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Posts posted by DyNo!

  1. Nowadays, I think Marines still use the "combat shotgun" in an antipersonnel role, but I've talked to SF and Army types who only use the shotgun for breeching (Had one SF guy say "I don't think we're allowed to shoot people with shotguns" and his total shotgun use in war was door breeching)

    I can say that the shotgun is still VERY MUCH in use today in CONUS military forces.

    There are plenty of Mossberg M500s and Benelli M4/M1014s being fired DAILY by Sailors and Marines.

    If you have to have a gunfight in a confined place like a ship, fuel facility, or near radioactive materials, or where things shouldn't be shot - nothing beats a shotgun with frangible ammo.

    Today, I saw 3 shotguns for every 2 rifles. Just saying...

  2. When you set your target - count paces. Convert your gait into yards. It's cheaper and accurate enough.

    Range finders are useful but I'm too cheap to buy one for personal use. I really need to get one of those and a timer. :lol:

  3. Pat Kelly back on page 7 wrote:

    Thank you to my good friend Kurt Miller for grabbing the National Title in Limited using IRONS!!!

    Just so I understand this correctly, there were one power red dot equipped rifle platforms there in LIMITED, that Kurt beat with just iron sights???

    Yes, and Kurt does it with the same regularity of Metamucil.

    What a horrible example. :roflol:

    I'm pretty sure Kurt Miller uses 1x glasses with a drop chart etched in right? :ph34r:

  4. yup, its a Norinco. Dirt cheap, runs great and wasn't worried about screwing it up(first attempt at an overhaul)

    Norinco is rather popular up here, kind of a yin-yang thing. Yeah they're made in China, but they're great for getting people into the shooting sports at a very low price point

    No hate here - feel free to look to mine for a price reference. :lol:

  5. I have a Sig .40 that this happened to. I was using reloads that were likely at 180pf mostly Power Pistol as well as factory. Primers were Win and CCI. Never was able to confirm the cause but the gun still works fine.

    Yup - I'm the case that Braxton1 mentioned.

    I was using published load data with severe breech face erosion but I bumped up my pressure a bit and the problem seems to have slowed or stopped.

    Never did have a problem related to it though - it just looks really bad. As long as the firing pin doesn't become obstructed or a ridge doesn't form that catches the loading cartridge in firing - I don't think it'll become an issue.

    I know HK roller locked rifles have a relief in the bolt around the primer and when viewed from the side, the breech face looks like a cylindrical E.

  6. I pull/pull.

    I know of a top ranked 3-gunner who recommends pull/spaghetti-arm. In addition to that, pump shot-gunners can't lock their supporting arm and shoot with any reasonable speed.

    The movement really isnt that big of a deal as the shotgun is pretty much a one shot per target deal. So your moving it after the shot anyway.

    Exactly. I don't really think it matters that much as long as your shotgun is pointed at each target, choked properly, and you do your part to keep it loaded. You can shoot well even if you weigh 100 pounds with less than a grown woman's upper body strength.

  7. The only thing reducing the number of shooters in Open will be the format change of 3GN.

    And that goes for many other things as well. 3GN has earned a great position of leadership and I have been satisfied with their involvement in multigun shooting sports. I and many other long gun action shooters (and match directors) will likely base any equipment decisions on their structure. They seem to be moving to a higher position of authority and I'm interested in seeing what they have planned for 2013.

    Within two years, they've produced one of the first television shows of this type in many years, created a shooting league, and a statistical database with a mountain of useful articles and video for new multigun shooters.

    Having shot 5 of the 3GN events in 2010 and all 5 of the 3GN events in 2011 I'm very well aware of what 3GN has accomplished and their influence on the sport. During my experience with this sport I cannot think of a more influential force to promote and grow the sport as much as 3GN , so your inference that I am not supportive is in error.

    Oh no, I'm in complete agreement with you. I'd agree that whatever policies they put forth are the ones most likely to be followed.

  8. I know IPSC and USPSA got most of us into shooting, but if the 3Gun market is moving away from USPSA rules....wouldn't it make sense for USPSA to follow the market?

    For what end though?

    It would be nice to see USPSA getting new people and their pistol shooters interested in Outlaw multi-gun and feeding them into future major outlaw 3-gun events (like the PROAM was successful in doing).

    It would end up being a subordinate role though. USPSA could gain respect for introducing new shooters to the sport - something none of us should argue with.

    The 3GN producers are pragmatists and seem to be taking the most rational actions. There are a number of professionals willing to offer their time, their advice, and their image to recruit new multi-gunners.

    3GN is unarguably the most effective at utilizing that asset in the multi-gun community and as much as some of us object to watching Top Shot, they are the most effective at creating a more favorable view of shooting sports than any other show before TS aired.

  9. The problem will fix itself though. USPSA will HAVE to change its stance towards multigun and its handling of major and local multigun matches given the popularity of outlaw rulesets.

    I'm trying to think of a political win/win for USPSA and the Outlaw multi-gun community but it seems like one establishment has led to the creation of another (Like IPSC/USPSA/IDPA/etc).


    The only thing reducing the number of shooters in Open will be the format change of 3GN.

    And that goes for many other things as well. 3GN has earned a great position of leadership and I have been satisfied with their involvement in multigun shooting sports. I and many other long gun action shooters (and match directors) will likely base any equipment decisions on their structure. They seem to be moving to a higher position of authority and I'm interested in seeing what they have planned for 2013.

    Within two years, they've produced one of the first television shows of this type in many years, created a shooting league, and a statistical database with a mountain of useful articles and video for new multigun shooters.

  10. I got a turret added and I haven't fired the rifle with the glass on it in a match since then. It works fine and I don't plan to use it except for two or three shots in 2012. I can guarantee that I'll make back the $70 I spent on it though. I wouldn't recommend it though only because it will get used so infrequently. The only long shots I took this year in five majors that it might have been useful were at LaRue (480 Yards) and Blue Ridge (500+ Yards). With the wind in Texas, you had to pray your bullets onto target so a knob wouldn't have really helped that much and buying a knob for one shot at one match is something to think about. I did it since I had $70 I didn't need and I couldn't find someone here who had done it before.

    I really wanted to see the guy's face on the phone when he was thinking, WTF, this guy wants a knob for a fixed power 1X scope? :roflol:



  11. We are actively reviewing WW2 rules to accomodate various weapons used during the war. We will be flexible...again this match is a tribute to those that served in the Pacific. We want everyone to enjoy themselves at this match, we will be revising the rules to facilitate this. Besides, there's going to be an additional prize table for the WW2 division...fun stuff in store for everyone.

    Are you going to have separate prize tables for each division, with prizes allocated proportionally? I think thats the best way.

    I thought the way they did it last year was the best of any match I've ever shot.

    If they change it, I'll still have fun but in the Tac-Optics division.

  12. It's a USPSA rule too only.


    I'd ask the current President, then talk to your AD to get it changed!

    That's a good question to ask. The USPSA President appears to enjoy shooting Outlaw multigun and I'd be interested in hearing his thoughts. I'd assume that the A6 AD is a fan of Outlaw multigun as well.

    The problem is fixing itself though. There are a wide variety of outlaw multigun matches to choose from for those who would like to shoot them more frequently.

  13. "Always shoot 2. If it's over 100 yards or a 100 yard head shot I'll take 3 maybe 4 depending on how much ammo I have on me. "


    I have taken one alpha on a few occasions. Either I'm 100% sure I called the shot right (99% = a follow up shot) or I abide by the following:

    If you have to aim to make the shot and you took & called a good shot like you were supposed to - why take two?

    Here's an example - a headshot shoot target with a noshoot directly under it.

    You should aim at that one. :lol:

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