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Everything posted by HOGRIDER

  1. I honestly think that my Expander Die is not to spec...........I decided to remove it so I could get a good position to measure it with the Starrett Micrometer. And yes, it appears to me there is excessive brass build up for the couple of dozen rounds I've played with........... First pic is measuring the lowest "step" which is coming right in at .353". I'm guessing that would be a good number......but not sure........ Second pic is raising the mic up to the second "step" and it's measuring just shy of .357". Again, this seems excessive as if my calculations are correct, that brass after it comes out of the U Die should have an ID of approximately .352"-.353" depending on the thickness of the brass. I'm using Winchester in this test sequence. Again, I appreciate all the help coming from EVERYONE! Thank you!
  2. I got an order confirmation for a 9mm before they sold out........... Hope it's as good as they claim; as mine will be going head to head with my MBF!
  3. chgo: Those extra die stations on the Mark7 was one of the big benefits when I was seriously considering the M7 Evo! I've ALWAYS used separate seat and crimp stations since everything I've read about the dual purpose dies were they are a nightmare to setup correctly! Not sure if I'll ever include an MBF, but if so, I've wondered if a good camera/monitor setup for viewing the powder charge would be sufficient for that needed safety backup? I'm in for the replies!
  4. Just an FYI: Here's a close up, though a bit blurry, of the expander after a couple dozen test rounds. Also, in case it's not clearly visible, the brass is being expanded by both steps. Probably need to remove the die, later today, and do some careful measurements of those two steps of the expander............also, it is the correct expander stamped "F" on top...........
  5. Yes, I think I'll truly appreciate the additional swaging and priming improvements you mention. As many others have stated, I never was a fan of the 650's priming procedure; but I just made it work...........
  6. I guess my unfamiliarity with the 1050/1100 platform has me still wondering how the expander being utilized as a separate step, and then just a flare at the powder drop, is advantageous to doing both the expansion and flare at the powder funnel.......... As you can probably tell, all my formal reloading experience has been on the XL650 platforms. Other than not having the swaging benefit, and of course the additional stations, I've never had any issues whatsoever producing quality, accurate pistol ammo on the 650 platform along with the MBF funnel. Now, I am 100% satisfied with upgrading to the RL1100! Have wanted one for a LONG time, and have no regrets purchasing it! Just have to get my head wrapped around the idea of what benefits I will experience by using the EXPANDER part of the die ALONG WITH the MBF powder funnel. HT: thanks for your feedback!
  7. Sure sorry to hear that! Maybe you'll end up with an extra toolhead out of this uncalled for ordeal!
  8. Yes, I have noticed the Alpha Dropper funnel, and am seriously considering ordering one just to see if it's as good as they claim. I have been so pleased with the MBF funnel, as it's hard to consider an alternative! Only downside I'm experiencing is the occasional "sticking" of the MBF funnel; but hope to polish that out.............
  9. AHI, I'm trying my best to make this U Die work since many are using it successfully. And of course, I've got the Redding Pro Sizer ready to use if needed. I'm going remove the Expander, and see if that changes anything. If it does eliminate all my issues between station #2 & #3, then I'll modify the Expander to remove that function of the die and keep using the Swager Backup function. Thanks!
  10. Trace: Are you using the Dillon Expander/Swage Backup in Station #3 of your 1050, along with the Lee U Die? thanks!
  11. HT: I'm curious if you still used the stock, Dillon Expander/Swage Backup die in the #3 station of your 1050? Thanks!
  12. cff: I actually called EGW, and the Rep reaffirmed what was in the description for the EGW 9mm U Die, in that it's the same dimensions (-.003" smaller) as the stock Lee 9mm U Die. Said they get them straight from Lee, and they are not modified.......
  13. When I was investigating the "bulge" from that test run of dummy rounds, I actually bypassed Station 3, on the next run, and there was not another test round that "bulged" and/or failed the case gauge! But right now, I do want the benefit of the backup rod against the case during swaging. IMO, the swaging function is one of the big advantages of the S1050/RL1100 line.
  14. Dirt: I have read many posts about the benefits of mounting the MBF "off press" using a separate mount; and plan on following that procedure if I eventually end up with a MBF. Right now, I'm simply using the MBF powder funnel under my Dillon Powder Measure. I love how the MBF expands for the perfect seating of the 9mm bullets I use; FMJ/JHP and Coated Lead!
  15. Sarge: Always a pleasure to hear/read your comments..........:) Guess my unfamiliarity with the Lee has me second guessing the procedure. When I tumble my own brass, I always deprime first! But, I happened to find a deal on a big box of wet cleaned, same headstamp Winchester brass (which I like) and did not think of inquiring about had they been deprimed before I purchased. You know what "assuming" can do for us............ I've got some new Starline 9mm that I could try plus some other less popular headstamps also.
  16. Dirt: Wondering if anyone here has received a 100% complete RL1100 recently? Some of these parts are critical, and for me, I'm 3 days from Dillon once the order goes out........... Good luck!
  17. I've used the search function, and realize there has been a ton of discussion on the Lee U Die, but I have some specifics that I hope will be answered by the many U Die users here! I started out many years ago with the XL650 and Dillon Dies. Did fine for 38S Unlimited Competition. Many years later, got another 650 and set it up in 9mm using Redding Pro Competition Dies. 99% of my reloads were 147g/135g ammo in the 130-140PF range. Did GSSF for many years with these fairly mild loads. And to the best of my knowledge, I never had any issues with setback, bullet crimp, etc., using the Redding Comp dies. Now, I've moved up to the RL1100 and want to set up my 9mm ammo with accuracy in the non-major power levels my primary goal. Might dabble in some informal steel or limited matches. And, I'll primarily be shooting the 2011 platform at the local range. Several years ago, I purchased an EGW U Die just to fill up a small order and had put it away in the cabinet for future use. So after reading of the many, noted competition shooters using it, I though now would be a great time to set it up in the 1100 along with my MBF powder funnel, Redding Pro Comp Seating and Crimp dies. First thing I wasn't really happy with was having to mount the die with one lock nut below and one above the tool head. It worked ok in a few test dummy loads, but that crazy decapping rod popped up a few times and it was a bear to tighten up without moving the die body from it's original setting! I loaded up 10 dummy rounds using all the stations in the press, and was a bit concerned that 3 of the 10 had a slight bulge near the case head (They failed a Dillon Case Gauge) that I don't remember seeing during the manual placement of the cartridges in the shell feeder. (My Case Feeder is inop at the moment waiting on parts from Dillon that were left out of the box.) After taking a few more empty cases (once fired Winchester brass) and checking each station, I have confirmed that the U Die is not causing the bulge, but it's happening at Station #3 as I can also feel the case sticking against the expander part of the die! So, now I'm wondering if the U Die (-.003") is causing this or is it the expander part of the Swage Die? I have positively confirmed it's not "glocked bulge" brass. The brass has been cleaned in Stainless Wet Media, primers still in, and lubed properly with Hornady One Shot....... This all may sound a bit odd, but I have measured the cases near the rim as they came out of each station, and all slight bulges occur after the Swage Expander die......so I'm a bit confused here and would appreciate any help/insight you may offer. Or should I just remove the U Die, and try everything with the Redding Pro Sizer/Decapper? I did notice that one RL1100 user had removed the Pistol Backup Expander from Station 3, and had the expander machined down to a smaller non-expanding size to aid in his expanding/flare with the MBF Powder Funnel........... Thanks for any help! Ben
  18. It doesn't really surprise me these machines are missing a few parts. I originally found some non-critical parts missing.....called, and they shipped out next day. The following day was finishing the setup and found out they sent an S1050 casefeeder tube instead of the slightly shorter RL1100 one. So that shipped out the following day........... I'm really shocked that your press had a live primer in the system! Would have really upset the shipper had they found out............but highly unlikely I guess........... Congratulations on your new RL1100! I'm sure you'll be loving it's production very soon!
  19. ddc: Thank you! for always providing detailed info! HR
  20. Got back home and decided to see just how much effort would be required to remove the Toolhead Ratchet AND the Ratchet Restriction Tab Assembly. After fully lowering the press handle, the cam guide bolt and toolhead ratchet came off with very little effort! With the handle still full down, the ratchet tab assembly bolt was fully exposed. Now this bolt did take a little effort, but broke free using an allen t-handle wrench. Backed the bolt out and the complete assembly comes right off! I did get the micrometer out and measure the Toolhead Ratchet's thickness. Replaced it with a couple of 1/4" flat washers that came very close in thickness, reinstalled the cam guide bolt with a little blue loctite, and the press is back in business! IMO, using a couple of flat washers would place the primer cam back in the same approximate location for press operation. BTW: I struck up a conversation via Messinger with Peter Ryakhovskiy who produced the YouTube video above, and he stated that after loading many years with XL650s, he purchased a S1050 and now an RL1100; and that he had removed the Ratchet Safety System from both presses to . I feel confident he was referring to the "smoothness" of the XL650.......... I also asked about the die in station #2 as it appeared to be a Lee die, but a bit longer than the U Die. He said that video had a Lee Universal Decapper die as he processes/sizes on another press with the Lee U Die. Did mention he also had the 1050 set up with a Mark 7 auto drive. Thanks for ALL the feedback! Now, if I can decide to keep using the U Die or convert back to the Redding Pro Sizer. I had read in several older threads that if one purchased the U Die from EGW, then it was only undersized .001" vs the standard Lee U Die being undersized .003". A quick call to EGW confirmed what's stated on their U Die description that their U Die (9mm) is the stock undersize (.003") as Lee produces. Always have been........
  21. Mark, everyone: I've got to run some errands this morning......hope to tackle this later today. I've watched Peter Ryakhovskiy's video several times, and it does appear that he placed a washer of some sort behind the Primer Cam Guide Bolt.......but I'm not 100% positive that's what I'm seeing............. His machine sure is smooth in that video! Thanks again! Ben
  22. Going to take a look first thing tomorrow....... THANKS!
  23. AHI: I was actually thinking of removing the #66010 Toolhead Ratchet as it seemed this single part would stop the restriction..........rather than removing four parts to disable the Ratchet Restriction Tab Assembly. I'll take a closer look in the next coupe of days to see which option yields the results I'm after. I'm going to check with EGW and see if they indeed have a newer, longer version that will at least be, IMO, a bit more stable. If I see that the Lee decap rod continues to "pop up" and need resetting, I'll throw the Redding Pro Sizer in and move on. I've never had a sizing issue, that I'm aware of, with the Redding. Thanks for your help and advice!
  24. Sig: I actually ordered the Ammobrass Swage Setter and got it in just before the press arrived. So, I have that tool available. Just need to research how to make final adjustments....... ImmortoBot has a short video released promoting the Ammobrass setter showing how simple it is to adjust the swage using it: https://www.facebook.com/222417021489827/videos/748098842345182/ No mention of the Dillon Expander/Backup Swage Rod. Since this swageing system is new to me, I really need to insert the Ammobrass Swage Setter in Station #3 and see what role the Expander shaft plays in stabilizing the brass for the swager. Thanks for your reply!
  25. Once mounted securely, I got around to removing the Dillon dies, and installing my Redding Pro Series. I then remembered that I had purchased the Lee U Die; based on all the recommendations here on the Forum from those loading precision 9mm. First thing I noticed was the shorter Lee die, so I removed the o-ring and flipped the stock nut over. Remembered Dillon Rep stating in another thread that all we needed was one thread to secure.....sure hope so. Does anyone know if Lee has a newer, long version of the U Die available? Went ahead and got the flare set just right using the MBF powder funnel under the Dillon PM at Station 5. Then installed the Redding Pro adjustable seating and taper crimp dies after giving them a thorough cleaning. While running 8 or 10 rounds through the press to check OAL and Crimp, I hit a stop about 3 or 4 rounds into production. Come to find out a previous brass had, for some reason, pushed the decapper out the top of the Lee die and stopped me at the swage station. Was doing dummy rounds using cleaned and lubed, once fired Winchester brass that still had the old primers intact. For those using the U-Die, is the decapper popping up a common occurrence? This is my first go around at using the U-Die, I'm wondering if the decapping pin was tightened enough when it left the factory? I also, in a short time, have come to dislike the ratchet assembly.......prevents me from stopping and raising the handle mid stroke. And yes, I realize it's a safety add-on; but I've loaded for 25 years on several XL650s and never had this restriction. And, I'm very meticulous about safety and checking each round during and after a run! So, can anyone offer me the correct procedure for removing the ratchet assembly without disturbing any other functions/settings? Also wondering if the swage system needs to be verified it's adjusted correctly? Or does Dillon do a pretty good job during their pre-shipping setup and testing? Thanks for any help/recommendations from the seasoned S1050/RL1100 members here! PS: Just checked the 10 dummy rounds I made up, and 3 of the 10 have a "bulge" at the bottom of the case which won't allow them to fit the Dillon case guage. All lubed with Hornady 1-shot, all Winchester once fired, cleaned brass...... Hmmmm.......
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