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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Young Sam and I are signed up.
  2. The class system is pretty much inapplicable to our division. Some clubs run lots of classifiers, some run almost none. Some clubs let guys take multiple tries at the classifiers and only send in the best one. Some classifiers do a pretty decent job of ranking the revos, some are nowhere near close. If Jerry is our lone GM (and he certainly is), how many true revo Masters are there out there (i.e. guys that can consistently shoot at 85% or better at big matches against Jerry)? Precious few in the U.S. But I'll bet there will be a few more within the next year if things keep going as they are. Club classifers don't mean much, though.
  3. Matt-- Dude! Are you shooting wheelgun at IL next week??
  4. That full-power Wolf ammo you tested over the chrono must've been the older greenish-colored stuff. The new gray "polymer" coated Wolf stuff chronoed a perfect 167 p.f. at the 2005 Single Stack Classic in Barry, out of my Loaded Springfield with stock factory barrel, which is just exactly what I had been getting here over my chrono at home. I never cared for the old green Wolf too much, but I highly recommend the new gray stuff. Mike
  5. I'm all for exploring other manufacturers' interest in moonclip guns, but if we're going to center any hopes around Taurus, we really need to confirm that the fundamental QC of their revolvers has improved sufficiently to handle competitive shooting volume. It's not well known, but Taurus sponsored some revolver shooters a number of years ago, and boy did they have trouble keeping the guns running long enough to even make it through a match. (By coincidence I happened to bump into one of those guys recently and we talked about that exact subject, in particular the difficulty he had keeping his Taurus guns properly timed.) If anyone from Taurus sees this post, I hope they'll view my comments not as a slam, but as a friendly challenge! Mike
  6. 8shooter, pretty cool looking set-up! But let me play devil's advocate for a second: It's not an IPSC gun (except for a true crazy--and I mean that in a good way--who wants to shoot it in Open), so it must be for ICORE and steel, right? Both of which are games played with powder-puff 120 p.f. ammo, right? Ammo which wouldn't have anywhere near enough pressure to run the comp in any meaningful way, right? Back in the pin-shooting glory days, a few guys tried various sorts of porting and comps with their revolvers, and used lighter bullets and higher-pressure loads in an effort to get the comps to work. But the top revolver shooters (and in that sport revolvers were at virtual parity with the autos) always used heavy bullets and standard, non-ported, non-comped barrels to win. Now that was a long time ago, and lots has changed. So what am I missing here? Mike
  7. Jeff LaFave, who always informs us "this will be a lost moonclip stage" at the beginning of the walk-through. (He's also a revolver shooter...)
  8. I know for a fact that this year at Area 6, they fixed a mistake in the results between Sam and Dan (at Dan's insistence) way after the fact, when Dan was back in California and found the mistake on his sheet. Not sure why this one is any different. As I've pointed out in private emails to everyone involved, this one involves nothing more than a simple switch between me and Cliff, no other standings change, no other awards are affected. It would take about two seconds. I really do wish they would fix it, because now the point series totals are a couple points off. But if need be, we'll adjust that one ourselves too....
  9. Dave, what can I tell you. I knew I was going to win that stage. Guess it was just a zen thing. (I told Cliff, not sure who else heard me say it.)
  10. Randy, I think you've recommended hard-chroming cylinders to slow down the peening problem that affects a percentage of these guns....would a full hard-chrome job also help keep the ejector star, frame window, and hand at their proper dimensions?
  11. For everybody's quick reference, here's what Ted is talking about: Carmoney's Horrific Tirade Against IDPA
  12. I was looking at the Dawson Ice magwell for my Para, but have read that my mags with Grams basepads won't seat. So which magwell will work? I do not want to alter the basepads. Thanks, Mike
  13. Byron, where can the aluminum spacers be purchased?? Thanks, Mike
  14. Bob, you might want to check with DougC here on the forum....he took the opposite approach and simply screwed a 27 barrel onto his 627. (He chose the long-tom 8-3/8" tube, but it could have been any of them.) Doug is an accuracy fanatic these days, and if it didn't shoot well, he wouldn't have kept it on there. Pretty easy deal, fairly cheap answer (once you own the gun, that is). If the finish doesn't match, a quick trip to the hard-chromer would fix that simply enough. Based on the cost of the old Baumannize 7-shot and RPM 8-shot conversions (neither of which is being offered any more, to my knowledge), Doug's approach would be the cheaper route. You can imagine that machining a custom cylinder is not an inexpensive proposition. Good luck, Mike
  15. OK, Cliff--it looks like I kicked your ass after all. (just kidding.) Think I'm a true sportsman, Chuck?--HA!--Should have seen me at the post office this morning. Every time I went to put dang ol' Cliff's USPSA President's Medal in the priority mail box, this feeling would come over me and I'd crouch in the corner and snarl, "Precioussssss......it wants the preciousssssss......." Finally after about an hour of that I sealed up the box and dropped it in the slot. (Sniff.....)
  16. Here's the flyer. More info is available over on the match announcements board. There will also be a monthly match in Osceola, IA on Sunday, Oct. 23, should be a good opportunity to get in a lot of good shooting for cheap. Shoot_For_Life1.doc
  17. OK, fellas. After shooting the 1911s at the Iowa Single Stack match next weekend to clear our heads, Sammy and I picking up the wheelguns again and heading out to the following big matches: Oct. 8-9: Illinois Sectional, Havana IL Oct. 14-15: Missouri Fall Classic, Rolla MO (round count: 268!) Oct. 22: Shoot for Life, Lowell IA I know we're putting together a nice big revolver super squad for the Fall Classic, but how about some of those other shoots? Word on the street is that GM extraordinaire Manny Bragg will even be shooting a wheelgun in Illinois! And everybody tells me that last year's Shoot for Life was an excellent show. How about it? Mike
  18. Time for a few corrections. Nearly all of the beer we consumed that evening came from Cliff's 12-pack of Coors Light (Cliff's favorite brand) in Cliff's cooler which Cliff had purchased earlier, all by himself, at Wal-Mart. (Dave, I'm sure they checked his ID first.) Several of us of legal consumption age helped Cliff consume that beer, including me (I drank several) and some dude none of us even knew who showed up in the doorway looking thirsty. Now, the Cliff Walsh I know would be only mildly fortified by the amount of Coors Light that was left out of that 12-pack after he passed it around to the others. No, it was not the beer. The truth of the matter is we have no idea what was in that bottle that Sam and Rodney pulled out from underneath the pillow. Yes, it could have been Crown Royal, like it said on the label, but how do we know it wasn't something that came straight out of Uncle Jesse's still just down in the holler behind the Keen place? Later I realized that Rodney had been brushing the bore of his gun with some sort of fluid that looked remarkably similar to whatever was in that bottle. As to the other painful symptom Cliff might have experienced (apparently, his post-traumatic syndrome is not allowing the pre-vomiting memories to fully surface), I will leave it up to the good judgment and common sense of the group to decide what likely happened to him. (Although, Dave, it sure sounds as though you can no longer accurately call him the "young and innocent Master Walsh," it appears he's now just "young Master Walsh" from this point forward...) We've all seen "Deliverance." Of the two suspects mentioned above, is it more likely that Cliff fell victim to an upstanding and clean-living family man from the cornfields of Iowa, who typically takes his 12-year-old son to matches with him, when the kid's not at a Boy Scout camporee---or was Cliff violated by a strange bald cretinous hilljack who slinks forth from a place called Rammer, Tennessee?? I suspect even the stats crew at Area 5 could do the math on that one. And folks, that's saying something.
  19. (See new thread regarding Area 5 -- Cliff did win.) Now Dave, as much as I appreciate the compliment, I only handed it to Jerry on one little tiny stage at Nationals. However, I stated ahead of time I was going to do so--kinda like when Babe Ruth pointed out the spot where he was going to hit it over the outfield wall....
  20. (I decided to start a new topic to clarify the record on the match results, partially because I don't want to inhibit the world-class trash talk that is developing over on the other thread.....) Cliff Walsh is the winner of the 2005 Area 5 Championship. After getting home this morning I went back through my yellow sheets and discovered that the score enterers had missed assessing one of the two penalties I had incurred on Stage 10. After changing plans midstream through the stage(always a bad idea!) I managed to pop the clam-shell no-shoot on its way up with the last bullet I had in my gun. So that's 20 points in penalties I should have been given (10 for the no-shoot, 10 for the miss on the non-disappearing target behind it), and the results only had me down for 10. I called Cliff while he was sitting at the Louisville airport and told him about this, he wanted me to wait and let him check his sheets against the USPSA site results to make sure there was no offsetting error. I just heard from Cliff a little bit ago, everything else is correct. So here's how mine should look for Stage 10: 143 pts, -20 in penalties, 21.95 seconds = 5.6036 h.f. So my percentage of Sam's first-place on the stage should have been 85.52%, for 128.2836 stage points. This means my total match points should have been 1116.3514, which is 99.35% of Cliff's 1123.6264. (Still not bad for a new guy against a bona fide master of the wheelgun, right??!) I've already talked with Lee Leonard and Chuck Bradley about the mistake, and they politely explained that it may not be possible to make this correction on the official results, due to the one-hour rule. However, I am going to contact Sedro directly with all of this information, and ask that they make the correction. Regardless of what they do, I am sending out Cliff's plaque, medals, and check to him in tomorrow's mail so he will have them by the end of the week. And to those participants in the point series--if this mistake (or the additional entry error which I understand Sam Keen found on his sheets also) affects our standings in the point series, I'm sure we can all agree that we'll use the correct numbers and make sure that the right competitor gets recognized at the end of the year. Now--before anybody gets all overwhelmed with sentiment and sensitivity and thinks I need some big compliment for my honesty and magnanimity--please don't. This is simply the way we do things in the revolver division, and the way things are handled between friends. So instead, join me in congratulating Cliff Walsh, El Conquistador, on his great match win at Area 5! (Now back to the fun thread!) Mike
  21. Dave, excellent advice that applies in so many different situations that life presents us with..... Mike (hold off on the congrats just yet.....it was a squeaker but there was at least one scoring error we still have to figure out)
  22. Hold on everybody....as much as I want to win this thing, when I got home I found an error, and it's enough to matter. I already talked to Cliff, who's sitting in the Louisville airport right now, and hopefully we'll have it figured out for sure later on today. So stay tuned. Mike
  23. I don't understand.....what the hell's a GLOCK SHOOTER think he's doing wading into this conversation??? (Did you think we're so absorbed in torque and titanium over here we wouldn't notice?----hmmm?)
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