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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. It does save on elbow wear (I'm still young) but elbow pain and surgery can't be cheap
  2. That way you have enough time to make up your mind and make changes before you make it pretty (and tough) with the hardchrome.
  3. Great posts, thanks for the info! Any help on the whole "angles" thing and not looking at targets thing? Is it stage specific, any help from the rulebook. It sounds like it would just be wise to walk around with hands in the pockets to be on the safe side.
  4. Thanks Frank! Mark, I did read the manual, that's why I asked the question about knowing where the targets are. I couldn't find the part that says you can't look at the targets (specifically anything about angles.) I'll look some more. I just want to know is where the targets are and when I need to insert more ammo. The rest takes care of itself. If no on else knows where the targets are I'm cool with that too. I know some people get carried away with choreography, but watch most shooters, once the buzzer goes off they don't even come close to what they "rehearsed." I do realize it says no air gunning, I was just wondering if there was some logic behind it, because I've been shooting courses of fire long enough to know that there are ways to do the same thing without leaving the comforts of your chair. No amount of practicing a stage will make up for a lack of practice and shooting skill Any tips that are IDPA specific are appreciated.
  5. I've heard a lot of fuss about "air gunning" lately. There is absolutely no advantage to "air gunning" so what is the big deal? Is it against the rules to know where the targets are in IDPA? Wouldn't that make the stages vastely unfair to the first shooters? I'm wanting to shoot an IDPA match this winter and don't want to pile up the penalties since I have to travel quite aways to get to one. Any tips are welcome.
  6. Send it to a good gunsmith and then have it hardchomed after a year or two.
  7. Troy is dead on (of course.) It is just easier to fully load your mag pouches and grab the mag you will start with and carry it to the line with you. Much easier than shuffling mags around, especially if you are shooting L10 or Prod, because it is easier to keep track of the one with 11 rounds.
  8. Ps. It only takes a few minuted for a caliber change (I have 4 toolheads) once you've done it a time or two. Over the years the cost has been well worth it, but then again I've kept my eyes open and the last 1050 I got for $750 with 4 calibers and 4 toolheads, hardly used at all. It just takes a lot less effort to reload on the 1050, and the downstoke only is a lot easier on the elbows.
  9. I'm a shooter, period. Please don't label me as a particular type of shooter, I just love to shoot, and I'll shoot whatever pistol game is in town. Shooting biggots have no more place in the world than racists. Just let the scoring happen as it is earned (no scoring by committee on technique or form after the fact.) The rules should be clear and known (no secret decorder rings needed) is all I ask of any game I play.
  10. I only met Taran once a few years back, but he took the time to chat with me while we were waiting in the desert heat for an awards ceremony. Taran seemed like a genuine guy who really likes shooting, I was bummed to hear about his DQ, especially since there is no place in any legitamate "sport" for collaborating after the fact to award a penalty. If a penalty is earned, it should be issued immediately. If only common sense were more common... I hope Taran makes it to next year's Nats and kicks some @$$!!!
  11. Why not just get rid of the post count thing?
  12. Pushing you seeing might be better than pushing your shooting. I spent many a year pushing my shooting, it wasn't nearly as effective for me as workin' on the seeing part.
  13. Cool-Aid-Drinker One who thinks that "cool" "aids" (ie. lasers, top secret lubes/tapes/coatings, anything labeled tactical, or other assorted gadgets) are part of the "secret potion" to becoming a better shooter
  14. Last nights was pretty good, worth a short nights sleep. Freakin' brutal.
  15. In my experience, they change the way the gun feels, but that doesn't translate to making you shoot better or worse. So if you like teh feel better, go for it, but not because it will make you a better shooter.
  16. ... if you live in a state where standard capacity mags are illegal, $40-80 should get you enough standard capacity mags to be competetive in any match where standard capacilty mags would be allowed... ... and, you could pin them at 10 rounds (ala the Canadians) and take them home with you. Just drill the rivet out when you are in a state where standard capacity mags are not evil.
  17. It doesn't take any more time to call your shots, so call them, especially on the close targets. Those are free points.
  18. They changed it sometime after the Nats last year I believe. 10 rounds max in the mags when the buzzer goes off. Making everyone use a barney mag was dumb and time consuming. They realized it I guess.
  19. It is all about what feels best to you, 9mm's don't recoil to me, so it comes about the way they point, I think the XD is easier to reload (I always get the mag stuck in the "hole" in the grip of the Glock), (the sights can be the same) and the trigger, and I've yet to see a Glock trigger that is as good as the one you can get on a XD Mine is set up dang close to a 1911 style trigger, which just makes it easire to switch between guns. They both will out shoot you Ps. You don't have to worry about light hits with a XD trigger job, it hit's full strength.
  20. Loves2Shoot


    Sorry, but isn't that a lot like the Sti's Recoil Master? I can't see getting a pattent on what I saw there, it seems too similiar to STI's product, which I use in my limited guns.
  21. A buddy of mine who is a military type got to play with one and asked the HK rep when he could get one, something like a cold day in hell was the reply. I guess HK has no plans (according to what the rep "supposedly" said) to sell them to regular folks.
  22. 2 A 1 A 1B Better be nice to him next time if you gave him a Mike he didn't earn Please if youever see stacked target tell the RM to fix it before the match starts. The shooters deserve to have things done right.
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