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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. I know Area 3 and 5 are a little way off but what the heck? Whom of us are going to Area 3 (Columbia MO)? Area 4 (Shreveport LA)? Area 5 (Kentucky Indiana Border)? What about a revolver squad at them, I know A-4 is likely to late for that? I am intending on making them and have sent A-4 money and will try very hard to make the other two. Area 3 because it is about 6 hrs and area 5 because it is right before the Nationals. Hope to see ya'll there SAM KEEN
  2. With a week to go we have: 11 open 8 limited 20 tactical At the TN Tactial match the Army team told me they intended to come ( 4 more) and I have had several calls and e-mails last week so we may get 50 Every one drive carefully, and see ya'll Friday sometime for some and Saturday for all. And before I forget, THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!! SAM KEEN
  3. Thanks Cliff, I am the match director for the Mississippi 3gun held next weekend so ya'll will likely not hear from me too soon, After that is A-4 where I plan to have my B$#T cleaned and handed back to me in a bag by Jerry M. but it will be fun, I shot it limited last year and had a ball, this year will be the REVO. Keep the suggestions Coming, I would like to get this thing into a good anual match that even the bottom feeder shooters would like to lay their guns down and come shoot with us.(high hopes?) Cliff you going to A-4? I did not get to meet you at AL last March. See ya'll somewhere, shoot straight, and reload FAST SAM KEEN
  4. Shot this again today with the Limited gun results as follows: time: 6.98 57 points HF 831661 I am right handed. at the buzzer turn to the left,on the right target get a good sight picture on the first target and just index through them and let the shot go when the front sight falls back down on the next target, reload and go left to right same as the first time with the sight picture. the reason I go left is the gun is always following your body now going away from it. This run will not go to USPSA but what would the % be?
  5. Shot this Sunday at our match revolver B 8.23 55 points 6.6828 HF What would that be as far as what will go down at USPSA? Shot this again today 7.83 54 points 6.8965 HF bad reload 2.79 seconds (should be closer to 2.00) Hopalong
  6. Update as of now we have: Open - 11 Limited - 6 Tactical - 17 We have Plenty of room for more shooters, drag someone with you kicking, and screaming it doesn't matter. as of right now everyone has a 1 in 10 chance of getting their name pulled for a gun If anyone has problems with a hotel room please let me know, or mention Nathan Hendrix along with 3-gun block or Crssa block. Comfort Inn 662-287-4421 this thing is going to cause me to pull all my hair out I still have not heard from Jeff Cramblit, can anyone drop him a line? He e-mailed me back in March and said he intended to make it.
  7. Dajarel If we do this and have an IDPA portion of the match yes we will shoot more stages,I myself and everyone else I know do not like going to a match and not getting their "Monies worth" of bullets down range. Keep the input coming, I mentioned it to several of the guys in the club today and they were interested, one of them shoots only OPEN BLASTERS but said if it was revo. only he would get in on it. I am shooting at A-4 in 5 weeks during some of the down time I will get with Jerry and get his input on this Thanks guys SAM KEEN
  8. O. FISH AL Redneck Yes Spring 2005 so we can be on the "first match of the year" list? what ya'll think and If he's the guy who shot with my boss, Stan Wigginton years back his name is Mike Plaxico. different disciplines of shooting will go by their rules but will be open to non members who would like to give it a try. example: Sharpshooter in IDPA can shoot in the USPSA match but unless he is a member and is classified he Could shoot the USPSA match as Unclassified and vise/versa ect. Back to Spring of 2005 if we decide to do this thing that will give us time to advertise the match and maybe get a good turnout. Anybody Know how many make it to the IRC each year? SAM
  9. Gillster The reason I sugested USPSA and IDPA is here in South Tennessee, North Mississippi, we don't see any ICORE at all, the club in Anniston AL was shooting it but no longer do. There for just because of familiarity I sugested them. Phara There would be 2 divisions in USPSA limited and Open limited would go down as the revolver rules are written now. Open would be Shoot what you Bring as long as it has a Cylinder. I can not tell you about ICORE because all I know about it is Jerry has won all the IRC. The IDPA part if we have it would be speed loaders in one division and moon clips in the other. Bubber Corinth, Mississippi is 12 miles from our range. I might could talk our buddies in Memphis to let us shoot there instead(about 2 hours for us to their range) but that would cost us Range Fees where there would be none at our own range Bill As for PPC and Bianchi, we have no experiance with any of that so we would be "shooting in the dark". If anyone is Familiar with the other disiplines and if we do this thing they might be the Match Director for that disipline Spring time would be a good time for as the summer gets longer more matches are avaliable to us. and it would give all those who are cooped up and are ready to shoot a good excuse. More Comments and suggestions PLEASE. SAM KEEN Oh yeah, one quick shot in the arm. The Mississippi 3 gun is not full www.crssa.com
  10. Alright, I can tell from all the hits of poeple looking at this thread that there is some interest out there. Come on and give your "two cents" worth It doesn't have to be IDPA/USPSA ya'll jump in here and give me some opinions and ideas and we'll we if we can come up with a workable solution. We don't have to hold it at our range but I was volunteering it. SAM KEEN
  11. This should not count being I was using one of those TUPPER WARE things Production Glock 17 100% factory gun 11 pound trigger and all 17.46 seconds 67 points HF- 3.8373 I started left top, down, middle, right, up. did make up one shot into hardcover. Hopalong
  12. Stages are up for the MS 3-gun championship Go to www.crssa.com click on practical pistol and then click on the link that says CLICK HERE for stages. Thanks to Lynn Jones for all the help getting them up !!!!!! The Match is not full but I am still getting an entry or two a day For those who have already entered, I will see you in two weeks or so, I will get a rough schedule posted on the website very soon, (before Monday) For those who are holding back, Come on IN the waters FINE SAM KEEN
  13. I watched SG shoot her run on it, when she got to the last PP and threw the 2nd shot at it she started giggling and could not stop for a good two minutes. Oh yeah we had a blast too. I started left pp came in reload right pp came in: 8.56 52 points 6.0748 HF REVOLVER could someone tell me how it stacks up? BTW she also picked up her shooting a notch and looked very good doing it, now just to polish and ya'll will be telling her not to show up with an open gun in B class SAM KEEN
  14. Gillster, It would be a match where if you wanted to shoot ONLY USPSA or ONLY IDPA that would be possible, or if you wanted to shoot both that would be possible too. IDPA will not sanction a match that does not recognize all 4 divisions so the IDPA part would be run by those rules but not count towards the Nationals. there would be a IDPA Champion, a USPSA champion and A Combined Champion. the easyest way to do the combined would be add the number where place in each match and come up with a total, the lowest number is combined Champion. example: Bill Nesbit is 3rd IDPA and 8th USPSA his number would be 11 and then just compare numbers for the Combined. This would be a good way for all revolver shooters to get together and not only compete but watch the others and maybe get some of the other "crowd" to swap over . At the time this is just a glimmer in the eye, without much feedback it will die on the stem. SAM KEEN AKA: Hopalong
  15. On the way to the range today a friend of mine and I were going over a bunch of subjects and the "no Competition" thing came up again. I came up with the Idea of a 2 day match for revolvers only, 1 day would go to the IDPA rules and 1 day to the USPSA rules. Match fees maybe 50 bucks for each or both for 75 and have decent prize table? or prize money back for USPSA, IDPA will not go for that. Our Range is in North Mississippi in the north east corner 20 mile from Al and 6 mile from TN. we can do 6 stages each day maybe 7 or 8 for the idpa part due to the 18 round limit per stage. Mr. Jerry M. you know the guy who shoots the round gun like its a bottom feeder is only 6-7 hours away from us and I'm sure he'd come if we make sure he knew about it in plenty of time If there is enough feedback and we can get at least 30 shooters each day we might give this a run If we decide to try this we would need all your help in getting the word out further than just this forum. SAM KEEN
  16. Wakal. i have a Springfield Scout/Squad and had the same question so I e-mailed USPSA . the response was as follows: The comp/break cannot be over 1 inch in diameter along the axis of the bore, and it can not be over 3 inches long from the crown/rifling to the end of the break as Kurt said. So Kurt Is THE MAN with the plan Kurt, I am ready for the MS 3-gun things are coming together
  17. hey guys, At the Alabama Section this last March there were 9 or 10 revolver shooters, Cliff Walsh won the thing but he had Competition, 2nd had 91 % and 3rd had 89% (Thats Me) I think the points Series will help a little but the fact of percentages is the bigger problem here. There are more Autos out there than Revolvers. My bet is there are more Tupper ware autos used than revolvers owned by competitive shooters. I started shooting revolver with a Ruger gp 100 in IDPA, then got the 610, our club in Corinth, MS will have 5-10 revolvers at a montly match. I also shoot a limited gun and shot it exclusively last year ,went from C-A class limited in 8 months so I thought I would "catch the Revolver up" now that the A class limited gets me to B revolver I will have to get the classifier percentage up to 60% or better. Personal goals and drive to beter oneself is one of my motivating factors. Back in March I went to Memphis and shot the 610 at the Indoor Idpa match (70 shooters or so) I had not shot any IDPA in about 3 months and had not been practicing much at all, just enough to keep the rust off me and the gun I ended up winning the revolver division and was 14 overall and I'm not that good with one of these things (yet?) the satisfaction to me was the fact of smoking a bunch of Autos in the hands of a few that know how to use them correctly helped a whole bunch. There was a young lady there that shot revolver from either MO or Ar and she had not been shooting long but she was quite qood so with time and bullets down range we will have to watch our backs because she IS coming. Revolvers are more Common in IDPA than USPSA because of the "revolver friendly" stage setup and the 18 round rule per stage i think but to me USPSA is more challenging from all aspects of the game, what we need to do as USPSA enthusiasts is to go to these IDPA matches shoot with them (because they are gun owners too) and get some of them converted to USPSA. I have managed to get 3 of the guys down here to do that so if there is a will there is a way. I will see ya'll at Area 3,4,5 and the Nationals, and Sectionals around TN see ya there
  18. Hi SG what are you doing up at 4:30 in the Morning on a Saturday? "are you crazy?" Hopalong and give the RB H#@L !!!!
  19. Just got a slot !!!!!!! I shot PASA last year for the first time, HAD TONS O FUN, now got to figure out how to shoot wheel guns in the dark (Surfire Darkhouse) How about a "wheelgun Squad"? Hopalong
  20. Thanks Doug, I have been under the impression that the trouble powder was just CLAYS. I use Winchester Super Field for My .40 S&W I may just work up a load for that powder and not worry about using other powders. Quick note: I got a slot for the Nationals so look for the guy who resembles his nickname I will run the "shootin iron" if it is back "on-line" if not the back up 610 will have to do As for I'M OK, The biggest thing that told me it did it was the sight going away, the gun recoiled but didn't feel that much different.(shooting srong hand only on the plate rack) the guys watching said I slamed the plate down though. have a good weekend, I am going to Memphis Sunday and shoot the "other shootin iron" to start getting back friends with it. SAM KEEN
  21. Ok guys(and Gals) The "shootin Iron" took a beating but is still quite sound. I am going to have it looked at by a "smith". the cylinder where it is notched to lock up at the time of ignition is the weak spot. right above it is one of the holes pre drilled for scope mounts when she blew, gas went up the hole and thus blew the sight off. on the backstrap there is an indention where the split in the cylinder marked it so I can reasonally believe that it has been stretched at least. I have up till now shot .40 S&W through either my 610 or my bottom feeder and shoot the same load in both and load it on a 650 with a smooth deliberate rythm and look at the shells as they hit the 3rd station where the optional powder sensor is. I was in the process of ordering the stuff to reload .45 ACP on the 650 and was conveniently using a friends 550 instead of the ROCK CHUCKER like I had in the past. I really thought I had payed attention to what I was doing though. Now back to the 610 until the "shootin iron" can be replaced or repaired which ever is the better way out. Thanks for the Input guys, I will see some of you at A-4 and if I can get a slot, the Nationals
  22. Hi Patriot, I have a Springfield Scout Squad rifle, and use it for 3-gun, shot my First Major match with it at Tennessee Tactical. I have had Zero problems with this gun, the only thing is the Factory break is not USPSA legal ( a hair to long) it needs to be 3 inches or less from the end of the rifling out. If you have a good machinist he can put the break in a lathe and trim some off of the end. I myself have a break that is 2nd generation from Springfield on mine. I spoke to the Rifle Engineer at the Factory gun Nationals last year and told him about the too long he said at the time they were developing some new ones for the SOCOM and that he had a shorter more efficient one on a gun they were testing.(the SOCOM). According to him the break on the Standard Scout/Squad will let the Muzzle rise on a true M14 in full auto, the one I have will hold it relatively still, and the one on the SOCOM will actually drive the Muzzle down in full auto IMPRESSIVE to say the least. Magazines are the real deal here, the GI 20s will run forever if you keep them clean and in good shape, you will need to replace the springs eventually. Maybe when(I really HOPE) the Ban on magazines sunsets we will be able to get good reliable 30 rounders. I have one cheapo that actually works 99% of the time. I reload my .308 for I also have a National Match that I shoot in NRA Hi-Power. for My scout/squad i load 42 gr of IMR 4034 (light Blue can) using the Bulk Winchester 147 gr fmj and use winchester large rifle primers. I crimp on the Canalure of the bullet. this will give me enough to make the New Power Factor in USPSA. (340000) in my gun, different comp/break may not.I also have a Tasco red dot on the forward mount, I have come to like it and it will shave about 2 seconds a run off a course with 10-14 targets. with the red dot (3 minute dot) this rifle will shoot 3 inch or less groups with the above load. I have not shot it past 200 yds ever so I can not tell you anything about that. At our last quarterly 3-gun Uspsa match I won the limited division aggregate due to the fact that I shot Major rifle if I had shot my AR-15 the points difference would have put me behind one of those Matel Toys. My next Project SPRINGFIELD SOCOM Good Luck with your delima, I am sorry I can only help with one side of the problem but I am not hesitant to recomend the Scout/Squad the standard rifle to me is too long and is way more brutal. SAM KEEN
  23. Hi ya'll just a quick update: Limited 4 Open 10 Tactical 19 I have spoken to several that have said they intend to come but have not recieved their entry forms yet my guess is around 10 more that I know of. keep the pressure on those who have not committed the more the merrier See ya'll in 3 weeks SAM KEEN Also a reply to Benny's quote. "its going to be a shotgun hosefest" You got some of it right
  24. Way to go JFD !!!!!! Congrats Now you are in the class where all the A class shooters who are trying hard to not make master are Hopalong
  25. I know I am kind of Late with this but I have just now found it. My buddies and I shoot the plate rack with 8 inch plates. Free style from left to right and then right to left. all seperate strings. Bianci plates, 10 yds 6 seconds, 15 yds 7 seconds, 20 yds 8 seconds, 25 yds 9 seconds, 30 yds 10 seconds, 35yds, 11 seconds, 40 yds 12 seconds, 45 yds 13 seconds. a perfect score is 48, you shoot 1 shot per plate and do not make up shots. while shooting this at each position we also shoot strong hand and weak hand with no set time, shoot for center of plate. you will be surprised how quick the strong hand and weak hand improve. should go like this: 10 yds. draw and shoot 6 plates left to right in 6 seconds, draw and shoot plates right to left in 6 seconds. draw and shoot plates right to left strong handed, just hit them. draw transfer to weak hand and shoot 6 plates left to right, take your time, make sure you squeeze the trigger and don't JERK it with the left hand, That is the key to weak hand shooting CONTROL THAT FINGER. after 10 yds go to 15, 20 ect. this will burn around 200 rounds so it is a good practice session all by itself. I don't recomend shooting it cold but don't shoot it after very much other shooting. try bill drills to get warmed up then plates. GOOD LUCK Hopalong
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