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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Pretty interesting. Particularly interesting is the fact that despite being the hardest-fought Revolver Nationals ever, and despite several shooters taking a better run at Jerry than has ever been taken at a USPSA event in the past, the place where this match was the "least close" was between 1st and 2nd place. Jerry continues to dominate the Revolver game, and probably will for quite some while. On the bright side, at least it's not somebody we don't like, right?
  2. Nope, you're thinking of Geneseo Dave Williams, the reigning pistolsmith of the year. He's a real nice guy and decent shooter in his own right, we happened to be on the same squad together at the Single Stack Classic this year. This was Topeka Dave Williams--(sounds kinda like a name for a pool player, doesn't it?)--known as pskys2 here on the forum, and one of the finest goodwill emissaries out there for Revolver Division, and the IPSC sport in general. Dave was shooting IPSC when Frank Pachmayr and Austin Behlert were still in diapers.
  3. Great news!! Please do not hesitate to report evidence of this trend to your Section Coordinator and (even more importantly) your Area Director. Growth in Revolver is crystal clear to those of us who are active in the Division, but USPSA leadership need to see hard numbers like this.
  4. Nice job, Bob!! I think we're going to find that Bob winning big matches out east is going to be a normal occurrence.
  5. I think I should be paid a commission on every Armscor/RIA that is sold to a competition shooter here in the States. I maintain I was the first, and this thread is my proof!!
  6. Yeah--I like it! I can see an entire line of Iceman Ulfers merchandise........ Iceman grips. The Iceman hammer. Iceman moonclips. The S&W Performance Center Iceman 625. Iceman Ulfers T-shirts, sunglasses, coffee mugs, and greeting cards. "The Iceman" series of action-filled pulp paperbacks, written by Jerry Ahern. The 2008 Lincoln Navigator Iceman Edition. The possibilities are endless. This could be huge.
  7. Well, after I posted the results I fell over and got about 10 hours of much-needed sleep. Lemme tell ya, I have mucho new respect for the people who coordinate these matches! It really was a great experience. Having that many of my favorite people in one place at the same time was truly a blast! The match went well, people seemed to enjoy the stages, even the weather was phenomenal. I debated on whether to shoot Sunday with the group, or be a roving rangemaster guy for the day. I elected to shoot, which was great except I didn't have quite as much time to visit the other squads as I would have liked. Anyway, Keith sure shot a helluva match. Coming off a 4th place finish in the Single-Stack match the day before, Keith's victory with a 6% margin was decisive. He's one of those guys who can pick up any gun and do really well with it, which is a skill I respect. Lots of people can't adapt that quickly. His revolver shooting was clean, fast, and smooth. Congratulations to Dave on his excellent second-place finish, pushing me into 3rd place. Dave's been shooting IPSC practically since the leather-slap days, and even though he's now a senior he can hold his own. Dean (4th) and Kevin (5th) both shot great matches as well, and put Sam (6th) right back in his place! I didn't see Kevin shoot, but Dean looked really smooth. 7th place went to Barney Niner, one of my old shooting buddies from back in my former pin-shooting career. Barney's an accomplished shooter with a ton of experience, but he's been committing his efforts to other stuff (sporting clays, golf, work, family) more recently--but knowing how he can shoot a wheelgun I dragged him out of "retirement" for this match, and I'm hoping it has inspired him to keep shooting with us. I'll warn you all, when Barney gets fully warmed up, it's scary how well he can shoot. El Conquistador shot his way to 8th place, despite handicapping himself by using a Model 14 .38 and speedloaders. Our local guru Rick McDowell, one of the early IPSC masters, picked up a borrowed revolver and shot his way to 9th place, showing if you really know how to run a stage, you can pretty much be successful with any type of gun. Rounding out the Top Ten was none other than Bubber, Mr. Jetloader himself, with his trusty 686. All of the Top Ten exceeded 80% of Keith's performance--there was some great shooting going on from all quarters. Special mention should be noted of well-known GSSF shooter Chris Zeeb who finished at 11th place. Chris is completely new to the revolver and shot my gear for this match. Chris is now completely hooked, and shopping for a nice 625. We will see him again, I am sure. Thanks to everyone who helped out. Thanks to everyone who drove in for the match. I know I was asking a lot of all of you, but you guys really delivered. **NOTE** Corrected to reflect final results.
  8. Results: 2006 Iowa Single Stack Results 2006 Iowa Revolver Results Congratuations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated and helped out! We had shooters coming in from as far away as Florida, Colorado, and Oklahoma. And we managed to set a new USPSA record for participation in Revolver Division, exceeding the earlier record set this year at Nationals in Barry. USPSA Revolver Division continues to grow steadily all across the country. OLD SCHOOL ROCKS!!
  9. OK guys, here are the results you've all been waiting for! 2006 Iowa Revolver Results 2006 Iowa Single Stack Results Congratulations to the entire USPSA Revolver Division--we just set a new record!
  10. Jim, round count for the match is right around 200 rounds (it's a little less, actually). If you bring 300, that's plenty. I believe it's Exit 33, but I'm not 100% sure. You're looking for the Highway 34 exit for Osceola, it's the exit after you go past Terrible's Casino. Careful on the exit ramp, it's a sharp curve. The Single-Stack 1911 match went very well today. We've had great help from our local club members--enough help, in fact, that Sam and I are shooting tomorrow with you guys. See you in the AM!! Hopefully you can roll down here on that big 2-wheeler next year. Forgot to mention--Cliff was high GM at the single-stack match today, be sure to congratulate him on his decisive victory!
  11. OK, Walter, thanks for trying anyway. Hope you can make it up for the '07 version. Staff will be shooting the match tomorrow, starting around 10. If it appears we have enough help available, Sam and I are going to try to shoot Revo on Sunday with all ya'll. Be at the range around 8:30 on Sat. and/or Sun., shooting will start at 9:00 each day. You're welcome to walk the stages anytime there's not a squad shooting (but please don't mess with the props). See you soon!
  12. Most of the staff will be shooting the match(es) on Friday. For those of you arriving on Friday, feel free to come on out to the range and check everything out. As long as you don't mess with the props, you are welcome to walk the stages anytime there's not a squad shooting. Participation is going to be excellent at both matches, but we will be able to accommodate walk-ons. Show up and shoot!
  13. It's been really warm the last few days, but now we're in a cooling-off trend. Iowa's pretty unpredictable this time of year. Could be anything from high '40s to mid-'70s by the weekend. Bring rain stuff, too. John, if you walk toward the "goats" while holding up one of those cardboard cut-outs of a cow in front of you, you can walk right up to them and pop them gangland style in the back of the head. I hope Kevin makes it here, and brings a friend or two along with him. This is going to be quite an event! Revolver shooters are coming out of the woodwork!
  14. Nemo, I'm really sorry you can't make it out here, but I hope you and the other Florida wheels at your Sectional have a great match! Nice that your boys have the chance to shoot another major. We'll save a spot for you at the 2007 Iowa Back-to-Back, OK?
  15. My stuff's pretty basic. I do all my own gun work. My actions are around 5.5 pounds. 625-6 and 625-4, both 5" of course. Millett rear. SDM F/O front. Ed Brown cylinder release. Rubber Hogues. Narrow smooth trigger. Mixed moonclips. CR Speed and shoot-the-moon holders. I load on a Dillon SDB and go back through and hand-seat all my primers. 4.2 of Clays and Rainier 230-gr. plated RN in mixed ACP brass. It's every bit of 180+ p.f. but it always makes major out of Sam's old worn 25-2 and I don't want to make two different loads.....
  16. Just because you're "eating for 2" doesn't mean you can count for 2. Good thought, though......
  17. .....getting extremely close!! Keep the entries coming!!
  18. Sure you don't want to go with one of the Julie pics instead????
  19. Surprisingly enough, the factory ammo I have found that is closest to the correct power factor is Wolf 230-gr. ball (the newer gray-colored stuff which they say has a "polymer" coating, whatever the hell that is). I shot it the last two years at the Single Stack Classic, it chronoed 169 p.f. in 2005 and 173 p.f. in 2006, both times out of my 5" Springfield with stock SA barrel. That's perfect. I bought a large quantity of the Wolf stuff awhile back when it was really cheap, and in thousands of rounds, I've never had the slightest problem with it. I'm down to my last case, and when it runs out I'll probably just shoot my own reloads again, as the price of Wolf ammo has gone up quite a bit. I'll admit, I get a bit of glee leaving behind steel cases at "lost brass" matches.....
  20. We have 31 32 33 wheels on-board right now. That's phenomenal, but I would really hate not to seize the opportunity to make history here! C'mon boys. Those of you who are already signed up to shoot, bring a friend along!!
  21. YES!! Excellent, Brett. Guys, I signed up a couple more today at our club match. More great news: Aerosigns has also committed to being there, and might bring along another wheelman! We are precariously close to setting an all-time record. Just a couple more shooters and we're there........
  22. Heh-heh, this from the guy who holds the record for the most "I'll take it!" replies on the BE classifieds.....
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