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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. That particular clip was sweet! Jimmy Caan studied with Jeff Cooper (against his wishes, I remember reading somewhere that he thought he as a "nazi") before filming "Thief." Which is an all time favorite of mine. But the coolest part is the credits list "Guns by Hoage." All not IPSC, the gunhandling scenes are still pretty cool. be Interesting fallout from that movie - a number of locksmiths were upset at the depiciton of a burning bar to breech a safe as being too realistic and educational - as if someone with the inclination to launch such a serious box attack would need the movies for an education.
  2. The stumbling block is adding per-user authentication to the apache server which will work with the scheme we have (non-variant pins, with the issues from the two most recent Front Sights valid at any time, plus a user-set password). The Apache mysql_auth module comes close, but isn't exactly what I need. So... once I re-write that Apache extension and install it on the web sever, I can get started on this. Also, I will be setting things up so there is still a more general "sharable" password for match results, so we will still be able to give newcomers access to the results area before their first Front Sight arrives.
  3. It might be more useful to ask sponsors what they want from matches, since they're the ones who need to be covinced.
  4. This is getting pretty bad in Massachsuetts - the AG is agressively going after mail order firms telling them they have to add such prohibitions or start spending lots of $$ on legal fees to sell to a tiny state. Pretty much all of the firms are doing as they are told.
  5. Quote what (state or federal) criminal code item was violated, and quote that it is a felony. --Detlef I will let the BATF and the postal inspectors do that. Common sense: If you have to have an FFL to ship through the post office, taking a gun apart and calling it machine parts is not making any difference. It is still shipping a gun without using an FFL and you haven't been able to do that since they passed the laws in the 60's after kennedy was killed with a mail order rifle. You may not get caught but if you do, jail time will be in your future. The original poster mentioned UPS and Fedex, so I doubt the postal inspectors will be interested in answering the question.
  6. You need to check the common carrier statutes. When a package is delivered to an entity with common carrier status (for example, UPS or Fedex but not your local pack & send), they do not legally have "posession" - which is what allows them to knowingly possess machine guns, narcotics, etc. shipped in lawful commerce, and what protects them from a posession rap if they are caught in unknowing posession. It may be that legal "transfer" does not occur when a package has been placed in the custody of a common carrier (for example, shipping the gun to yourself).
  7. Postals ship of handguns is only legal between FFLs (and does not include a non-FFL sending the gun to an FFL), and you must have postal form 1508 on file at the post office from which you are shipping.
  8. I would caution USPSA clubs against using Match Magic, as USPSA is utilizing specific features of EzWinScore to provide automatic upload of results; classification scores; and import of classifications from the USPSA site. It kind of defeats the purpose of automatic data collection an integration if you fix the front end while breaking the back end.
  9. To answer some quesitons posed: 1. Shooters were registered in EzWinScore and transferred to the Palms. We pre-registered a few shooters with the name "walkin" prior to the transfer to the Palm. Scores are transferred by competitor number, so we can assign walk-ins one of thesepre-defined competitors, change their name in EzWinScore and their score comes in. Any changes to division, powerfactor, etc. are made only in EzWinScore. 2. The path is stage palm -> master plam -> sync cradle -> MS/Access import -> EzWinScore. The next version of EzWinScore will remove the need for a separate MS/Access step. All publishing of reports; data upload; etc. are done using the EzWinScore features - the Palms are used only for data collection. 3. I have deliberately not commented on the pricing since it that it a matter between Peter Cunningham (www.autoscoringsystems.com) and his prospective customer base. Also, it would be pretty ridiculous for me to comment on the dollar worth of the software when I received copies for my club free of charge.
  10. Correct. We have a sheet with room for 8 shooters, and a carbonless version with test off "Stub strips" for the major matches. My goal is to remove paper scoring at local matches (assuming the RD approves, which is allowed under the new rules) for LOCAL matches, but to maintain paper logs at major matches and classifers.
  11. 1). I "paid" for the software by being the first person to step forward and tell him that I would work with him on testing it in the US in return for free licenses for the club hosting the tests. 2). We bought 10 Palm IIIXe's from Palmsetc@aol.com for prices ranging from $65 to $80 each. 3) A few people own Palms, but we used only club Palms at the match. 4) The backup at the local match was a log sheet with hit totals and time. We backup up scores to a master Palm about once per hour at the area match. 5) ROs moved with the squad at the local match (5 pits, 5 cro's + volunteers recruited from the squad). Dedicated RO's for the Area 7 Championship. This club (Harvard) has always spread it's RO's thoroughout the squads. 6) If you want to see how many RO's/staff we have for the A7 check out www.uspsa.org/squadding - everyone who is in squad 50 whose name is not an HTML link is match staff. 7) I can train staff in how to enter scores in 30 minutes or less. The 3 hour training I referred to was training stats staff on match administration and the "back end" stuff that RO's do not need to worry about. --------------------- We are setting up a network in the clubhouse with a local web server and a few compuers (as many as I can round up), and will use this to provide interim postings throught the 2004 Area 7 Championship at intervals not exceeding 2 hours between postings. We could do it hourly, but the stats staff needs time to hand out in the range officer's lounge .
  12. From the last thread on the Palms: Now...I would HIGHLY encourge somebody to start another thread on this topic. I am sure I am not the only one here that would like to hear more about this system and any progress made with it. However, those that are participating in the 'soap opera' can sit out the next round of discussion! Thanks, Kyle (Adminitude) ----------------------------------- So, here goes: I spent 3 hours one morning training the Harvard Sportsmens stats team on Palm scoring. Yesterday was their first attempt to run Palm scoring without having me run the show (or do much of anything except be available as a backup). It was a complete success, with virtually instant results (ready before the props were put away). This was a match with about 66 shooters and 5 stages (one of which was thrown out due to mechanical prop failure). Our only problem was a single missing score, which was promptly recovered from the paper log and entered.
  13. My local club (not USPSA affiliated since we have only one outdoor range, but we run practices and are building some Area 7) used to have rules "no carry of a loaded gun in the clubhouse"; "lean ammo only", "1000 fps max", "5 rounds loaded max"; "no draw from a holster." We managed to get this all changed by having USPSA members get involved in the club. USPSA members in that club still need to apply for permission to be approved for draw from the holster, load full mags, etc., but that is routinely given. The key to accomplishing this was facts. We tested the backstop to prove jacketed ammo, and > 1000 fps ammo, did not damage the steel. We demonstrated that IPSC/USPSA is a real sport, and that there are reasons for drawing and speed shooting other than ballistic masturbation. The point about "carry" in the clubhouse was a safety issue. We had people stopping by the door of a clubhouse to unload by the entrance, when it was safer to just keep the gun holstered. Also, there was the hipocracy factor - having the same people complain about their local chief not letting them carry in the mall, but telling others they could not carry at the club. Keepin mind this was not a cirumvention of the "cold range" rules for IPSC style events at the club, but simply stating that persons visiting the clubs non-shooting areas are expected to behave with no greater restrictions than imposed upon them at the local supermarket. If you get involved, you can often effect change ... but don't expect much to happen if all you do is show up and complain about the rules you don't like. People running events; fixing what's broke at the club; volunteering for club office; etc. are in the best position to effect change.
  14. Adding "Pending" will get you on the list, but please be VERY careful to correctly spell your name, phone and email since the office staff will not be able to look you up by competitor number in their database if they have trouble finding you.
  15. Interestingly enough, I beleive the post office is offering a shipping option designed to not display the shipping charge on the package for exactly this reason.
  16. That I did - I check "new" ona semi-regular basis.
  17. There are five things you can to to help with your reputation when you are out of stock due to vendor issues: 1. Notify the customer IMMEDIATELY, giving them a chance to cancel the order. 2. Do not charge the customer's card until you have the merchandise and are ready to ship. 3. If a partial backorder results in multiple shipments, do not charge the customer any extra shipping - just work it into the cost of doing business. 4. Update your web site regularly so that there is an accurate "in stock" status on all parts, and make sure the ordering process warns people of they have selected backordered products. 5. If you are out of stock, but expect the part "soon" tell the customer. Don't try to slip a delay under the rug because is "only a couple of days." Customers will appreciate the honesty, and you'll be in a much better situation if your supplier delays. If you do all of the above, you'll find that customers will understand. Remember, your supplier situation is not excuse to leave the customer hanging - they should have information on out of stock status within one business day if you are doing your job as a merchant correctly. You can't make your supplier delays go away, but communicaiton and honesty will go a long way with your customers.
  18. Until last weekend, the Point Series policy excluded matches which had any fees waived (including charity matches). The board accepted my proposal that the policy be changed to allow the Area Director to select a charity match as the single "other tournament" authprized per area, provided preference is given to full fee matches. This policy change was unanimously approved, as was my request the information be released immediately (instead of waiting for meeting minutes) As a results, AWARE 2004 in Vermont will be a Point Series match. This match is worth the trip - great ranges; well designed stages; nice area to stay; reasonably priced hotels. Just ask Phil Strader if you have any doubts. See you there.
  19. Eastern time. The only thing I can absolutely guarantee is that I won't enable it before midnite.
  20. I plan on turning on the Nationals waitlist this evening, shortly after Midnite. I'm not doing an automated turn-on since I would have to watch it to test anyhow. If I run into any problems, the "worst case" is sometime Saturday. Remember, there is a $10 fee this year - the only way you lose that fee is to decline an offered slot. IMPORTANT: The system will allow you to pay on-line via credit card. Although these are processed manually (something I am in the process of changing), they will be processed IN THE ORDER IN WHICH PAYMENT IS SUBMITTED. Your place on the waitlist is determined by your ORDER OF PAYMENT, not order of submission. I know this sounds a bit unfriendly, but last year, Sedro had to contact hundreds (yes, hundreds) of folks on the waiting list who did not accept. It was as if everyone signed up without even thinking if they would go (Yup, gotta get me on that there waitlist in case I win the lottery). Rob
  21. Another best practice - allow only ONE person to call out hits unless asked by the persons recording scores. I really hate it when numerous people all think they are "helping" by calling out hits on the targets they are taping while I am busy recording hits on other targets.
  22. If it's a competition, the emphasis is on SKILL. There is a subset of shooters who prefer a game where they can be excellent simply by verbal assertion ("My score doesn't matter; I'm tactically smart and would do better in a real confrontation than a GM IPSC shooter").
  23. Just another example of the double standard for the Gov't .... If I left my gun in a public restroom, I could expect that I would wake up the next day without a carry permit.
  24. For what it is, the 1012 at $199 and stunningly light in weight is hands down the most portable laserjet printer in the business that I've found. I'm getting one for the Area 6 3-Gun and GA State Ch so I don't to lug my heavy Laserjet 4 up and down stairs anymore. I've also got a deskjet 990cse, and it'll even get displaced by the 1012. That looked like a great printer as well. When buying a laser printer, check out the total cost - printer & one replacement cartridge (which should last a few years without need fo rmore supplies). Also, note that the cartridge which comes with the printer is often a low toner supply "starter" cartridge - the manufacturers aren't going to take chances of not getting a refill sale from a casual home owner by letting them buy it with a full tank.
  25. I recently bought the printer for my club. I picked up a Samsung laser printer for $199 before a $100 rebate (this particular rebate is no longer available, but they have them from time time). The cartridges are expensive but last a lot longer than inkjets, and are dry so they don't don't freeze. Office Max, Staples and CompUsa almost always have a laser printer for sale for less than $200 (watch out for the Brother - replacing the toner cartridge does not replace the drum, and new drums cost more than the printer). The problem with "Secondary brands" (ie, anything other than HP) is that toner cartridges may not be as easy to find. This is not an issue if you mail order (cheaper anyhow), and always keep a spare on hand. Also, www.tonerrefillkits.com sells some rather nice drill & fill kits. Inkjets are nice, but if you don't need color and want speed, volume and reliability laser is the way to go.
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