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Posts posted by BSeevers

  1. Who is this Bill and how can I shoot with him?

    Shooting is shooting and I really like the quote that shooting is simple but not simple to get good at. I think when you get past ten/eight/six rds being the reason you shoot a stage a certain way(very often true) its all about Points, Positions, Transitions and Footing. Now I agree that a Prod C might not take the same 19 yd shot that I do with my Open but there is something to learn from everybody and I believe if a Open guy's run affects your Prod run then if your say a C Prod then a GM Prod might do the same thing to your performance. Shoot your game and back to the org thread post. I think when you start you shoot against your class/div but later you might shoot for HOA. Lately I have been considering shooting to be King of the World. (is there a trophy for that)

    I do like helping people get better but I am starting to get like the grizzled old drill sergeant. New "recruits" make the same mistakes or issues, over and over and I feel like I have to bark and give them that tough love. haha

    Thanks Micheal

  2. Chrono!

    what he said! ;)

    plus trust your 'smith's opinion.





    Until you chrono you are kinda like a surgeon cutting before looking at the xray/ct/mri. You need to know what that load is doing in your gun.

  3. Let's see the blindfold reload on the range. :ph34r::surprise: Just kidding :devil:

    PS My reload ceased to be visual dependant a long time ago. I think at first you need to "look at the magwell, line, barber pole, white painted dot" and maybe you still do when you make M but for me reloading has become the same as most other tasks. I don't think or attach a requirement to "it" I just visualize it before then let it happen. Sometimes I do notice the magwell if that makes sense. Sometimes I notice the RO riding on my back instead.

  4. You are scored against people in your division and class.

    Your A vs M and minor vs major don't mean anything. Ties are so rare I only remember possibly one in 20 years. Now some A's might still get motivation ranking above a M even if there are no A's there at that specific match. High Overall in division is a pretty big deal no matter what class you are in.

    A lot of people want to see how they rank against higher classed shooters in their division and other divisions but that is a just a fun High Overall Combined result and it doesn't mean anything cept bragging rights/

  5. Bill, and Chris,

    Thanks for the help. It's always good to have helpful friends, and friendly BE er's. Bill you may have two more turkeys with you this match. Hunter, and I will ask to be on your and Chris's squad. This will give you plenty of time to get hold of Dan to make sure it does'nt happen. :rolleyes:



    As always, Sounds great. Now if I can just figure out how to dump the turkeys.



  6. Before you get too pissed off think about your reaction when you are the guy who forgets to write down someone's time.

    I TRY to not to forget anything either but have had it done to me and probably have done it.

    Some people get into the habit of circleing at the end of the run, Time, Total Point/hits and Penalties and its a great cross check.

    Its shooters responsibility to check scores.

  7. Dan,

    Where is Miami R&P located at? I guess I should say how do I find the range. I looked on the USPSA websight, and there are no directions. Will you send directions when I send in the app? Thanks--John Booth

    Its in BFE.

    Its near Milford Ohio but its way out in the country. We used to direct people in by saying after the last turn off of of a real road Cross over three bridges and its on the right. I am sure GPS will get you there. MR&P used to be my home club and I usually was practicing with 8 turkeys(not Chris or Micah) 6 deer and various other wildlife wandering around this large and active range.


  8. Your end goal is to Call Your Shot. This is to know exactly where the bullet impacted, instantly or as the shot occurs. This is the most important element in winning long term and becoming a great shooter

    On the way there let the sights become your speedometer and don't shoot til they "let" you

  9. When you RO a green novice shooter they sometimes have no idea what they are doing and its a way to push the newbie to safety. I call trigger/finger in that case. I had a guy last year say "Are you sure my finger was in the trigger guard?" He asked me twice cause he said he didn't remember it. Of course he didn't remember, its VERY overwhelming your first time shooting USPSA.

    Do you remember what it was like?

    I like humor so I said, hmm Let me Think, yes your finger was in the trigger.

  10. Most majors have 2 PACTs/Ohlers set up inline, in a "light" box usually with an infared sensors. NO variables. So what happens is guys are saying "my load Always makes it at home" probably but not on as good of a chrono set up. You are getting advice from 10,000's of major match experiences, not just me but I've been to 100's

    Most majors use CED's, not PACT's. I have a PACT MKIV and while it's a good chrono, I wish I had bought a CED, since that seems to be the "official" chrono of USPSA.

    Yea your right CED's Sorry I don't really notice chrono brands(I think I own a PACT MKIV) but know to load up to around 170 because of the discussed variables and nothing wrong with 172 but I am pretty sure if you load 166-167 you will minor a major match soon.

    I think they like the CED's because of the infared screens. Before you shot they did use ohlers cause it is supposed have been the best

  11. I have a Chrony F-1 Chronograph, 7 grains 7625 is getting me about 1350-1360 running about a 167/168 pf,I just used 1331 as floor. Boy, I know well about the shooting Gods, oooh yea. :rolleyes:

    That margin is NOT enough. I load to a minimum of 172pf based on experience with chrono at major matches.

    Are major matches chorno's that poorly maintianed?

    No its actually the opposite. Your F1 like my CE is set up at the practice range in the open. The angle of the sun, angle of your shot and other variables affect the readings.

    Most majors have 2 PACTs/Ohlers set up inline, in a "light" box usually with an infared sensors. NO variables. So what happens is guys are saying "my load Always makes it at home" probably but not on as good of a chrono set up. You are getting advice from 10,000's of major match experiences, not just me but I've been to 100's

  12. Look at a high speed video of a Open shooter. The "ripples" through the upper body are pretty intense. I have been a serious Open shooter for 20+ years and had my share of tennis elbow. I pretty much hurt all the time but its not all Super caused. Some reason my arms got old?

    :rolleyes: Did he just call himself OLD? :surprise:


    Fast enough for you, Old Man

    I did just mean my arms, and its got to be frustrating having an old guy beat you?


    as stated you need to load well above 165-167 because of different chronos, weather conditions and lack of praying to the range gods. Most people keep the average around 170 PF because of this fact. Going minor will drop you around 8-10% in the finals. Another way is to make sure no round is below the 1331. Oh also your bullet is weighed and I see lots of 124 gr come out as 123.8 or 124.5 You probably get the point but I would load maybe a .10 more til you get chronoed and get a feel where you are falling on major match chronos.

    Oh here's another reason I have less tennis elbow now and you dont need to worry about a 170 PF. It used to be 175PF for years and I shot a 115 gr going like 1580 fps. Shocking sound through a hybrid strip that I was running. Shocking to the joints too.

  13. Your right. Open guns are violent and direct some of the force back into your body. Its part of the game. Don't let it affect your shooting and you will be fine

    I did not know that. I guess the force has to go some where. That said when the buzzer sounds it is time to shoot.

    Look at a high speed video of a Open shooter. The "ripples" through the upper body are pretty intense. I have been a serious Open shooter for 20+ years and had my share of tennis elbow. I pretty much hurt all the time but its not all Super caused. Some reason my arms got old?

  14. Your right. Open guns are violent and direct some of the force back into your body. Its part of the game. Don't let it affect your shooting and you will be fine

  15. I like them and set them up a lot. As mentioned just saying 3 hits per target will see many shooters stumble and hesitate. Its not to "screw with" shooters its a challenge and helps you develop your visualization skills. It might show a shooter that he is a cadence shooter instead of a Call each individual shot, shooter.

    Yea a match of these type courses would be weird but a course every once in a while is the same as a TX star or carrying a briefcase. Its just another challenge and is fair to every shooter.

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