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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. The BOD doesn't make anything. We're all unpaid. The President is the only votin member with a salary. Nobody is hiding anything about the BOD salary Yes chuck, I didn't mean BOD, I meant people at the USPSA that draw a salary such as the Prez. I do agree that we don't need to know what Val makes and the office staff. What we could know is say that office scale is from XX to XX. Hell, the way it is now I don't even know how many draw a salary or what the total of that money is... It's time for the board to be a little more transparent. I hope the, we bought it and you don't need to know the details or what we paid mentality left with our outgoing Prez. Best, JT JT, Not to drag this thread out any longer, but I didn't say you meant anything. I didn't address or quote you. I quoted AT and his assertion that the BOD was somehow concealing our salaries. An assertion that is completely without merit.
  2. Not to derail any members thoughts on this, but maybe the Steel Challenge comments and salary discussions, which have nothing to do with the December, 2011 BOD meeting, could find their way to another topic?
  3. The BOD doesn't make anything. We're all unpaid. The President is the only votin member with a salary. Nobody is hiding anything about the BOD salary
  4. Nothing changed with the latest BOD meeting. They will be legal Jan 1, 2013. Magnets in Production and Single Stack will not.
  5. BOD Meeting minutes are up. 3lb trigger requirement rescinded 9-0.
  6. The release is going out in a club only newsletter so I expect that the only people seeing it (other than posting it here as a marketing example) would be club members and familiar with club rules. We have several options for non members to shoot. Having a history shooting an action sport is enough. We have USPSA/IDPA etc on the same range and have outside folks all the time. If you do plan to come send me an email though so I can get you the gate code.
  7. I don't see that it would matter much for these shoot offs. I've never seen a shotgun reload in a shootoff. I'm not sure the optic on the handgun and shotgun are really any faster, and the rifle is all long range stuff... so the additional red dot that many open guys use would be moot. *shrug* I guess I just don't see how using stage guns that everyone is unfamiliar with is a better test of shooting skill than letting everyone shoot their own equipment. I don't really want to see an equipment race to open, but I'm not so sure that would happen anyway when you consider the format of the shootoffs. If stage guns are going to continue to be used there needs to be a little bit more quality control... for lack of a better term.. in how they are prepped. FN hasn't sunk,conservatively, a quarter million dollars into the 3 Gun Nation tour for folks to use their own guns. Make no mistake, the shootoffs and show are commercial ventures. Not bad just what it is. FN has supported this venture to show what their guns can do. Doesn't really work if they aren't used.
  8. The mounts I've always seen used have been Warne Ramp Mounts. The scopes last year were Leupold and Weaver, but I think they stopped using the Weaver scopes this year. I seriously doubt there is an issue with the quality of the mount or the optic. I also doubt that Team FNH doesn't know how to put either on a gun. It's in FN's interest to have equipment that works and shines at this type of event. I know last year they zero'd the guns before the final competition (because I did it). There was an issue where someone said it wasn't zero'd. Someone fired it again (I think that one was Thacker or Houck) and the guns hit just fine. The only way to eliminate this is to have a complete set of 8 guns, one for each (well three really) competitor and let them zero and retain the guns for the duration of the shootoff. That's a lot, about 50K worth of guns, optics and cans tied up for the shootoff guns, plus the time everybody would screw around "zeroing" (practicing) with the guns before the shootoff began.
  9. I like the new format. Not so much the Larry Potterfield, this is my defensive standards, which he doesn't follow, portion. But the rest. He's covering some interesting stuff this season. I'd probably like the celebrity portion if they used real celebrities. I don't even know who half of them are. I mean, really a guy from a short lived TV show from 20 years ago is a celebrity? They all look older than dirt. I keep thinking the recoil of the compensated .22 is going to cause them to break. How about hitting up Taran for some real celebs. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing Rhianna with a gun in her hand, and she could use it on Chris Brown when he smacks her around again.
  10. I've got 7.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5, and 14.5 uppers for my AR's. I vastly prefer the 11.5 and 12.5 over the 7.5. The 7.5 shot out the barrel in a very short time and destroyed the suppressor that was on it(the one that said don't put it on anything shorter than 10.5, oops). The shortys handle very well. Downrange performance is not great and there is more drop do to the lowered velocity. Some of that can be fixed by using ammo geared towards short barrels but it's neve going to be a good as an 18". If youve got the coin they are a lot of fun.
  11. Just sent this to our Club for next months newsletter. NRA Action Pistol is now at Tri-County Gun Club. Action Pistol is an exciting and accuracy intensive sport run by the NRA. Many people have heard of the Bianchi Cup. Well the Cup is the National Championship for Action Pistol. Here at Tri-County we shoot three of the four stages from the Cup. The stages are the Practical Event, Barricade Event and the Falling Plates event. You’ll need about 150 rounds of ammo to complete the three events, a few magazines, your gun and a serviceable holster. There are no reloads required or allowed on the clock. The targets and plates will be shot from various distances from 10 yards to 50 yards in fairly tight time constraints. If you want to learn how to shoot fast and accurately, this is a great sport to try out. I learned a lot about trigger control and sight alignment the first year. There are divisions for most handguns, centerfire and rimfire, iron sights, optics, stock guns whatever. If you have it, bring it and we’ll figure out what division you fit into. If you want to shoot rimfire and don’t have a holster, or a gun that doesn’t meet any specific division, we’ll let you shoot, we just won’t submit the scores to the NRA. The complete rule book can be found on the NRA’s website but if you have any questions please just call or email me, it’s easier than trying to navigate the NRA website. We shoot Action Pistol on the second Sunday of the month, February 12, March 11, etc, starting at 9AM. We meet in Bay 10 on the Action Range and you will need to be Action Range certified in order to shoot with us. For more information contact AP Match Director, Chuck Anderson, 503-453-3781 or chuck@andersontactical.com Limited space for the newsletter so it's a bit brief.
  12. I don't think anyone is saying a .22 Action Shooting sport is a bad thing. What I believe most of the folks who are against .22 USPSA are saying is it doesn't belong in a sport primarily oriented to, and having one of it's basic principles as, firing real ammo. I like shooting my .22's. I've got a couple in the safe setup for Steel Challenge Open and just bought another 22/45 to start building that one up as well. I have a blast shooting them, and often times enjoy shooting them more than my centerfire guns. But they don't have a place in USPSA competition. There are certain things that would unacceptably water down the sport. It might be more acceptable to women and juniors to not have to reload, or draw on the clock. It doesn't mean we should compromise our core foundations to accomadate that. It would make it easier for women and children to play NFL football if they didn't hit each other. Not going to happen. Whether you believe it or not, there are a lot of people that still consider USPSA a Practical sport. .22 would certainly diminish that. There are options, non-USPSA action matches, Steel Challenge, Ruger Rimfire Series. All of these can be run very easily by any USPSA, or Non-USPSA club for that matter. The easiest way to recruit is to hold those matches, and promote USPSA there. We don't need to change our matches when there are already other matches that serve every purpose you've listed above. Frankly if you club has that low of attendance it might be because, if half the stuff you've posted is true, they aren't a USPSA club. They are just running their own thing and calling it USPSA. That's the quickest way I've seen to kill a club, or at least cause real USPSA shooters to stay away.
  13. I use a SureFire MB556K. Not really for any reason other than I had a bunch of them laying around. Just about any .223 rifle comp will work. I know a couple guys use the SJC Titan, some use the Miculek Bang Comp. I would find a used .223 comp laying around on the bench, or find a used one in the classifieds and start there. There really is very little gas volume to drive a comp effectively so it's mainly a muzzle weight. I've used the TS comp and actually think it works pretty well as a comp.
  14. Tri County Gun Club in Sherwood Oregon, second Sunday of the Month at 9am
  15. If there were some smart sponsors someone would have grabbed him at SHOT yesterday or today and given him a dang shirt to wear on national TV.
  16. Interesting take on the media coverage. I actually consider Bianchi to have some of the best media coverage of any of the pistol sports. Shooting USA, Shooting Gallery, Friends of NRA (showing Jesse shooting) and Doug Koenig's Championship Season. I think I spent more time watching Bianchi coverage this year than any other single event. Any ideas how we get a major network to cover?
  17. Tommy Thacker vs Phil Strader =Phil Jeff Cramblit vs Rustin Bernskoetter =Rustin Taran Butler vs Mike Voigt =Taran Mark Hanish vs Tyler Payne =Tyler (my bet is the closest run) Phil v Rustin =Phil Taran v Tyler =Tyler Phil v Tyler =Tyler But what do I know. I will say that anyone of these guys has the chance to walk away with the prize. It's not about who the best shooter is. Everyone of them has the skills to make every shot that will be in the shootoff. It comes down to nerves and being able to focus. Wish I could make to cheer on my friends. Good luck all.
  18. It's in this thread for a couple reasons, one because if the NRA does have a Production Rimfire and one of their MD's doesn't know about it, they've probably done a poor job of marketing that class. Second, it might be a very good way to get people involved. A very cheap, available, .22 gun, cheap ammo, low ready start. Wouldnt' that be an easy way to get people involved? We do the same thing with Steel Challenge. Lots of people start off, and lots of people stay because of the Division. As far as asking the NRA, they are the sanctioning body of AP and they own it. Just like IDPA owns IDPA and USPSA owns USPSA and Steel Challenge. It's theirs. As a match director I pay money to the NRA to support this competetive event they own. Just like they own PPC, Highpower, etc. Even if we wanted to start an APSA we couldn't because it's already the NRA's. That said, the NRA has their hands in a whole lot of pies. It is our responsibility to grow the sport. That's why this thread exists. It's titled Marketing NRA AP. Not what can we tell the NRA to do to market AP. If you've got an idea, and not just Spangler, but anyone, whether it's a National idea or a local idea, let's have it. Either way I think we need to make Martin the schill for this one. Put the list together and make him give it to the NRA. They like him a lot more than they like me.
  19. Has the NRA looked at doing a low ready start for Rimfire, like what they do in Steel Challenge? Most of the .22's I've seen do not really lend themselves to being holstered, and many have lousy safeties. How do they score the plates, fall to score? Might be a little tricky with normal plates and I really don't want to buy another set. Is there a Production Rimfire?
  20. How many clubs shoot the .22 class? Are the rules the same as the centerfire divisions for Open/Metallic? I'd be interested in that myself.
  21. How long has it been? I think NRA has only had Production Division for 3-4 years now. I wonder if the mindset has changed a bit there. When I started running my AP match at my local club I had no idea that another 30 minutes up the road they had been running one for years, just an unofficial one. Just happened they were shutting down from lack of participation. I like the idea about a getting started in AP article. I'll email NRA on that one. What do you think about running the article in Front Sight? I've kicked the idea around of including mention of other non-USPSA sports in Front Sight. Not to dominate the magazine, but maybe one per. I'm a pretty firm believer that it really doesn't matter what sport people are shooting, as long as they are out shooting. Besides, they'll always come back to USPSA because we're the best (just kidding guys from every other shooting sport discipline) The coverage I see in American Rifleman alway seems fairly shallow, normally just covering Doug/Bruce, Vasdasz, and whoever pulled off the Production win. Maybe an article from my perspective, where I started in Production, set up my own match, and then moved to Metallic and Open.
  22. Rocky Mountain, Superstition and Northwest Multigun Challenge prohibit drum mags in Tactical. I have not checked other matches. Doug See three I don't shoot.
  23. I actually don't think Stealthy Blagga is right about the ban on C-Mags either. I don't shoot any matches that have that stipulation in Tactical. And I shoot a lot of IMGA matches. It might be at some matches, but certainly not the majority. Not saying there aren't a couple, I just don't know them.
  24. Wait, I thought I did that at the Ironman last year. Does that mean I don't have to run this year?
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