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Posts posted by short_round

  1. ....proving to me once again that there isn't enough blood in the male body to make both heads function at the same time....


    Surely someone quoting "Ichi Go Ichi E" appreciates the importance of the tanden which is closer to one head than the other afterall. ;)

  2. I was just thinking ... with sniper's talent for breaking guns and Erik Warren's talent for breaking rear sights, we must take steps to make sure they never mate ... their offspring could be the antichrist of gun breakage!

    No problemo ... just give the little monster a glock.

    Break that! ;)

  3. Are you going to break down the Star Trek folks into old series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise factions?

    I volunteer for Team Old Series.

    I always thought the old series was a little strange because of the noises the computers made. My state of the art 80286 didn't make noises like that. It wasn't until I worked on a Schlumberger ATE with a 20MB harddrive that was size of a dorm room refrigerator and weighed enough to anchor a PT boat that I realized that all the computers circa 1970 made noises like that. Very strange ...

  4. Rest assured you naysayers ... just because YOU can't smell fish ...

    ... not all things that smell fishy are bad ;)

    New England Clam Chowder RULES! and if you're in the right place they'll give you the oyster crackers instead of those square unsalted tops.

  5. If all this has made you hungry for Sushi and you are going to Area 1 here is a place I went to last year ...

    Sushi Club

    Don't let the "All you can eat sushi bar" fool you. This isn't a boat place or a buffet where the food sits out. They make each item as you order it, they just don't keep adding to your bill ... for the food anyway - the sake and beer are a different story ;)

  6. [RANT]Dammit! Who is idiot enough to pick up a frog and lick it's head? ... I can't fathom what possessed the first one to lick a frog head, but I would be willing to bet it started with, "Hey, Ya'll! Watch this!" :huh: [/RANT]

    It's like licking the terminals on a 9V battery. Everyone's done it.

  7. If you're up for a challenge. Go for the blowfish.

    There's a place in San Jose's Santana Row that serves this. Interestingly enough the place is called The Blowfish. Beaucoup buck$ though.

  8. Incidentally, if you've eaten in an "all you can eat place", that's more properly described as "rotting low quality raw fish" than sushi and I can certainly understand hating that  :P

    There is an "all you can eat" place in Reno. It's not buffet style. Basically you keep ordering and they make it and bring it out to you. The only difference from a "restaurant" style place is that they only charge one price instead of keeping score for each order. Maybe we can arrange a trip.

    What I don't understand is how people can eat raw beef (Steak Tartar) <shudder!> (or cooked beef from my perspective but that is at least mainstream)

    :blink:  :wacko:

    The only time in my life I've had Kobe beef, it was served sliced very thin and totally raw. WOw ... best beef I've ever had.

  9. I love good sushi. If it smells, it isn't fresh! Some of it tastes really bad. Don't eat enough of it to no which I like and don't like. TXAG

    You must try the Uni. It's sea urchin if I remember correctly.

  10. I am a shrimp lover. The fresher it is ...

    Ama Ebi or Sweet Shrimp is very nice. They deep fry the head and give the you the body over rice nigiri style. Yes the body is raw. It has a better texture than the cooked because it's more tender. The more you cook shrimp the more like rubber it becomes ... and the antenna on the deep fried heads are crunchy like cheetos. :D

    p.s. How do you eat seaweed by accident?

  11. It took me 3 years to get used to a glock trigger ... now I love it. For me it took a long time. Hang in there.

    I believe a lot of fliching comes from comfort level with the gun. If I shoot a .50 Desert Eagle, after the first shot I will start to flinch. No flinch at all with a .22 for me. All calibers in between have varying results depending on how strong I feel during that session of shooting. Maybe I'll never be comfortable with the .50, but for every other caliber high round count has worked for me. So ... for me the two things that helped the most with flinching is:

    1) double plug (use ear plugs and ear muffs)

    2) shoot lots of Bill Drills (do a search on "bill and drill" ... you'll have lots to read)

    Also, if you aren't already doing so, keep your mouth closed when the shots go off.

  12. I voted for "The first target to be shot," but I will say that if the gun is on a table away from me, and not in my holster, then my focus is on picking up the gun. When I have the gun holstered, I can focus just on the first target and just let the gun come up into my area of focus.

    Same for me.

  13. I'm a Classic fan too.

    Moi aussi ... I'm planning to use them almost exclusively in my stage designs since all the other ones end up using the metrics. At least until we run out of all the ones we have left over from GBC 2004.

  14. Sounds like I need to organize a gang of Star Trek fans, then we can rumble with the Star Wars crowd.

    Don't count out the Battle Star Galactica, Buck Rogers, and Babylon 5 crowds. Are you going to break down the Star Trek folks into old series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise factions?

    Wow, and now that I think about it ... how about Dr. Who, Lost in Space, Thunderbirds, and Red Dwarf?

    and for the fully geeked out ...

    which good guy craft would win in a free for all dog fight:

    1) Colonial Viper (Battle Star Galactica)

    2) Starfighter (Buck Rogers)

    3) X-Wing (Star Wars)

    wich bad guy craft would win in a free for all dog fight:

    1) Cylon Raider (Battle Star Galactica)

    2) Draconian Marauder (Buck Rogers)

    3) TIE Fighter (Star Wars)

    maybe need to start a new poll ...

  15. When I first saw Star Wars (these days known as Episode IV: A New Hope) it blew me away. With 20/20 hindsight I realize that had a lot to do with my being 12 years old at the time, and never having seen anything in the theater before but Walt Disney films.

    My very same experience too.

    I recall having had night dreams populated of space ships and fighters for some days after: I had never seen something like that before, and it struck me, really.

    Isn't it great? Regardless of all the other things that have happened in the world of Star Wars many of us have this wonderful experience that can't be changed by marketing. If you weren't that approximate age at the time you probably wouldn't get it.

    The original Star Wars is a classic in the single stack .45 sense. A lot has happened to it over the years, but the original for its own sake is special to some.

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