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Mat Price

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Posts posted by Mat Price

  1. Dont know if this will help you but here is a video of me doing el prez. Notice how I whip my head around to get the first target. My turn and draw inst super super fast but I am ready to fire and have my body in the right place bacuae I can already see the target well before I finish my turn.

    be more aggressive in determined in your movements.

  2. My normal load is 7.4 grains of ac behind a 124 jhp @ 1.165 with wolf srp. Gives me around 175 of I think I am going to drop a 115 jhp and bump it up to 7.6 and see what I get what do y'all think?

  3. OK here is the thing. You are most likely trying to go to fast while shooting. What you have in your .22 is a gun that basicly has no recoil so you can shoot much faster and recover the sights much quicker with that gun. When you go back to the 9 you are trying to run the gun as fast as you where running the .22 and you are to far outside your comfort zone. I do this also when i go from my open gun to a single stack gun. I have to really slow down get perfect sight pictures or I am all over the place. So while using the .22 is great tool use it for its intention and thats to help you work transitions trigger control as well as work your body mechanics. remember to adjust you "vision" and response to recoil when switching back. Thsi is also one of the reasons I tend to not shoot steel matches during the USPSA season anymore cause i get to confused going from powder puff steel loads to full house 9 major loads.

    ok to the match video

    Stage 1

    ok on the buzzer you stance is all wrong. your standing upright and then it was like you coulnd't decide which foot to push off on. With start position like that where you are not forced on to x's or a specific spot get into a good position to explode into the first potions. I get in a narrow stance with my right foot slight back cause that the leg I am going to launch forward with.

    Be mindful about crowding barrels and walls. your way up on that barrel and it makes for an awkward exit.

    move fast between positions to give your more time to stop stabilize and acquire your sights. At your level you should really be moving and working on hitting positions as fast as you can but taking time to set your shooting platform and go through the firing cycle. ok yeah the plate rack was ugly but thats ok. shooting steel like that is very difficult. cause you dont have reference point to place your misses. This is why i told you on the other thread to start shooting paper plates. keep that up you will be shooting them in no time. the trick to shooting steel is perfect sight alignment and proper trigger control.

    Stage 2

    your draw and pivot looked great where you forced into that position to shoot all the targets ?

    the move into the second position looked good also. your set up was to upright. get a lower wider stance when leaning around or off balance so you can lean and bend at the waist keeping your center of gravity over your shooting base. The hits on steel were perfect thats how you should have shot the rack. Get into the habit now of doing your mag changes up in your face box. your doing them to low. To work this, when you do your mag change drills do them with a box on a table that forces you to keep them up and not drop them low. shooting through the port your all kinds of weird. this is because you crowded the port again and wasn't able to move at the waist. set up a bit away from the port in a way that you can still see all the targets but still allows you to move your entire upper body and transition aggressively between targets.

    ok stage 3

    you haven't worked on these skills yet. But i will comment on them. when you run forward get the gun up in front of you again up your face box. notice how you hit your stop point then bring your gun up? keep the gun up a few steps before you hit your spot have then gripped read to shoot as soon as you establish your shooting stance and have a perfect sight picture. something I notice in this stage is, look at your gun see how it is nose down. I dont know if it is the angle at witch you where shooting or not but BE SURE your not shooting over your front sight. In other words be sure your front sight is in the rear notch the same shooting at any angle. watch your strong hand thumb, your chewing up your grip. its as if your your loosing your grip between shots then reestablishing it, keep it solid all the time.I can watch your thumb and tell when you are going to squeeze the trigger. you are loosing your grip it looks like on the trigger reset.

    Stage 4

    rack it twice then drop the mag. you will never clear a jam like that with the mag in the gun. Check your power factor also. watch your weak hand see it flapping between shots I sometimes due this as a response to mental confusion.

    Stage 5 looked good you must have done well with that stage cause your grip looked good and you seemed comfortable.

    stage 6

    when I have to do the 180 side to side shoot I pick i side shoot it and then do a clock dril pivot to the next. so in your case on that stage i would have shot gun side first, then used the pivot to set up left and get in to position to explode to the port. be very careful going prone like that. i ran the video back a few times to watch, but i think i saw a big nono the RO missed. watch the muzzle in relation to your drop arm. also go ahead and clear on the ground the get and show the RO clear and holster.


    overall not bad. your progressing well! keep it up. I would spend a little more time in phase 1 before moving into phase 2

  4. I really find it a a push and pull thing. just as I feel like I am shooting really well and things are coming together I find or have someone point out how I can do something better. my hits sometimes start slip so I back the speed down till i get real comfortable with the new technique. For example I was doing really well getting good hits with ok speed and co-exprs pointed out that maybe because I am big dude I should try to to not stop and start so much but float and move through positions. Use my size to stabilize my gun as i move. And low and behold I come out the other side of it better. So I just turn myself over to the process. It will come for you as well.

    do you have a training program you are following? If not i would highly recommend getting one. I use mike seeklanders handgun training program.

  5. here is some drills from phase 2 session C and B move while shooting multi direction. This is a tough drill you think you can move really quick but the angles and the bouncing dot makes it tough. and the straong and weak hand x drill is super tough!!!

    two targets two shots to t2 body two shots to t1 head then t2 head then t1 body then t1 body weak repeat. this drill is super tough to get good hits in a quick pace.


  6. With my open gun yes. I shot 94% last match 81 a 2 b 23 c 2 d and 0 mikes. 0 no shoots. The video with the spartan I realized I was just using the front sight on the first run. The second run I was using the rear sight. When I fire my second shot I pull the trigger as soon as I can relate my dot to the target I could be just a flash but I see the dot on target ever single shot and call them.

  7. Ok here is what I am seeing, we all know that seeing is the mistakes is the first step to fixing them! so I want to make sure I am seeing what I should be.

    Stage 1.

    -Should have moved faster to the gun.

    -Could have loaded and run instead of loaded and kind of run

    -my entry into the first shooting position was good I had the gun up on target as soon as it became available

    -not sure why i reloaded for two shots mental error

    -I should have broken the shot sooner on the fall out the fault line.

    ok looking at the first person video I did loose a good second shooting the first target. I was already in postion to shoot it i should have shot it on approach and settled in to the second target.

    need to be more aggressive between wide transitions.

    Stage 2: which was actually my last stage and i was pretty spent in the whatever degree heat

    - I was good off the line right on the buzzer and pretty explosive into the first shooting position

    - insted of hoping and setting so wide in position 2 i should have slid over and floated in the postion hitting the left target first shifting my weight right to move to position 3

    - same thing I should drive in two port 1 slow up and drive to position 2 and explode back up range

    -got to take bigger strides in long open runs like that i am not using what little lg length i have to my full benefit.


    HAd a good draw a little to cautious on the no shoot targets and hard cover should bend at the waist a little more. but not a bad run.reload looked good! was finished and on target before i transitioned to steel.

    Stage 4

    good explosive movement out of the box. should have slowed up just before entering the area B. this would have allowed me to to fire as soon as I entered the box and change position into second shooting area. I should have bolted into the next position and enter and exited while shooting. same for the rest of the positions. movement to the end was pretty good.

    ok its late I will do the rest tomorrow! But i think I am seeing some good stuff so far which means I am well on my way to improving it!

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