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Mat Price

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Posts posted by Mat Price

  1. Starting to see some movement improvement. I think the best stage i had as far as movement goes is stage 4. I really want to get to the point where I move in and out of ports with out stopping. Right now I am still having issues being stable and moving

  2. Nimitz Jeremy and Sin-ster said exactly what i was going to do. I am pretty good a calling my shots. As you progress more you will first start notice misses then the better you get you will be able to call a/c shots. I can almost call my shots with in 4 inches of impact now. and its a skill you pick up with transitions. Try this drill. Get 5 8 inch paper plates. Line the up like a plate rack and go to town. This is how I really started getting good at calling shots and btw running plates racks pretty quick. Watch some of my videos where i shoot a texas start. You will see how fast I can call and make up a shot. Its one of the few things i do well at this game lol!

    I sure miss the friday night plate matches!

  3. I posted This in my other thread but i want to put it here also so you guys can see how I am progressing in my movement skills I think I picked up on everything anything yall are seeing in my movements that I missed. The real test will be this weekend Got the jackson MS match sunday!!!!

    Clip 1:
    Cm 99-16
    This is a GREAT Phase two Sesion A quiz It incorporates all the elements in session A
    = Draw looked great moved and drew and was on target quick
    - transition from hard cover to no shoot targets was great ( accel / decel drill)
    - MAg change was slow and sloppy, get it up and be done moving to left side of barricade
    -leaning to get that inside steel bending at wiast great!!! ( multi port drill)

    Drill: long move into Position
    First run:
    - goo into box one
    - not a great stance should be more wide and low
    - be sure to begin shifting weight on the last shot fired
    -good keeping the gun up be better entering the box smoother lower again shift weight sooner
    reenter left box try to enter on right foot and distubute weight even weird funky one leg stance.

    Second run:
    Better in the right box
    be faster out the first box
    again get lower
    stop that funky one leg stance on reenter into left box

    third run:
    Very good out the box
    had gun up into first box
    good to right box
    still entering left box weird

    Fourth run:
    much smoother better hits
    taking to much time in the boxs hit and move
    shift weight in and out
    STOP reentering the left box so goofy

    overall get lower and wider
    be more explosive out of the first box.
    Shoot faster I can be faster on the trigger.

    Drill One shot X drill:
    not much to say about any of these clips
    They look good I am transitioning well
    the one thing to be sure to lead with my eyes
    draw is good

    Bill Drill
    lol what can i say it was fun :)

  4. Clip 1:
    Cm 99-16
    This is a GREAT Phase two Sesion A quiz It incorporates all the elements in session A
    = Draw looked great moved and drew and was on target quick
    - transition from hard cover to no shoot targets was great ( accel / decel drill)
    - MAg change was slow and sloppy, get it up and be done moving to left side of barricade
    -leaning to get that inside steel bending at wiast great!!! ( multi port drill)

    Drill: long move into Position
    First run:
    - goo into box one
    - not a great stance should be more wide and low
    - be sure to begin shifting weight on the last shot fired
    -good keeping the gun up be better entering the box smoother lower again shift weight sooner
    reenter left box try to enter on right foot and distubute weight even weird funky one leg stance.

    Second run:
    Better in the right box
    be faster out the first box
    again get lower
    stop that funky one leg stance on reenter into left box

    third run:
    Very good out the box
    had gun up into first box
    good to right box
    still entering left box weird

    Fourth run:
    much smoother better hits
    taking to much time in the boxs hit and move
    shift weight in and out
    STOP reentering the left box so goofy

    overall get lower and wider
    be more explosive out of the first box.
    Shoot faster I can be faster on the trigger.

    Drill One shot X drill:
    not much to say about any of these clips
    They look good I am transitioning well
    the one thing to be sure to lead with my eyes
    draw is good

    Bill Drill
    lol what can i say it was fun :) two c 4 A
  5. ok as promised I will throw my two cents in here but I Just got off a 12 hour shift so lets hope this makes some sense.

    What you are essentially practicing is doing mag changes via muscle memory. There is nothing wrong with that also so long as you understand what your actually training. So we use the term muscle memory allot in this sport but what is muscle memory really. Muscle memory really has little do with training the muscle and mostly due to training proprioceptive nerve cells. These cells are what is responsible for allowing our anatomy to be oriented to time and space. For example I know right now my hands are in front of me and know a general distance from my wrist to the end of my finger tips because of proprioceptive nervous cells. Now what I would like for you to do right now with out using your tounge or any other organ but your brain is find you first incisor tooth, your left upper third molar and your right k9 tooth and estimate the distance between them in both a vertical and horizontal plane. Dont be upset if you can't because teeth lack these cells, which is often the reason we bite our tongues or lips ect. Now do the same with your heart. You can't because it also lacks these cells. When you have a heart attack you may have pain all over because you have no way of determining where your heart is located in time and space.

    Now I said all that so say this. What you are doing through repetition is training your body via index points to estimate the orientation of the mag to the mag well in space and we as humans are pretty dang good at doing exactly that. So long as the index points we use dont change or our orientation in space does not change. So if your goal is to have extremely fast reloads in one position, IE standing in such as a way as you would see in many of our classifiers than by all means continue your current tract. HOWEVER once you change your indexes you will find it exceedingly difficult to maintain a high level of speed and fluidity relying on muscle memory alone. What you really have to do have do is help your muscle memory along with visual input. By combing visual stimuli you have the ability to train a multitude of tasks and positions at once.

    Try this, your good at doing mag changes in the dark. Change them now. Without any practice turn the lights off and simply step to the left and change a mag at the same time. I think you will see it is very difficult. However if you train with the lights on rely on your muscle memory to get the mag to mag well and use both muscle memory and visual stimuli to look the mag in the grip you will find your times will drop consistently you be much smoother and you will get back on target faster.

    While I applaud you effort its net gain will not be much what you can truly use on game day.

    However with that said, if your doing a standing in a box reload your method will be highly useful assuming you set up the same up stance and use the same index points every single time.

    Ps I used a very simplified definition of muscle memory there is a TON of other factors that go in ingraining repetitious patters but for sake of argument. I Chose to focus on time and space and less on the actual motor memory goings on that also aid in the mapping of repetitious activity

  6. first bit of advice is keep your eyes open. Always look your mag into the the gun. Practice only getting the mag from the belt to the opening. tons of reps there get that down to as fast as you can. Separate the drills from belt to gun only and full mag changes. Do everything you can to make the move from the belt to gun as fast and smooth as you can.

  7. Its hard to really tell anything from the first person view. Get some 3rd person video we can see a bunch more that way. One thing i can tell is that gun is tuned up it barley moves when you fire it. either that or you gotta put some powder in the case lol!

  8. I am working still on this one I got the dremel and a couple carbon steel wire brushes and soaking it in bore shine. scraping with a small flat blade. When i get it clean i will FOR SURE start using the case lube I dont know why i havent i heard about a while back. There is NO way this front chamber could be working very well I am surprised the projectiles where not hitting the carbon build up.

  9. I have rarely shot FMJ through my trubor but I have been out of JHP so I have shot about 700 exposed base FMJ though it. Now I know this is not from this but my comp in the second chamber is almost full to the bottom of the hole. has to be powder build up as I have Never cleaned the comp before. Things you find on rainy days... I am basicly shooting a single port comp right now. whats the best way to get it cleaned out I am letting some bore shine soak in it right now after scraping it with my pocket knife to very little avail.




  10. Thanks co, The multi port drill that i was doing is part of Mike seeklanders competition handgun training program and it is prescribed in that order to force those positions. If I came across a COF set up like that i would def. hit the inner target first and grab the outer on the sweep to transition. The second drill is to teach you to use stop points and stage markers.

    A few things I noticed and put in my notes for next time. I can actually begin my shift of lateral direction as I am pulling the shot in that low stance I just have to put it in my mind so to it all at once. See dot pull trigger begin shift call shot commit to movement. There are a couple of instances were i see i am somewhat pivoting on my lead foot which tells me I am still shifting my weight late. I need to shift my weight and go. I should not have to repostion my foot then shift my weight and go. I need to be quicker in picking up the sight at my stop marker. I think with my dot gun though thats not an issue will have to see on my next session with that drill.

    but all in all in only a week I think its coming along ok

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