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Everything posted by sdm74

  1. Are you using comcast? I have heard of them blocking certain ports. Might not hurt to call them
  2. I only buy all black handguns, she never notices a new one
  3. Wow that's alot of brass..were they kept like that? I normally dump mine out to dry but not at that quanity
  4. sdm74


    To have balance in life... For every action there is a reaction .. Yin Yang....
  5. I have read on here that with 13# doesn't even keep slide shut firmly. What is stock #? Is there a # in between factory and 13#
  6. Your not possibly thumbing the slide occasionally are you? I run 147 with a 130 power factor and my slide locks back everytime. BTW you had 400th post in s&w...lol
  7. Not when there's a "significant" advantage (i.e. saving half the time than what you would have done it in). I'm all for finding advantages, but when you skirt a procedural that was meant to be done and the course designer mistakenly omitted it in the WSB, NO! True, but you cannot go by what was "meant".
  8. Yes you can... 2.3.1 Wow..did not know that. Doesn't seem like a good rule, unless there is a safety issue It's a good rule when you have one person coming to the line and finding a way to shoot a stage (or a way to really game the stage) differently than what most of the competitors did and totally unexpectedly and gained a really significant advantage. That way, only one person has to reshoot instead of the entire competitor's list. It could pertain to safety as well. Thought that was the point. To always try to get the best advantage you can. If guy A figures out somthing that guy B did not. I would think that's his loss.
  9. Yes but what if that was third or fourth squad on that stage? Btw. When did the shooter actually pull cord to activate prop? If you still have to pull cord, why would it matter if you pulled it first or later? Edit..I see prop only had no shoot..I wouldn't have pulled it either..lol
  10. Yes you can... 2.3.1 Wow..did not know that. Doesn't seem like a good rule, unless there is a safety issue
  11. You can't change rules once match is started
  12. And if you don't have a case gauge take the barrel out and use that to check the bullets.
  13. They rate it at 4.5 to 5.5, id say its towards the heavy side with a good bit of pre travel
  14. sdm74

    This week on Topshot

    Then on the final, shooter with most no 2 pencills stuck in drop ceiling...another classic from school...lol
  15. The 100 uses a much smaller rod. Im getting a similar size because the factory seems to cover to much up
  16. "The penny flick" our top marksmen will go head to head.(no pun intended) to see who can flick the penny the most accurately. Get those elbows aiming!...
  17. My lock out die has caught a couple 380 cases also. If you never stop your motion, and you live all alone and never a chance you'll be interrupted while reloading then yes a powder check die or lock out die is worthless. Somehow by some strange reason a case doesn't get filled every once in a great while, not sure why, but it does happen to me. Though I am still trying to grasp the whole chewing gum and walking thing. So far I have been able to stand up
  18. Ill never replace the lock-outt die for a bullet feeder. Its already caught three mistakes. Really how fast can you pull the handle that you can't pop a bullet on. I just now got a case feeder after three months without one. I just can't see "safely" needing more
  19. +1 sounds like conditioned responce..practice dry firing with some targets and pulling trigger repeatedly
  20. Thought I was watching "teen" topshot! Blowguns cmon producers there men not children
  21. I have had luck with 44mag.com also. Picked up 2 17rd mags
  22. Yes they also have the circle and cross..thanks for the info, guess ill put them aside for now
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