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Posts posted by short_round

  1. Does the Single Stack have to be a completely different division or can it be a category? That way there is no change to L-10 as it currently exists but gives an opportunity for recognition for those choosing to shoot heavy in L-10.

    You wouldn't have to setup another divison to administrate since everyone would still be classified under L-10. At the matches though, you could compare your scores to everyone else with a "Heavy Metal" check box and even make an award for the highest scoring one like we already do for high senior, junior, or lady.

    just a thought ....

  2. Thanks for all the responses. I broke a lot of guns towards the end of 2004 and I'm wondering if one of my goals for 2005 should be to become a more responsible gun owner - meaning I should clean them before they break.

    Anyway, I was just wondering how neurotic I should become or if it's just me. I'd be happy to go back to not caring, but I was forced to shoot production a couple of matches ago and it wasn't a pretty sight (20 rounds at one plate rack ugly). I'd like my future forays into production to be voluntary.

  3. Happy new year everyone! Speaking of which, does anyone keep a preventative maintenance schedule on their "wearable parts"? Since it's sort of the off season does anyone just replace all their springs ... kind of like a spring cleaning :blink: but in the winter?

    ... or is there anyone that keeps track of the rounds they actually shot and perform changes to that schedule?

    ... or do the majority of people just wait until something breaks then change?

    Maybe a poll is in order.

  4. Normally I don’t worry about how shinny the brass is but after I started using One Shot some of the finished rounds seemed sticky after reloading.

    I experienced this too. I tried the Dillon Lube and it seems to not leave as much residue and definitely not as sticky. It is lighter and evaporates quicker than the one-shot though. It's sort of a trade of.

  5. Is that because it seems such a waste of good rice, or that it make you (and me) vaguely nauseous, or that it just is too weird for words...  :P

    Maybe ... I wonder if our Italian friends would blink if someone suggested macaroni or if someone more mid-western would think it weird if I loaded up my tumbler with cheerios.

  6. As someone who eats rice with just about every meal, there is something that just seems wrong about this whole thread.

    Rice could be so wonderful that it could clean my gun for me, but it still wouldn't seem right to use it.

  7. ... what do you see when you are not looking?

    ... what do you hear when you are not listening?

    ... what do you say when you are not speaking?

    ... what do you find when you stop searching?

  8. Cameron has a great attitude and he is safe. He handles himself very well. I RO'd him on a practice stage we had setup one weekend after it had rained during the week. The ground was really loose. During the COF he came tearing around a corner and slipped. On the way down he kept his gun out in front, parallel to the ground, and pointed down range. His finger was cleary out of the trigger guard. After he "landed" he didn't freak out. He got back up and finished the course of fire. It was extremely well done.

    We'll be watching his progress with interest. :)

  9. SR,

    come and attend a match near Nice (France), and have a seafood dinner with me and my teammates, then we can talk about assimilation... :P:D

    Well ... when you put it that way. All I can really say is Oh la la! I'm feeling a little French already. :D

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