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Posts posted by BSeevers

  1. I used 3N37 in my 40 for 3 years. Works great. Switched to 320 last year and perceived recoil is less. I would be very careful in glock. I saw three or 4 blow up when 40 first came out. People tried to load them with 1911 loads

  2. Sorry guys I forgot to plant my tongue in cheek. I know all these guys stories. Just trying to be funny, especially Bill Wilson/Jeff Cooper since they dumped us. Jethro RETIRED!! What is he 25? Im close to twice his age(well maybe not but significantly older) and am not looking to retire

    (Edited by BSeevers at 8:35 pm on April 1, 2002)

  3. You can easily load nine for less than .08 rd not counting brass which is REAL cheap. That .10 sounds real good to me though. if I could buy accurate and consistant Super for that I would. Although self-loaded ammo is generally more accurate and cheaper. Its really the only way to shoot Major super

  4. Get a pistolsmith to chamber ream your barrel. Some one who knows what they are doing and uses a Clymer reamer. You could shorten the round but I think it won't be as reliable. Sounds like an unfinished chamber which is real strange for a foctory gun

  5. I throw cans on the backstop and practice shooting them. It is very easy to get sloppy with movement shooting so I refine my acceptable target slop to this appx six inch group. A fast miss is a bad thing. Ditto on the shoot on the upstroke.

  6. Gee 6 pages I'll have to join in. Course I read it over the course of 2 hours and forgot most my points :-)

    Couple points that stuck out. The Rob's Jerry's and Todd's are definitley a head above everyone else but so is Tiger Woods and his band of brothers. There is a Sub Pro golf tour that is as big as the real one. All earned their way and deserve respect. If you have set foot on the path they are on you know somewhat of what it takes.

    The seperate list or class of Pro shooters is like the current class system. Very hard to maintain. Adam Poppewell, Matt Mclaren, list goes on, so see how you forgot these guys although any could win an Area or Nats. ( side moral of story # of good shooters has went WAY up)

    When I shoot the Nationals I get a feeling I am there to compete against the best. I think a 1000 person Nats is a good idea. The best will still be there. (Mike, run for Prez again, you are level headed and intelligent, I might vote for you this time)

    I don't think anyone on the forum has "class" envy but we must guard against putting policies in effect so "John pro or good Smith" doesn't win anymore. I have been shooting a long time and at a lot of places and have seen the worst in people. People will cheat to win or keep others from winning.

    As for shooting for fun or not keeping score. If you look at the match final results to see where you placed then you care about it. If not then let's never keep score. Please we all are competing at some level. I had a lower class shooter beat me on a stage last year and you should have seen him shine. Made me remember the first time I beat the local hotshot. I felt good for him but I'll never let him do it again :-)

    We just need to keep it all in perspective. I have been dead last and have won quite a few matches. Never thought winning sucks. I shoot for my reasons and you for yours. This is and never will be a sport for the common folk. What I mean is it takes a certain type person to do this. I call them competitors or doers. That's why 50,000 of us shoot on Sun. There are MILLIONS sitting on the couch watching NASCAR. They will never be with us. There are probably another 100,000 out there somewhere, that would make great Practical Shooters.

    "Pro" class we already got. Its called GM. Don't forget, to use PGA example again, there are more golfers you don't know on the circuit then the Tiger/Jerry Barnhart's you do. There can only be one best of the best. I strive for perfection and when I achieve it, I will be there.

  7. I read about beating yourself up after a poor porformance. I do it too. Here is how I do less to myself. The truth is if you do the El Prez down 2 in 4.66 or down 15 in 8.66 it's done. You can't change it. Accept it if needed and move on. Sometimes I need more stress to get me interested in my shooting but that's another story.

  8. I just got a Ghost tonight and I like it better than my Limcat. The lever on the Limcat gets in the way on a scooping draw that I do. It slowed me down just a little from my 011 with Arrendando platform. ( probably.05 on average) I almost clipped it off til I read about a shooter that ruined his. The Ghost is a pain to set up but seems good for me. It also rests against your leg at the bottom of the holster,  like a 012,  so it really is more stable than a Limcat on draws.  I was also dissappointed at Johnny Lims service as I emailed him twice with no response. Anybody want a good deal on a Limcat less than a year old.

    (Edited by BSeevers at 8:42 pm on Mar. 28, 2002)

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