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Mat Price

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Posts posted by Mat Price

  1. After watching your match vids I would say that while you are pretty quick on the splits and transitions you are dropping a LOT of points. I would focus on your movement, reloads and draws for awhile. If you can be quicker ad more efficient there you can add a couple of hundredths to your splits and transitions, enough to guaratntee A's. I noticed on one stage that featured a lot of close targets (stage 2 I think on first video) you dropped 10 points. You should have been down no more than 2 or three on that stage at most, on the stages with longer shots you were down 15 or more, that's the same as a miss. If you are not shooting 4-5 points down max for each of those stages you are pushing too hard. You are trying to be fast on the trigger and giving up points where you should be using movement to reduce your time to where you don't have to push as hard on the trigger.

    yeah pat that is exactly what i am working on now! We had a long conversation on my match video thread about movement and how I move ect. I having very diligently been working on getting to positions quicker and smother. changing my stance and being more aggressive between the shots.

    in my last two videos

    MPSA match I shot 91.52 % including penalties

    stage one was trashed i shot only 75 points of 135 witch in cludes a mike

    stage two i droped 1 point But it was a non moving stage 29/30 ( bang and clang)

    stage three again 116 of 135 no mikes just bad hits and not getting back on target after a move

    stage 4 122 of 155 again a mike

    stage 5 136 of 170

    this was a very heavy movement match and thats where i loose a ton of points

    now move to a week later to another match after i had worked a week on movement and getting into position. Sins-ter was at this match and can attest to the long long long long runs and tons of movement at this match

    I shot 95.6 % of the points

    with 0 mikes and 3 d's the whole match

    I dropped less than 30 points over the entire match 534 of 560

    But my times where slower.

    SO its starting to come togther for me but its a work in progress

  2. the splits is where I shine. I usually run splits down to .12 - .15 and transitions where i have less than 3 yards between targets in the high teens. things that get me is getting the gun out and on target and getting it back on target after reloads. once its there I am golden but i tend to loose a bunch of time getting it there and getting it back.

  3. ok so your doing the same thing i am at that speed. I just see a flash of it and use it also. and pick up on the call. I am relying on my NPA also to get me @ A zone at that speed as well. So I know what your saying. I wish i could see the dot at that speed like a normal shot. Wouldnt it be nice to draw see dot confirm dot break the shot and call it in .6 lol

    But i guess in essence that is what we are doing.

  4. looks good pat. Here is a question. on your close draw are you seeing your dot on the target or are you working off of muscle memory and finding your dot post shot. I can usually get down in the low .6s but I find when i do I dont see my dot until it recovers. To draw see my dot on target break the shot knowing it is an A shot the best i can get is about a .72

    but here is the thing when i do push it down and go by muscle memory it is usually an A shot 90% of the time. I tend to take advantage of that in matches where i have a very close target I draw fire blind and pick up the dot on my second shot. I would however like to see it all.

  5. I don't buy the "I am a big guy and can't move fast" excuse. I am 6' 4" tall, 280lbs and obviously over weight. I usually can physically navigate through stages faster and more aggressively than most shooters. Is it because I am special? No. I am able to move quickly and aggressively through stages simply because I make a conscious effort to run or move with all my effort when its required. Ask yourself this. Can you recall a stage performance where you KNEW that you were running or moving aggressively with ALL of your effort? 99.9% of the time when I ask shooters this question the answer is a glaring "No" and a light bulb usually flicks on above their head.

    It did for me. My goals at every match I shoot is to move with every bit of strength and speed I can muster. These guys have helped me fine tune that movement also!!!

    you look like your lollygagging around the stage. you lolygag to the port wall you lollygag down the fault line you lollygag in the positions... know what that makes you... lollygager sir lol.... dont know why that quote came ot mind but it did.

    move like your arse is on fire.

    for example in yoru stage five video you should blasted to that corner with a wide aggressive stance. you should have been shifting your weight as soon as you fired your last shot and dropping that mag, and with just a shuffle mag change should have been done and your in postion for the next array. after your mag change you get into position then reposition before firing. leaving that array you should have blasted over to the next one gun up ready to engage the targets. last array mag change should have either beeen done or almost done before hitting your spot. and again you should be moving with more urgency.

    I would suggest you pick up mike seeklanders competition handgun training program book. IT will help you fix all of these things. The book is amazing!

  6. not bad at all for your first runs with an open gun. A few things work your grip dont get lazy with it. Youw iwll be amazed at how much less dot movment you will get with a better grip. I can see your getting a good bit of flip out of the gun. Maybe you need to do some more load development.

    try to run the gun as fast as you can see the dot recover to target.

    enter a shooting position solid insted of entering then adjusting before you start shooting. If you miss your mark try to adjust and shoot at them same time. looks pretty good though for just starting with the gun.

  7. some video of some of the drills from mikes program, and my analysis of them

    multi port drill first run.

    The good-

    My stance is good nice and wide working from a solid base.

    I saw the dot well in all positions.

    got good hits.

    the bad.

    The draw was a little slow

    I should be moving more aggressively between positions

    started to the last postion to soon.

    The Ugly.

    I raised up to kneel down.

    second run

    Looks pretty good still should be more aggressive on the positions shifts but the kneel was much better.

    3rd run

    better into positions should keep kneeling to the left knee its more comfortable on my non surgical knee. Need to be more on the buzzer but my draw was good. I drew and moved at the same time. not to self comp blast destroys targets lol

    Drill is short move into posistion: Broke the Reverse plug on my open gun and borrowed my buddies spartan

    first run

    Did well with a gun i never shot before and have not shot iron sights in about 10 months.

    noticed I am adjusting my right foot before moving loosing time there. I should be exploding off that foot without any adjustment. Did well keeping the gun up. need to be sure i am moving as soon as I break my last shot.

    2nd run is better hits were better by slowing down and getting a good sight picture.

  8. yeah Baa, The reverse plug, And i am not sure when this one broke only the only reason I even noticed it was that the srping finally came through the front. but it functioned fine the whole time this morning and through the drills I was doing I am sure it didnt break on the last shot i fired.

  9. I shot the full size emperor in .38 SC it was hands down the FINEST most flat shooting open gun i have ever had put my hands on. The dot would barley even wiggle. amazing gun. I shot the Katana and found out within in two shots its not for me. A fine gun quick wicked fast but does not fit my style.

    I have shot several custom guns from the big names since I had been in the market for a custom. I decided on the emperor can't wait till I can get one.

  10. Ok after a few weeks of running the hs-6 over my drills and a couple matches this is my final thoughts. I do not see any real benefit of changing the load the from autocomp to hs-6. It is nothing I really see on the clock and at match speed the two loads act and feel almost identical. I can say the hs-6 load is a tad bit softer. I have no problems with it being dirty at all. Nearly 800 rounds with out a cleaning and just a dab of mpro 7 and my gun never misses a tic. SO with that said Hs-6 is a GREAT powder. Burns nice has good gas shoots flat all the way up to 177 pf. Now with that said my autocomp load while is a bit harder in the hard takes much less powder 7.3 grains/ hs-6 8.5 grains. the case is not nearly as full with autocomp and in the end the AC is cleaner. I do not see enough of an advantage with MY setup to change. HOWEVER!!!!! if I had a gun with holes I would quickly reconsider. It is nice to know though that I have two powder choices that are so very close. Just in case I run in to a deal on one or one is not available to me at some point.

    I still do prefer the HS-6 impulse over auto comp. Really Miss Sp2

  11. Started Phase 2 session A live fire drills today. Boy they are challenging. I found a few things in these drills

    Drill: one shot x: be smooth and drive the gun to the exact point your eyes are on the target. any un smootheness will cause a mike.

    Drill acceleration/ deceleration: be fast on Target one as fast as you can and still get and acceptable sight picture. It doesn't have to be perfect its so close. then drive the gun very hard to the outside target and take your time lining up the shot, drive again to the steel break the shot and immedaitly shift focus back to close target driving the gun and again getting just enough sight picture so slam to A shots as soon as the second shot break drive the gun to the left slowing to not over transition. This is my favorite drill so far.

    Can't wait to get these challenges down! this is REALLLY going to take me to the next level!

  12. Watching my own videos, I still feel like I'm moving in slow motion. Getting into positions is getting better; getting out is pretty good. It's the time in between that's killing me-- it's like I'm worried about running with a gun in my hand or something!

    I think it's an odd mental block that we both share. Obviously over the long distances, it's going to be difficult for you-- especially with the knee. But even on the short stuff, we both seem to be taking our time in covering the ground. I'll probably spend the next 3 months moving from point A to point B in my regular life as quickly as possible.

    I can already imagine the looks I'm going to get... :roflol:

    Yeah that sucks man! I got overtime training wends. I definitely had issues for a long time running with a gun, its doing the exact opposite of what your mom always told you. hell with scissors we have a gun lol. I think i have gotten over it now but I just need to move more like co said. I am never going to have the blazing speed you small guys do. You on the other hand need to move your but. I think thats all you need to do is just go faster between positions. I am starting Phase 2 of mikes book this week and has drills on exactly what i need to work on.

  13. Thanks you Co, I think you guys are all right. I started my diet again this week lol. I had knee surgery last year and put on about 60 lbs that i need to get back off. but i still wont be sin-ster twitchy. That dude is like a wet cat he beat my but on long runs this weekend.

    Thanks for the advice guys!

    Sin-ster holla at me this week bro lets get in some workouts!

  14. Hey guys I know allot of us are using mikes books and DVDs So I thought I would make kind of an official thread so that those of using the material can share ideas times and scores achievements ect. all in one place.

    I will start. I started shooting oct. 2010 and had never really shot before. My first match was in oct-2010 also. I shot for a while with no real training method in production and limited. I did not do well at all. I moved to open and really started getting into shooting about 6 months ago. I knew I needed something anything to help me. But I didn't expect to get what i got out of mikes book competition handgun training program. About 5 months ago I was in the bottom of the D class open shooters after working hard and using the material should be in the next few rotations a SOLID a Class shooter.

    Here is a video from back last September.

    After this match I got mikes book and started training.

    Here are two videos from this weekend. Where you will see a HUGE improvement.

    1st open B, 1st B overall, 4th open overall behind two A class open shooters Who are EXTREMLY good. and 6th over all. behing two GM's two A open shooter and a M class shooter

    OK so I am now in phase 2 Of the live fire Section. I took allot of time in phase one making sure my fundamentals where strong before moving into phase 2

    here are my avg times for each drill in the Phase 1 session A live fire session

    Drill: ext prep an press .89 99% alpha No D

    drill: ext prep an Press horizontal 1.75 92% alpha no D

    Drill: Static draw varied target 1.45 B 98% alpha 1.61 80% alpha H

    Drill:Static with reload. 2.98 90% alpha B 3.51 85% alpha H

    These are great drills and I have found they have really helped my target presentation. I find I run my best times when I relax totally and am right on the buzzer.

  15. yeah jack i wish this gun had the old t-1 comp. I had one on my other gun that i sold, I bet it will fill that thing up. run it up to around 173-175 if you can. The dot ais better to me but the big thing to me is the impulse of the gun. It just feels better hard to explain its like a burp instead of a sharp blast. now you may prefer the snappier load better. this is why i like .38 super better than 9 major. But this load comes as close to a .38sc as i have shot yet.

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