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Posts posted by SteveU

  1. With the Bluegrass Sportsman's League pistol pits still closed except for events :angry2: , I thought I would go up to Buds to shoot some groups and break in a new Limited blaster (no pics yet).

    Got lucky and got out of work early, decided to spend a beautiful afternoon in an indoor range :rolleyes:

    When I got there, there was a sign:

    "Closed for Inventory and Range Cleaning until THURSDAY."

    There was a second sign that I had to laugh at:


    I thought about saying that I had about 200 or so 180 grain deliveries postmarked for the far end of the range, and could I please come in, but those boys probably don't have much of a sense of humor on inventory and range cleaning day.

    ... Couldn't think of anything else to do in Paris, Kentucky, so I drove home.

  2. My boss (the bankruptcy atty) (a lady) bought the two of us (her admin assistants) little gold open hearts on chains (nice necklace pendant type thing) with little alternating rubies and one little diamond. Very thoughtful... and totally unexpected. B)

    Not a super de Beers piece of luxury, mind you, but a nice thought from a decent employer.

    Very nice!

    Where'd she get it, do they have a Franchise in Lexington Kentucky, and are they open during the lunch hour?


    ...maybe a nice card will do...

  3. Went to Walgreens to get some medicine today. I pulled into the parking lot and parked. As I'm walking up to the door I noticed a freshly detailed "niceone" Z. It was parked in the yellow lines painted infront of the doors where people enter and exit. To me that ranks right up there with parking in the wheelchair parking or taking up 2 spots up front. If you want to take up 2 spots in the back go for it. I SOOO wanted to park right behind him but I was in my company truck and I know the Dipsh$t would call the number on the side and I would get a call. I mean there was NO body there and were I parked was MAYBE 10 yards from him and 15 from the door!

    Ahhh the simple things in life that irritate me :devil:

    Dude, sorry, but I was in a rush. Thanks for not keying my car. ;)

  4. Falcon, I'm sure between me and Clyde and some of the other guys would get you set up with gear for the match. I was going to shoot my eagle in 9mm but if you want I can shoot one of my SS that I'm not loaning out lol. I've got pouches and a belt holster all you would need is ammo. Just Pm me so I bring enough gear :-)

    Take it from me, Corey has an ENDLESS supply of firearms to loan out.


  5. Hey everyone,

    I fly corporate for a living, and have suddenly found out that I'll be in Lexington all weekend. I'm looking for a match to shoot at over the weekend. Any help is appreicated! I don't mind driving from Lexington to another city...Thanks Jim :cheers:

    Here's a website with some of the match sites in driving distance to Lexington. www.practicalshooters.com

    No matches are IN Lexington: Closest ones are Wilmore, and Bardstown, but not this weekend.

    3rd Sunday of the month would ordinarily be KAPS but there's no January match there.

    My only other thought would be to check with Pharaoh Bender to see if there's something in Ohio.

  6. I do use a tripod and a light tent. Dont take too many pics as I tend to steal pics from the manufacturers web pages when I can.

    I see lenses that are one size 50mm or 100mm. What about the lenses that say 28-300mm. Is that a viable choice. Like this one-

    Sigma 28-300mm F3.5-6.3 Macro Zoom Lens

    Actually I just played with manual focus and I might be able to stay with what I have but if the others will be much better I may get one. I just took this pic on my desk with no special light, off hand. Seems to be good enough but Nick is right about shadow. If the others will let me use a tripod it might be worth it. This just happens to be the barrel for my new carry gun project.

    Oh yea, I hate 50 yrd standards.


    The lenses with a focal length range are zoom lenses. You can take a standard shot or dial up to a telephoto shot. Generally good quality zoom lenses are expensive to make and high quality ones are pricier. The "one size" are simply that: You can't zoom in and out with them. Though they are less versatile, but good quality ones are less expensive to make.

    You should be able to take any picture you want with the lens you have with that camera. It's a very good camera and it's the one I'm going to buy (when rest my checkbook after paying you and Shaun for my limited build, that is...) - Just need to play with the lighting and use the "macro focus" settings, as others have posted.


  7. I hated doing pullups.

    Started doing them, now I love them. I have a pullup bar between my bedroom and my bathroom, and when I walk under it I do a few.

    Of course losing 15 lbs helped a bit.

  8. Let me first say hello to everyone...brand new to the board & new to reloading.

    I have maybe a simple question...I am purchasing a dillon 650 with the strong mount and was wondering what bench height you all recommend ???

    Id appreciate some ideas as to sitting height, standing height or whatever else comes to mind.

    BTW Im 6'4", so I dont want to have to bend over every pull of the handle.



    My height: 5'10"

    My bench off floor: 34 1/2 inches from floor

    My roller handle at the top of its arc: 50 inches from floor

    Dillon 650 with strong mount

    Very comfortable. I don't have to bend over to pull the handle and I don't have to get on my toes to look into the case before setting bullet.

  9. You guys have brought up a point that I didn't know about with the whole slide lock issue. Do you think this is a .40 issue alone, or does slide length 4" vs 5" matter.

    (Hi everybody, first post)

    The specific issue steel1212 is talking about is a wall he and I both hit while running XD40 tactical in production. I have been shooting an XD40 tac for production and for L10 for about a year now and am a C class shooter (moving up but don't expect much b/c I don't practice much). I reload. I have an aftermarket stainless steel guide rod and the stock spring.

    Using either titegroup or clays, I found that my loads for 130-135 pf would stovepipe and fail to extract consistently. When I bumped the PF up to about 140 or so, the problem went away.

    When I went down to a 16 lb recoil spring, the slide would cycle just fine, and the problem went away, but the 16 lb spring (in my experience) did not hold the slide in battery solidly enough to keep in ready to fire after a reload. When I mean is when I reloaded, the force of putting the new magazine in (any magazine, not just one) would jostle the slide out of battery by about 1-2 mm. When I pulled the trigger, an extremely light primer strike resulted, and it would cost 1-2 seconds to recover by manually cycling the slide. This was pretty consistent. I found that new Wolff 16 # springs out of the box would work, but after about 200 rounds the malfunctions would start.

    When I went back to the stock (or an 18lb replacement spring) it would run well, but only above 140 pf.

    There are some who shoot 130-135 pf with an XD 40 tactical and a 16 lb spring, but I think they just lucky. It seems to be right on the edge.

    Slide lightening would probably work (internal) but I haven't tried it. I've seen Rich post on this issue in the past, he, I'm sure, could give you good info on this subject.

    I did find that the lighter 40 Service (4") slide would cycle very well with the extremely light loads (120-135 pf) and could use a 16 lb or 18 lb replacement spring on a stainless steel guide rod (Don's Guide Rod) without any problem.

    In short, I would recommend a XD 40 service for minor PF (125-135); XD 40 tactical for the longer sight radius/slightly better accuracy if you don't mind shooting about 140 pf. For really light production shooting at low cost, the XD 9mm is a good way to go.

    Hope that helps.

    Lastly, awesome forum. I amass a world of info just reading.


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