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Posts posted by SteveU

  1. We set them up 5' at the shoulder (or whatever specified) from the ground -- measured at the target. We disregard any incline/decline in the ground (though in our range it is slight) and just ensure safe direction of fire if our range varies. If we can't do the classifier as written in that bay we move it to a different bay.

    I don't think you can (or should) adjust as you are suggesting. Just lay it out as written.

  2. Also, i just checked the rulebook, and 1.2 and 4.3 don't specify which way the poppers fall. Therefore, as long as they are of the appropriate shape and properly calibrated to fall per Appendix C1, I'm not sure how you can justify altering classifiers without making a distinction in the rules. Now we all know we shoot them differently, depending on the way they fall, but the according to the rulebook, they are identical.

    Hmm.. The plot thickens

  3. That would pose a problem for my club. We are notnpermitted rearward falling poppers, so if they were specified, for example, for all classifies, then we would have no classifies with steel.

    Tough problem - making classifiers that are the same with forward and rearward falling steel when that is inherently impossible due to the different behavior of the targets

  4. Has anyone tried the Dawson std(non SNL) base pad on the rescomp mag with bolen guts? Will it go 22 rounds with that combo or are the bolen base pads needed

    Gotta have Bolen 3mm pad to get 22+1 to start (21 reloadable). That's what mine is.

    I tried Dawson +1 (not SNL) and it was close but too tight for 22.

    SNL = too big.

  5. I am offended by the unfair characterization of the "bulge" as belonging to Glock when Sig, Beretta, and S&W bulges the case by the same amount or more. Glock, in fact, has the tightest chamber of the group judging by total case expansion. Please stop singling out a particular race of handguns. It is wrong.

    Well it's not just that.... It's the grip angle too. ;)

  6. When I used my u die in station 1 I was crushing a lot of cases and the press required a lot of force.

    I replaced my Dillon die, and placed the u die in 2, and it was much smoother, no crushed cases.

    I just got a bullet feeder and got rid of my u die. Went back to just Dillon. To my surprise, and possibly confirming in some way your findings with the Dillon then u combination, my # of cases bulged at the base actually is LESS than the 2 die combo.

    This is all with nickel brass fired thru a glock.

    Interesting experience

  7. The question of which press should I buy gets asked in reloading forums several times a week. I decided the best way to deal with this was to wright a more in-depth response and save it on my hard drive. then just cut and paste when appropriate. I am including more than just Dillon units so just pointing them to Brian's answer isn't what I want to do.

    In an effort to refine the which press for you paper I am curious to know.

    How many cartridges do you make in an average loading session? 1000 over a weekend. Split into 3-4 times over the 2 days

    How many cartridges do you make in an average week? Maybe 1 weekend (above) every month to every other month depending on how much I shoot

    Which press do you use? 650xl

    How many cartridges can you load in an hour? ( not loading 100 and using math to get your answer but how many in a real hour if you were going to load for 2 or more hours straight? Burst rates are fine but the are a lot higher than you would get if it was your 8 hour a day job.

    Don't know. I usually do 20 min or so at a time for 2-300

    How long is your average loading session? See above

    Knowing what you know now if your reloading equipment was lost or stolen what would you buy today? 650 again or maybe 1050

    Good luck

  8. That works. :cheers:

    I had to toggle it off, but now I can post in the "fast reply" box.


    ETA: and in the editor box....

    And the full editor! I don't understand it but I sure do appreciate the help! :D

  9. Hmm. Still not working but I can describe it better in hopes that someone can figure it out. It works fine in the mobile version. In the full version, in Fast Reply, I select the text box and the cursor appears, then tabs down and out of the box, then Safari closes. In the full version when I try to use the full editor, I can select all the hot keys around the editor (font, style, etc) but can't touch the screen in the editor box. It doesn't do anything. When using the IPB app it defaults to the Mobile version which works fine. I ordinarily would agree with BritinUSA that it may simply not be compatible but I don't see how that be the case if it works for Treym7 and Ronnie j.I upgraded software to the most recent available (3.2.2 to 4.2) but that didn't change anything. The only other variables may be the memory and version(3G or not) of iPad but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't matter. Anyone have anything else inshould try? (Take it to Apple Store is my only next option but I wanted to try everything else first in hopes that it's a simple setting I can switch.)

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