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Everything posted by uod

  1. USPSA @ Palmetto Gun Club -- www.charlestonuspsa.com ... I hear the match director is really awesome too.
  2. We put on a 6 stage match that averages about 125-140 rounds. We do some setup the night before, and the rest starting at 0800 the day of for those that want to help and shoot for free. Registration opens at 0900, first shots fired at 1000. We see an average of about 50-60 shooters a month. On a good month, tear down starts around 1230-1300. On a bad month, we see it start at 1300-1400. We only ask that a squad tear down their own bay, and that never should take more than 15 minutes.
  3. Hi! I'm the match director at Palmetto Gun Club in Charleston, SC. We have several Savannah guys (and a gal) that drive up to our matches on the first Saturday of every weekend. As someone mentioned above, Ricky316 is one of the guys that makes the trip every so often, but there are many others as well.
  4. We are going to try to host it again in Charleston next year. We will know for sure within the next month or so.
  5. Nevermind -- just got another email from a staff member asking to withdraw. So -- I need one more.
  6. And .... it looks like we have filled those two staff slots now. We're all set for the match. We do have shooter slots open on both days if anyone still wants to shoot the match.
  7. I had two staff drop out --- need to fill those positions. PM me if interested. I think I got one guy who is already going to take one, but I need others. MUST be certified as an RO/CRO for these particular spots. The people who dropped were ROs, and I need to get similarly qualified people to restore the balance.
  8. I forgot that I already had formulas setup in Excel for this. Here's a prelim dump of the data based off of a current pull of the registration file. As long as I didn't screw up the formulas somewhere, this should be accurate. (edit : Corrected formatting) Note : This doesn't include shooters who are currently registered as unclass. This data is as the shooter entered it, not pulled from the classification database. Inaccuracies will be present if the shooter entered bad data. 2 7 17 26 24 8 Prod GM Prod M Prod A Prod B Prod C Prod D 0 0 1 1 5 1 L10 GM L10 M L10 A L10 B L10 C L10 D 4 6 13 26 17 3 Lim GM Lim M Lim A Lim B Lim C Lim D 1 3 1 6 4 1 SS GM SS M SS A SS B SS C SS D 2 0 0 2 2 1 Rev GM Rev M Rev A Rev B Rev C Rev D 3 10 6 14 5 0 Open GM Open M Open A Open B Open C Open D
  9. The "stats" section on Practiscore doesn't work properly to compute the division/class breakdown. I'll export to Excel and post something up on the website tomorrow giving the breakdown as of the current registration list. I'll post a link here once that is done. Squad list available here : https://clubs.practiscore.com/the-blue-bullets-2015-south-carolina-state-championship-match/squadding Any questions -- just let me know.
  10. Final match book is posted to the website : http://charlestonuspsa.com/?page_id=275 Also --- due to some last minute withdraws, we have a couple more Saturday slots open. We also have about 5 Friday slots open.
  11. Your best bet for printing will be to wait until this coming monday (4/13/2015) when I post the match booklet. It will have all of the stages in easily printable form, along with a ton of other good information. Each shooter will also receive a printed copy of the match booklet during registration. The online copy is in full color, but the printed copy you receive will be in black and white. (Color costs 10x's more to print..... something I didn't realize).
  12. Check the Area 6 FB page for more info on that. The drama is best saved for that page. But --- as Ron169 said --- Chris Palmer has requested that all stages be changed and not posted ahead of time due to some recent events that you can read more about on the Area 6 FB.
  13. I *might* end up needing another staff member or two. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
  14. You may have just checked right before they were posted. They were just posted over the weekend. I'll be making a few updates to those shortly. The match book is almost complete as well. I'll be posting a draft of that by the weekend.
  15. The prelim stages were posted on our official match website (direct link to stages : http://charlestonuspsa.com/?page_id=231 ).We will be making corrections / updates on a few minor errors we found --- and also making updated based on NROI feedback. Stages were already submitted to NROI several weeks ago. Round count is 261 -- pending changes that may adjust this by +/- a couple rounds.
  16. We have had some people withdraw and some shooters dropped for non-payment. I have processed through just about all of the waitlist at this point. It looks like we are going to end up with a few Saturday slots left if anyone wants to shoot. We also have a few Friday slots left as well.
  17. PM me --- or, shoot an email back to any of the match registration emails that we received. If you registered for Saturday but were assigned to Friday, this was a mistake. We'll see if it can be corrected.
  18. This coming Sunday is our last day for payment. We've got about 18 people who have not paid. I am going to make calls and do my best to get in contact with everyone before we drop them. I'll be processing more shooters on the waitlist on Monday morning.
  19. For those of you on the waitlist : I'll be processing through another 7 shooters this weekend. That puts me at roughly the first 20 people on the waitlist getting spots. If your name is up, you'll get an email sometime Sunday with more information. If you want to know where you are on the waitlist, just PM me and ask. I'll be happy to let you know.
  20. I've processed through the first 17. I've got somewhere around 13 left on the list.
  21. Couple of important announcements : 1. TODAY (2/21) is the last day for payment for those that ordered a jersey. I made of list of everyone I could find in the registration dump that has not paid but asked for a jersey, and those people should have received an email just a few minutes ago. I'll be making phone calls later today as well just to make sure everyone has a chance to pay. 2. March 15th is the last day for payment for those that didn't order a jersey. This is also the last day to request a full refund. (Partial refunds will be permitted up until April 1st). 3. I have started processing through the wait list as people withdraw from the match or change to Friday slots. I have already emailed the first 12 or 13 people on the list. I'll be continuing to make my way down the list as I get spots opened. 4. There are a fair amount of people who have not paid. Please try to get your payments in as soon as you can.
  22. Posting just to follow this thread. I've had the exact same problem --- and I have yet to figure out how to get those stats to work.
  23. Yes -- this was all in the iOS version. We use Nooks for scoring during the match, and a Nexus 7 as the master during the match. I then hop onto our range wifi with my personal iPhone to grab the match down at the very end so that I can use it to upload the results to Practiscore. My iPhone essentially becomes the master when the match is over. The webfile export worked without issue. There was a warning that the name of the club (PGC) didn't match the name of the club code (SC03 - Palmetto Gun Club) --- but this is just because Practiscore has us listed as one and USPSA has us listed as the other. It still went through without issue. The activity file also worked without issue. I was able to do a classification sync with the touch of a button, and then export and email the activity and web files to myself. I was able to do everything that I always used to do using Practiscore in the front and EZWS at the end .... but, this time I cut EZWS completely out of the picture.
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