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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. I've done timing jobs on lots of S&Ws over the years, and have never needed a new extractor. Fitting an oversize hand has always done the trick for me.
  2. I don't think a true group still shot was ever taken, but several cameras have a shot of one of the revolver squads (with me and Sam squeezed in as honorary squad members). Can somebody post it please?
  3. Yes, we can take you as a walk-on, right up to the last second if necessary. That applies to both matches. Try to make that obligation fall through if you can, Brother Walt. We'd sure like to see you shoot this match with us!
  4. Time for you to quit "hiding" in Minor-Land anyway, Bub...... Aerosigns, where is your entry form??????
  5. Sorry, I don't believe I recognize any of those names.......... OK, now that I think about it, I guess maybe the name Timberlake rings a bell.....
  6. Dave, remember the shooting will start around 9:00 each day. For those shooting Friday, it may be more like 10:00, as we will be hanging targets and doing our final stage de-bugging that morning. Spread the word. I think the website still says be there at 7:00, but that's not right. If you're there by 8:30 each day, that'll be just fine. Lots of people are driving in from a couple hours away, and we wanted to make it as user-friendly for them as possible. Based on past years, we are pretty efficient at running shooters through the match, and I expect the shooting to be done by mid-afternoon each day. We will not take a formal break for lunch. Shooters should bring along a sandwich, snacks, drinks, etc. Or you can send somebody to town--McDonalds, Subway, and Casey's are only a couple minutes away.
  7. Awesome news, Bubber!! I was really hoping you'd be able to make it. You'll be interested to know there will be at least two other serious wheelgunners who will be shooting 686s......I'm going to make you wait until game day to reveal their identities. (Note, I am not one of them, my reloading style does not work real well with speedloaders, although just for fun I will be shooting my Model 646 with minor loads, as both my 625s are loaned out!) There will be a lot of talent at this match. And some who will suck out loud! The stages are roughed out, and coming along nicely.
  8. Wow. This time last year Craig, who posts here under the name of Bones, was an expert. A year later he finished second overall. Very impressive. Craig has worked real hard and it shows. Congrats to all. Gary Excellent, and congratulations Bones! Time to switch over and give those B-class USPSA Revolver shooters a run for their money!
  9. And wouldn't that guarantee that we will always remain an amateur (and possibly amateurish) sport, Bob?? I still have visions that someday we will attract some real media attention and spark some real big-time sponsorship interest. If people will sit in front of their TVs for hours on end and watch lumberjack contests, Texas Hold-'em tournaments, and women playing pool, there has GOT To be at least some potential for spectator interest in what we do, for crying out loud. I'd like to at least keep the door open that this could become a true pro-am sport someday. And that means having some sort of reward for the top shooters who are serious about making their living at this sport (although there are only a very few.....)
  10. I think what most of the guys are doing is using the original star in the new cylinder......but I'm not sure that will work with your old cylinder since they changed the design somewhat. Randy will know. I wouldn't follow the "let the hand cut the star" advice. Sounds like BS.
  11. Probably depends on what kind of T-shirt you're wearing.....
  12. God only knows what Sam learned that night.......I've decided it's better off left between Sam and Cliff and those two women they were sitting with at the bar.
  13. Yeah, that should work. Some people believe you should leave the hand alone and open up the window, and in fact they make a special file just for that application. However, I hate doing that because then I am forever committed to using large-thickness hands. When a gun goes out of time, it's usually not because the hand wears, it's because the window in the frame gets wider and allows the hand to slow sideways a little. Go easy, a little material off the hand will make a huge difference in the timing. Stone the right side (looking down the gun), the side without the pins.
  14. Another good reason to turn your muffs off before starting a stage.
  15. Stars?? Looks like mostly a bunch of B actors, walk-ons, and extras.......
  16. Excellent DM! Shooting with responsible kids is great for the parents, great for the kids, and great for the sport.
  17. Shot the first target strong-hand-only as I got my hand on the door knob, yanked the door open, got my weak hand back on the revolver just in time to shoot the max trap twice from the threshold (Alpha-Charlie). I had a great run, and was hoping for a stage win, but Miculek got me. I still felt pretty bad-ass knowing I could crank the wheel fast enough to beat the max-trap.
  18. Just caught this and couldn't help but laugh......used primers, huh??
  19. I can tell you that dgsmith is not speaking for himself, as the issues he is talking about really did not occur in his division at Nationals. But I remember exactly where he was standing during the prize distribution, and he had a unique vantage point to observe the whole situation. Some matches richly reward class winners. The last two years, Area 3 has ensured that a gun is awarded in every class in every division, as long as there were at least three entrants. It was truly awesome to see that much loot paid out, and it was largely due to CZ-USA's generous sponsorship. I tend to be in the "order of finish" camp myself, but I understand there are different (but still reasonable) viewpoints on this. My 13-year-old son has received a couple very nice prizes this year when he has won C class in his division, and that has been very encouraging for him. Once again, if the prize distribution policy is stated up front, and followed to a "T", there really should be no complaint from a shooter who chooses to sign up and play the game.
  20. Do it!! There was one with a speed holster and 100 moonclips for sale on the Classifieds forum a couple days ago....not sure if it's still available....otherwise, you can find nice used 625s at gun shows for $450 or so.
  21. To maintain the integrity of prize distribution at any match, I think the most important thing is to have a clear policy, communicate it ahead of time, and then stick to it. From my vantage point, it appears this was done quite well at Nationals this year. A shooter who knows the deal can decide up front and vote with his or her feet.
  22. Cool--their loss is our gain!! It will be great to have "the other Jerry M." shoot with us! Will you be shooting a 1911 on Saturday also?? (BTW, if anybody needs to borrow a single-stack gun or other gear, drop me a line....) Anyway, send your entry form up to Brad and we'll get you on the list. I haven't looked at the list of entrants in the last 10 days or so, but I'm hoping that we're pushing the 30 shooter mark by now for Revo. We have a GM and a bunch of Ms on board, including one excellent wheelgunner coming back from semi-retirement just to shoot this match (and I fully expect him to be quite competitive)! You guys will also see a couple familiar names that you don't ordinarily associate with revolver--be sure you don't take them too lightly! I am lending both my 625s out to shooting friends who are experienced IPSC competitors, but have never shot a match with a wheel--that should be fun to watch! I am also very pleased to note that we have several revolver shooters who have joined USPSA because of this match! Dave, let's be sure to mention this in the Front Sight article, OK? I will be shooting on Friday, but Sam is planning to shoot Sunday with you guys. Perhaps Cliff can re-open the negotiations on the prospective "frame for hair" trade deal he initiated with Sam at Nationals......
  23. We all felt horrible for him at the time, but by beer-thirty in the afternoon it sure was funny! Man, I cannot wait to see the video!!
  24. Just talked to Dan on the phone just now, and much of our conversation focused on how many truly excellent revolver shooters are in the game at the national level, compared to just a couple years ago. I think by next year's Nationals there could easily be 8 or 10 wheelgunners running in that 80+% club. Congratulations again to Nils for his GM card. He proved to everyone at Nats that he is truly worthy of it.
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