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Posts posted by BSeevers

  1. Gun and ammo accuracy is very important. I used to use Hornady ,cause they shot the best groups. I mean for like 15 years but when I started getting 4K of MG for same as 3K of Hornady, well I had to switch.

    Heres why bullet groups count. If my gun shoots a 4 inch group that really like 8 inches of error. So a generous half of an A zone is now a possible A\C or worse 2 C's. You shouldn't worry too much about it but you should also shoot accurate ammo and HP are one of the items you need to do that.

  2. Your getting flowback and its not too bad But it could indicate high pressure so I just have a couple ? Flowback could cause a malfunction by putting too much metal in the firing pin tunnel causing a "click" instead of a bang. I believe in oversized FP's can help but I would not tolerate flowback cause I know it would bite me at a match someday reguardless of oversized FP's. You know fix the problem at the source.

    Are you trying to shoot major? If so you must chrono. I would never shoot a load until I chronoed it a couple times. I saw a guy shooting 1800 fps in a Super til we chronoed him. Unsafe? probably. Hard on gun? Uh yea. Wake up call.

    Your gun is comped? Most people shoot a slower powder putting 8-10 grains of a different powder to get a better comp effect. If not comped, then faster powders do feel better in non comped guns for sure.

    I would recommend a more popular and proven powder. PP is probabaly a good powder but I do this to shoot, not to work to make guns run and you can follow the lead of someone else and use their R&D to get your stuff working very quickly and easily. You can probably make power pistol work, especially if its not major, its just easier to follow others.

  3. The only place is a USPSA match. You would get misinformation from a gun store/gun show(I go to one maybe once a year, most "teach" dogmatic silly stuff like weaver stance and Revo doctrine), I can't spend more than one day a year a public range either.

    IDPA(its a similar but different sport) What division? That determines a lot.

    I would sign her up for Junior camp no matter what.

    I don't know if Julie G teaches but she is kinda close to ya and is a very nice person. Bruce P is up there but I don't think he teaches. Ok maybe move? :surprise:

    Being a M/GM doesn't mean you can teach but I have had a a few people approach me at local matches and ask for help. Some are now pretty good M's so ask around at your club matches. They got free weekly coaching by riding to and shooting matches.

    You are so right to start with good foundation and fundamentals cause unlearning bad habits can take ten times the effort.

  4. Does anyone know what time we need to be at the range to start shooting the match..You know, like shooting begins at.....on Friday..on Sat..Etc


    I haven't been, but threads from past years talk about shooting into the rising sun.

    Its actually worse than that. You know your at the FL Open when the moon is setting and you WAIT for the sunlight. I am not being extreme in this. They start earlier than any match I have been to because of short winter sun and large READ LARGE squads. Have fun its usually the most challenging match of the year.

  5. -just in case anyone is interested in meeting Colleen.


    I'm waaay interested in meeting Colleen!, but unfortunately for me I'm geographically impaired and way past the age a lady like her would be giving the time of day too. For example I was having a beer at a local saloon today talking to the bartender hottie. Things were going great until she told me that she is 24 and both of her parents are younger than me! I'd swear that I was 24 like a year ago or something. What happened!!! lol...

    I will pass along my standard advise in this matter.

    When I hear of someone with daughters of breeding age in or even passing through Ohio, I always warn them of the most successful buckeye gigolo, man whore that I know. THE Bill Seevers... He's my brother so I'm bound by blood to testify for his morals at the yearly paternity trials, but that doesn't mean I can't warn family members of the effect he will have on your young daughters. Sure she'll learn to shoot really ( and I mean REALLY) fast and she'll start groovin on some cool music, but that is the dark side. In the industry we call it ' Fun With Seevers'. 'Fun With Seevers' usually results in extended therapy both physical and mental, only suggested for professionals!

    :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:


    Geesh I gotta an image to keep. :devil:

    PS How old is Colleen? :goof:

  6. Its a complete process not a technique that you write as step 1, step 2......

    To get there sometimes you do need to learn stuff as a process, that's why I first teach a 60/40 grip pressure to get the fundamentals of USE YOUR WEAK HAND TOO. Look for results and eventually it will come down to Shoot the gun, call the shot, repeat.

    I guess relate it to say sliding a motorcycle around the dirt curve, You don't stsrt doing it but a M will do it without thought and "in the moment" responding and driving to inputs. He too learned "grip" and stuff like that.

  7. Calling that "tube" thing rube golberg is being too kind.

    I have always had a hood on. You only really need it once or twice a year but the first time your dot disappears while you are shooting a course you will buy one.

  8. I agree totally that agressiveness (without missing or non shot calling) is KEY to high level performance. Too many can have a "romance" with dryfiring, stage prep, visualizing, or other factors and forget that this is a physical activity and requires some aggressiveness. Its all good.

    I shoot my best when I attack a stage. The important thing to remember is this is NO substitute for practice. You can't successfully be aggressive until you master fundamentals. All you will do is miss fast if you don't.

  9. Non +P brass doesn't show primer problems or pressure. Well I guess it could swell enough to cause extraction problems but I don't think so. It just blows away at the ramp. +P was invented to prevent this problem. Research "Super Face" to find some examples. If your lucky that's all ya get, if your not it sets off the entire mag and you get to buy a new frame or new palm skin. Since major is now 165 and we have modern powders so you might be ok(Thats why some get away with it) but I would never use it. I throw it away.

    +P is just brass with a thicker web to prevent this. Of course its capacity is a little less because of the thicker web.

    I would not use it at all even for minor steel loads since I would be worried about getting it mixed in the major stuff.

  10. Thanks. I kinda thought 10' was where I needed to be at. Was just curious of what was done at major matches.

    Watch out, at majors there are usually 2 chronos in a row so account for that extra 3 feet!!

    Seriously load with a cushion cause there are many other variables and in Prod you shoot for NO score if you go sub minor. Going minor in other divisions is usually 5-10% drop in the standings.

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