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Everything posted by outerlimits

  1. i buy a mount every year just for the hat and entry tool...the dust is an extra.
  2. then you are within a few miles from uspsa matches. if u shoot idea, i assume at SVSC-there are 2 uspsa clubs there. plus 2 multi gun matches a year and steel challenge as well.
  3. outerlimits

    NO JOB

    almost 2 years for me-duunno how the hell i had time to work.
  4. Stationary clays are kool-u can engage them with one had without looking!
  5. Let's see an erratically moving target roughly the size of a head. I can't imagine what that would simulate. they do that in oregon? you really need to come to california more often...
  6. I agree with ole weak hand-flying clays are gay. As an aside, what the hell is a texas star or polish plate rack supposed to simulate? Shooting felons off a ferris wheel at the county fair? Shoot, that sounds like a good stage briefing...
  7. Send it to salient, along with a couple ounces of gold
  8. Shit jesse, i spent way more than that on re-shoot ammo! I'll take it.
  9. I'll.bite my tongue but i have been around a bit more than you. And yes, i had to re-shoot 5 of 12 stages. Live with the rule set, dude
  10. ray-first off, thanx for all the work you put in this weekend. and tell the doubters to eat sh&*. around the block? listen, i've been around more blocks than most. them are the rules-range equipment failure, period. either mod the rules or make better props. but either way, we ain't scoring for what coulda...
  11. Last time I went to check my slug zero I shot 3-4" 5-shot groups at 100y, so I'd be more than happy to buy them Fiocchis from you 4" at 100? you are a god!
  12. back on topic...let's see, we could always have a separate shotgun category for tube guns...not. but a lot of us will be shooting for "first tube" this weekend. but think outta the box. if open shotgun is open, no limits on capacity, put tube guns in tactical where there is a capacity limit. WTH? loading by hand, loading with the new 2 round vests or loading with sticks-one thing in common is they are all tube shotguns. putting flame suit on...
  13. went to foul the gun and recheck zero. decided to bring along a couple boxes of B&P slugs. GEEEZZZUUSSS! these things are scary accurate. anyone need a case of fiocchi slugs?
  14. upgraded to ios5 on my 3gs...not a problem. runs great, never jailbroken...
  15. don't listen to chuck-i'm really only about 113. one thing to point out-open in uspsa always had restrictions. for shotgun, round capacity. for pistol, mag length. if we're not gonna restrict shotgun capacity, why the 170mm rule in pistol. just sayin... BTW, i will be shooting open in vegas next week. and no, i don't have a saiga (yet). when i move to oregon soon, you better believe my 930 open shotgun will be on the classifieds here...
  16. 930 likes light shit-try 2 3/4 dram, 1 1/8 oz 7.5's
  17. Open is a bastard child-uspsa or wildcat matches. No one shoots it cause it requires big $$$ for pistol and shotgun. Lets face it, rifle doesn't matter-no significance having a bipod or a 2nd optic. So, for shotgun, buy a $3-4k shotgun and you can compete in open
  18. have two of the little tanks that fit inside the base-charge those with a big ass scuba tank. air is cheap...
  19. Went out this morning and set up flashers at 230, 330 and an MGM recon target at about 431. Had a blast. Luv the recon target...went down wirh 55 NBT every time. A little tough to see unpainted with a 3.5 ACOG, but it was mucho fun. I nedd a half dozen of these things!
  20. ok, first off the press was purchased in 1986, so yes, i got my moneys worth. anyway, over the past few weeks, about one out of every 50 or so pulls of the handle, my brass is getting jacked up in the resize stage. basically, the brass get's kinda smooshed on one side of the case, taking of a half moon chink of brass when it happens. seemed like the case was not getting centered as it went into the resizing die. i checked everything-the shell plate is tight, the little clip thin gee that hold the case into stage 1 is properly adjusted, the dies are clean. then, i started thinking wtf would a case not go squarely up into the die. i slowed everything down and what i believe is happening is the entire main shaft, including the shell plate platform is rotating 3-4 degrees. i can grab the handle and twist it and watch the shell plate rotate...just enough that the case will not enter the die square. when i twist the handle, i also note the link arms wobble. maybe that's normal, but i never noticed it rotate. short of sending the press in to dillon (it's so old they'd probably just laugh), anyone ever seen this? is there some kind of adjustment i can make to stop it from rotating? here's a pic of what the brass looks like. also, a short video of the actual twisting and turning.
  21. I shoot one less round than jaime-cause i'm on a fixed income.
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