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Posts posted by short_round

  1. I do think it's important that you be aware of how much time some people spend on USPSA work, whether they are being paid for it or not ...

    ... I was about to go on a huge rant, but maybe this is not the place for it.

    All I really want to say is thanks to everyone who works so hard so that others can play.

  2. but you have to be born a Texan.

    I assuming that this is different from "you have to be born IN Texas."

    If not you'll have to take that up with Colonel Travis (born in South Carolina), Stephen Austin (born in Virginia), Sam Houston (born in Virginia), Jim Bowie (born in Kentucky), and others ...

  3. Steal any peaches while you were there? :P:D

    Actually, I wasn't going to ask if the broken gonad was due to a peach stealing monkey ... but since it started, oh well. :rolleyes:

    BTW: Erik's tactibilly comments are nothing, wait until he gets started on the "gay" thing again. He's like Judy Garland on repeat. :P

  4. There was this story of a black belt that kept breaking his little toes. His solution was to have them cut off. At first the surgeon didn't agree to do it. The karateka said that was fine because he would do it himself. Apparently the surgeon believed him and agreed to do it.

  5. do u ever panic when u encounter jams or mis-reloads or loading an empty mag?

    For me it's more like turning my brain on and throwing my immediate actions into the most effective/efficient remedial action that I've ever done with the malfunction that I think just happened. The faster I can turn my brain off again and get back to the shooting the better off I am.

    In the past I would give into the urge to "try to make up the time." It has been my experience that my original plan was the best I could do. If there was a faster way for me to do the rest of the stage it would have been in my original plan.

    Everytime I have gone looking for the faster way to make up the time it just made things worse. So I "try" not to do that anymore. Now I just "try" to transition back into my plan as smoothly as possible after the speed bump I just hit.

  6. Ya gotta love the ninja suit though. :lol:

    Can you imagine how much sh!t that guy would have gotten from the other people in the sport if he wasn't wearing the suit? Everytime he went somewhere to train or compete he would be know as the "peach stealing monkey."

    I can see it now, everytime he approached you would hear:

    "Quick grab your peaches, here comes the monkey."

  7. I'm not so sure ... a monkey attempting to steal the peach on the Egret would get the muzzle pointing right into his upper A/B. Further assuming that the Egret did not wish to spank the monkey, I believe the "upward slap" could be enough to cause an A/D resulting in a headless peachless monkey.

    It's all speculation really ... like who would win in a light saber duel between Darth Maul and the Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi? Can we ever really know?

    Either way, I vote for the Egret.

  8. It seems to me the ideal situation would be to vary your speed/sight picture acording to the shot. 

    This is starting down the correct path but maybe not quite right.

    This might help you ...

    let your eyes dictate the speed you shoot at

    I know it's cryptic, but you're touching on the fringe of what to me is a more advanced concept. You should study these posts and not think of top speed as orginating your body ... it comes from your eyes.

    Also, there is no "slow, med, fast" ... there is only the amount of time it takes to accomplish the hit you want.

    Finally, as far as the no shoots go ... since they are not what you are shooting at, they don't exist.

  9. SR,

    Thanks.  I see the "dor," but where is the "humid" with the $20 especiale?  Or does it really even matter?

    It comes with a little plastic round thing filled with green foam that you can fill up with water.

    I have to be honest though and say I don't use it. I got this digital hygrometer

    and this crystal clear humidifier from Cigar King instead.

    Personally I think it matters. Results may vary though. I know some guys that just put a shot glass filled with water in their humidors and seem to be very happy with the results.

  10. I washed my soccer jersey in my bathroom sink this morning because it smelled bad even to me and I know that the girls on my co-ed team will give me sh!t for it.

    So I go to work and leave it in my car to dry. Well, since it's raining outside ... the shirt is not drying.

    I've got to do something ... 2 minutes and 30 seconds later I have a mostly dry jersey fresh and steaming hot from the microwave. At first I thought the numbers would melt, but they didn't.

    I also recommend turning the jersey over half way through the cycle. Times may vary based on wetness of jersey and microwave power. I used the "cook" setting.

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