web Sight! I never get tired of looking at Custom pistols! Ivan
  10. EricW, You would be suprised on how many kids we would have in the range! Or maybe you wouldn't. Some parents just don't think about it. I'm not sure if they even care. It was hard enough to get the parents to keep the hearing protection on thier kids. Ivan
  11. Bueller?....Bueller?...Anyone?......Anyone? Ivan
  12. EricW, I took the poll, I still shoot very limited indoors, Due to having to test fire some of our firearms, But as a rule I don't prctice indoors. I had a lot of exposure working in an indoor range. That is what prompted me to have the test done. Unfortunaley when I would bring the subject up to the people I worked with they would just laugh it off . Ivan
  13. Looks like W is looking for some place to put that! Ivan
  14. Yea Vince, My mom has 5 cats, When I visit I bring my laser pointer. The living room looks like a huge ball of fur, A Feline demolition durby if you will. Drives the cats and my mom crazy! Ivan
  15. It just goes to show ya, If you run from the police, bad things usually happen! Ivan
  16. We find that some people will wait until they go to a major match and will look us up before hand. Then we bring it to them. They save on the shipping and haz-mat charges, We also sell to a lot of clubs. Ivan
  17. Hi Adam, I checked with my Doc last night he said my level was 12 not 20. And then asked when I was coming in to see him . Any way he said based on what I do for a living he was suprised it wasn't higher. He said he would like to see it under 10 if I was to continue shooting and handling bullets. Ivan
  18. Aneat, Thanks, After reading your little snip, I will check with him again, He did say that it would go down after time, something that I had heard was not True. But I guess it is. Ivan
  19. I had mine checked last January, My doc said mine was a level of "20". He said that when it gets above a "70" Then I will be in trouble. He informed me that the worst thing is casting lead bullets, which I used to do. Over the last 22 years I have shot IPSC among other sports, loaded shot shells and worked in a In door range. I will have it checked at least once a year from now on! Ivan
  20. I have been known to squeeze the oil out of my pistol a time or two Ivan
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