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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. That's true. Oddly enough, Sam's 25-2 needs 4.3 grains of Clays to make major with 230s, despite its 6.5" barrel. My 5" 625s are OK with 4.1, but I don't want to piss around making two different loads, so I just load everything with 4.3 grains. One nice thing is I don't ever have to sweat the chrono--out of my gun those loads will generally make 175+ p.f.! There's no point trying to cut it too close. The realistic difference in feel between 165 p.f. and 173 p.f. is not something you will ever notice under match conditions.
  2. Plenty of crimp is a good thing for ammo used in revolvers.
  3. I like the way you think, bro!
  4. Those grips can be ordered from Bob Perdue. You can contact him at bob@twotandogs.com
  5. Yep, DS-10s are the balls!
  6. Good gosh, ol' Roger R. will have the poor guy running around the range with a Ruger GP100 and HKS speedloaders. No chance of that.... if I decide to use speedloaders I have a K-frame and Comp III's Man, what a gamer you are!!
  7. Plenty of crimp will accomplish that goal at any reasonable OAL.
  8. You use cast RN for WHAT??? This must be an imposter..... Skip What I really meant to say was that I shoot lead for practice matches (local stuff) and jacketed for real matches (major events). Practicing is unethical.
  9. You'll have to catch them on a day when they're not all tied up with their personal trainers and nutritionists.
  10. You quit dicking around with my work!!
  11. That's a great picture of my trick hammer, Dave--mind if I use it? It kinda reminds me of a silver snake all coiled up and ready to strike! Thanks for the kind words--you should be all set for steel and ICORE with that rig.
  12. I use cast lead RN for practice and Zero 230-gr. RN for matches. 4.3 grains of Clays. And plenty of crimp.
  13. We've talked about the topic an awful lot around this area over the past couple years, in the wake of several events involving students at the high school my kids attend. In fact, everybody talked so frickin' much about it, glorifying the first kid's "victim" status so intensely, that it spawned several additional incidents that appear to be of a copycat nature. Nobody wants to be the one to point out that for every suicide victim, there's also a murderer.....who happened to have been the same person. I'm really starting to think suicide needs to be taboo topic.
  14. Um... Can we get the title of this thread edited. I'm pretty sure that's a spoiler. At least it is for me!!! I was thinking Will Smith + film = Good. I will thank you for saving me from seeing this movie. It's not a spoiler. The very first scene of the movie shows Will Smith's character calling in his own suicide to 911. The rest of the movie is essentially a flashback.
  15. Good gosh, ol' Roger R. will have the poor guy running around the range with a Ruger GP100 and HKS speedloaders.
  16. Yeah, but wouldn't it be great to draw in a whole bunch of those serious shooters who normally shoot in other divisions, but might just be willing to run a wheelgun if they didn't have a scheduling conflict with another local major match that same weekend?
  17. We have heard for years that S&W might be bringing out an 8-shot revolver in 9mm. I was really interested in this concept back when you could still buy cheap generic 9mm ammo....back when it was almost cheaper than reloading....back when most of us shot WWB and left our brass laying on the range. Now, not so much. There are a few 6-shot revolvers in 9mm, the S&W 547 and the Ruger -Six series come to mind. But again, these days there's really no advantage created. For steel matches, if you don't want to mess with .38 Short Colt (the advantage of using that cartridge is quicker reloads, which is usually not an issue at most steel matches), you can simply load up a bunch of light steel loads in .38 Spl. brass. That brass is readily available and plenty cheap.
  18. Saw it yesterday. It was very well acted. But with some of the stuff that's happened at our local high school the past couple years, the last thing we need is a movie that glorifies suicide.
  19. I really like the Dawson magwell and base pads on my P14-45 (which I specifically set up for L-10 a few years back), but I realize it is a commitment. I had repeated breakage issues with tungsten guide rods in this gun and others, so now I just use a stainless guide rod and can't really tell the difference shooting the thing. I could not get the trigger pull to where I was happy with it using the stock Para parts, but after replacing the trigger components with aftermarket stuff it's a nice crisp 2# pull, which is a big improvement. I also replaced the stock thumb safety with a big Ed Brown single-sided paddle safety (unless you're a lefty, there's no real need for ambi, if you think about it). My Para's factory barrel wasn't fit real well, so I installed an Ed Brown stainless match barrel and it fits and shoots very nicely. I have several other Limited/Limited-10 pistols which cost a whole lot more, but I like shooting the Para and never feel undergunned with it in the slightest. A couple times I've considered selling it, but when I pull it out of the safe and handle it a little, I always decide to hang onto it.
  20. Question answered in post #5 above. BTW, the loop goes on and off with an allen screw (or maybe two, I can't remember) so you can easily remove it without permanently altering the holster.
  21. The answer, of course, is to quit practicing. Practicing is unethical anyway.
  22. The first time was at the Summer Blast a couple or three years ago. I was walking from one stage to another with my range bag in my right hand. I let it rub against the holstered gun and either my arm or the bag slid the locking lever to the unlock position and plop it went. The second time was earlier this year at a local match. They had a goofy-ass start where you had to have your strong knee on the ground--on the buzzer you had to grab a fake grenade and throw it at a big board out in front of you--they announced it would be a procedural if you didn't make an effort to hit the board (yeah, I know...), so you had to do a pretty decent wind up before throwing it. Between the process of jumping up from kneeling and throwing the goddam grenade, when I reached for the gun it was gone. I looked down and there it was on the ground--my first and only DQ. Neither of these would have happened with a "regular" kydex holster. Between those experiences and the couple times I've left the friggin' lock on and practically ripped my belt off trying to draw the gun, I decided to give up on the CR Speed for USPSA stuff. I'll probably keep using it for steel shooting, etc., but the truth of the matter is a lightning fast draw is not all that necessary for USPSA shooting anyway.
  23. It won't do you any good because it involved a bullet that is no longer being sold (Bushwhacker 125-gr. RNL sized .357). I shot up the rest of my supply this past year and need to develop another load. For the record, I used Titegroup powder (can't remember how much, and I'm at the office so I can't check) and of course Starline brass, and plenty of crimp.
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