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Posts posted by short_round

  1. good "real life tactic" yes, but this is a game lets not even mention real life here.....

    [007 voiceover - James Bond Collection (the box set) playing in background]

    "the spirit" my dear Moneypenny ... let's not forget the spirit.

    [/007 voiceover - James Bond Collection (the box set) playing in background]

  2. By setting up a shoot-through you are very clearly using a technique that is outside the design intent of the stage to gain competitive advantage.  I just don't buy the 'legitimate tactic' nonsense.  Find me a trainier (anyone, anywhere) who would advocate such a move and I'll concede the point.

    Technically, when engaging multiple targets you want to line them up. That way you can engage them one at a time. The last thing you want to be is surrounded. If that first target where not paper, it would not have been there after two shots to the "upper scoring zone" freeing you to engage the target you setup behind it.

    just a thought ...

  3. With Winning in Mind is okay. I finished reading it the other day. His definition of the self-image and it's importance in performance is interesting as it relates to the conscious and sub-conscious. His directive affirmation method seems appropriate to address that model of thinking.

    I am finding that WWIM probably has more value in the pre and post shooting times as a framework. Since IPSC is freestyle and the courses different for each competition (except classifiers) the "rehearsal" that WWIM talks about is not entirely helpful to me.

    "Create the conditions favorable" -benos to me is more powerful.

    From our Kyudo friends:

    The proper mind is described in Kyudo as "If the mind is proper then the conduct of shooting will be correct. If the conduct of shooting is correct then the release will be correct, too." If you ask what proper mind is, the answer will be "Mushin" (absolute mind) and "Kyoshin" (emptied mind). Mushin is also considered to be a force that works freely, responding as necessary.


    ... spiritual force with absolute mind requires self-restraint, calmness and patience. As a result, concentrated mind is developed ... Once the mind's eye is opened, one can cope with anything with "Fudoshin" (firmness) or with "Heijyoshin" (uninfluenced mind). Then impurities of the mind such as doubtfulness, anxiety, timidness, fear, and low self-esteem, will be naturally removed.

    If someone is using the Directive Affirmation I think they should be careful. If someone were to sincerely reprogram themselves as the first B shooter at the nationals and it does not happen then a self-image conflict is just waiting to happen.

    "to train one's mind up to the stage of no desire of hitting the target" to me seems more healthy and consistent.

  4. <spoilers alert>

    Yeah but the king killed him, then killed a bunch more people to satisfy his apetite as a tyrant. I thought the message was uniting the country wasn't worth all the pain and suffering.

    They had to kill him since he "attempted" to assassinate the king. It was the law.

    Uniting the country was the only reason that made the pain and suffering worthwhile.

  5. The moral of the story is, if you sleep walk, be sure to write your room number down on your hand BEFORE you go to sleep - no matter how sh*tfaced you are.

    I wasn't sleep walking, but I was close to "sh*tfaced" recently. Having left my sharpie in my other pants in another state I couldn't tattoo the room number to my arm. Luckily I was chewing gum so I was able to stick that to the room number placard. All I had to do then was remember what floor I was on ... that's another story.

    Don't you miss the days when they actually gave you a metal key on a plastic keychain with the room number written on it.

  6. Hmmm... now that I am a bona fide killer, I seem to be somewhat more bloodthirsty!

    It's a good thing we're Pinoy. Someone else feeling that way would definitely come back as a cockroach in the next life.

  7. There seem to be some stages designers that take great pains to have a "story" underlying their course of fire. There are others that just like to build interesting shooting challenges without any theme beyond "shoot it".

    Whoa ... this thread is way to close to EYE DEE PEE AYE for me. I abstain from voting and I'm outta here. Whoever said "Freestyle Baby!" can shoot with me. I'll be there with bells, hawiian shirt, dot, and race holster on.

    I don't have the attention span for anything more that show me the 180 and the general direction of the things to shoot at. If you want to talk about this some more you can find me by the keg at the end of the shoot.

  8. This concerns me, and I'll be looking into it, to ensure that we do a better job of compliance and consistency next time.

    Maybe if more of us had volunteered to RO it would have been more consistent. At the end of a 4 hour RO shift I can't tell the difference between a rule section number and the measurements to the playmate of the month. The RO's at this match shot 12 stages on Thursday then worked their stage for 3 full days!

    To make it worse the RO scores weren't counted in the competition because of some thing that happened last year when the RO's shot early and some ding-dong got all the RO scores thrown out (or so I hear.)

    So if the RO's made a couple of mistakes TFB. Call the RM that's what he's there for and if you're still peeved, arbitrate it. Everybody got through the match safely so the RO's fulfilled their primary mission.

    If we really want things to get better we can't put up with the crap that caused the RO's not to be able to compete in the first place and volunteer for a shift next time.

    Besides that ... I had a GREAT Time! Special thanks to WNPL for a fun match and it was nice meeting you Bruce. :D

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