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Everything posted by CPUFIXER

  1. I was just checking the scores...Wasn't Billy Abbate shooting Open?
  2. I shoot tomorrow all day. What kind of ground is it, grass, sand or rock?
  3. I have Max's class in Raleigh next week, and the Georgia Sectional the week after that. Maybe the Nov. Rowan match?
  4. Let me explain the process of how I decided to make this into an open gun. When I first bought the X-5 I about 2 1/2 years ago, I decided to send it off to Bruce Gray at Grayguns for their XLP package. This is what was done then: (list taken from their website) Grayguns Custom Frame Lightning Work Over Dust cover reduction inside and out Beaver Tail narrowing Full Feed & Reliability package Grayguns Custom hammer bobbing and lightning Dawson Fiber Optic Front Sight Perfecto action cleanup with reset smoothing. Dog Eared rear sight Cut Factory Sport mag release to intermediate mag release, serrate and refinish After this I had used it in matches pretty exclusively (Limited minor). There is however one inherent hangup with the X-5 and that is the internal extractor. It is not reliable enough and it became such a problem that I finally gave up using it. I called up my friend Scott Folk at Grayguns (now with Apex Tactical) and we suggested to make it an open gun. (I was getting killed in limited minor anyhow). After some consultation with Bruce, we decided that the best solution for the extractor problem was to elimintate the internal extractor alltogether. Instead of reinventing the wheel, the decision of using a 226 stainless w/ext extractor slide seemed the way to go. Scott made the comp, fit the match Barsto barrel, made the c-more mount, etc, and now we are testing the comp and hybrid barrel ports with the 9mm major ammo (Atlanta Arms 355 super...I dont have the 9mm Dillon setup yet). As for mags...Sig said they can't (or wont) import the 25 round mags to the US. Roger Sherman (I think that's his name..Scott knows) makes basepads for the standard X-5 19 round mags that will hold 24 rounds, and I think that the SWAT mags with the basepads could hold 31 (170mm). If we can't get a hold of those SWAT mags, I'll have to have them made... Is it worth it? The thought of having a true Sig open gun was to much to pass up. We have more to do, but I think it's coming along nicely.
  5. Here's a barely C shooters POV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ygqhuPVGOA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxRq46pnwnI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfq_uxeQF-M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHns4jGiYn0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnB16-ecUDI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF9aLb45qr4
  6. As I have never even been to an Area match before, this was a first for me. 1. Registration: I thought for sure there was going to be 400+ people all wanting to register at the same time, so I was pleasantly suprised when it was a line of about 70-80. Although I was at the end of that long line, it did go by rather quickly...30min or so. The staff were very nice and helpful, as was all the Nationals staff I came across over the 4 days. I got my packet and went on my way. I didn't realize that there was some free stuff in it until I got back to the room. I've never been to an event that gave away 'swag' and thought that was pretty cool as a relatively new shooter. 2.The range: As my squad did not have to shoot until the afternoon of the 1st day, there was some confusion as to whether or not we were required to go to the shooters meeting that morning. We wen't anyway, but noticed that only people shooting that morning attended. Although I could have used the extra sleep coming from NC, I decided to go to American Shooters to get some rounds down range before my match, so it wasn't a big deal. The range itself seemed well layed out and parking was not a problem. The staff again made sure there was enough water for everyone..'cause it was HOT! 3. The stages: For some reason I thought that the National stages would be longer distances and 30 rounds or more each (thankfully they were not). You know, stuff you wouldn't see anywhere else. I figured there would be "popper activated turners that activate movers that activate hidden plate racks that you have to shoot weak hand standing on one leg" kind of stuff. 4. The shooters: What can one say. I think we have some of the friendliest competitors in any sport. I was standing at the end of one of the bays trying to get a glimpse of a super squad shooting when one of them said "it's a lot cooler under the tent!" motioning me to come over. I guess for some of you who shoot with guys like this all the time that's it's no big deal, but when I was that close to people like Max Michel, Chris Keen, Phil Strader, Manny Bragg, and Todd Jarret...these people are my idols..It was like being back stage at a rock concert, that feeling of inclusiveness...I will never forget it. My squad-mates were great too. I made some new friends that I hope to shoot with again soon. 5. The Banquet: I've never been to an awards banquet, so I have nothing to compare it to, so I guess it went smoothly, it seem to me at least. There was one thing however, I placed in the bottom third of the Limited rankings, and as they were calling out people's name to go to the prize table, they stopped with anly about 50 names left...It would have been nice to hear my name called. I would have also liked to know ahead of time to bring my name tag as I did not even get in to the prize table room because I didn't have it...(granted the only thing left at that time would have been the tablecloths). All and all, this was a definate learning experience for me, one of which I hope to expand upon thoughout my shooting career.
  7. I don't suppose there will be any impromptu BE members get-together? that would be cool, even if it was just over a snack.
  8. welcome! me and the 3 other guys shoot regularly in NC. Look forward to meeting you.
  9. These are two videos from my 1st NRA action pistol patch. I normally shoot USPSA in limited. I was wondering if I could get some advice on my grip, muzzle flip, etc. I know that I had a wicked flinch at the last shot of the 2nd video. I'm shooting a Brazos SC 5" .40 12# wolff spring Atlanta Arms .40 loaded to 1.180" major (don't really know the PF) It does have a new Bar-sto barrel (500+ rounds in it already) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGwiySgb8Jc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrGmmfGdiiE
  10. I just bought a vholdr as well and would like to know how you mounted it.
  11. I'm going to assume that that means 306 rounds total for the entire 3 days (lim/lim10/rev), not 306 per day correct?
  12. I must be one of the ones who are not staying on the strip. I dont care for the casino resorts as they tend to nickel and dime you to death if you are not gambling. (too smokey as well..) After doing some research, I will be staying at the Staybridge suites (off the strip). great room for less than $100 a night.
  13. I'm a noob when it comes to the Nationals, so just to get me straight.... I see that it is half day shooting from Thurs-Sat. Each with 6 stages. (lim/lim10/rev) Does this mean I'll shoot over a two day period? (12 stages total) or 3 day period? (18 stages total) many thanks....
  14. I just got this from Matt Pickhardt from USPSA. (a snippet from a longer email...) "I will post the squad information at the nationals web page as soon as I receive it, but as of yet no squadding or scheduling has been done. We are just now getting to a stable competitor list and I anticipate work beginning soon on that task. It's usually a few weeks before the match that the process is finalized and posted though, according to my experience. "
  15. I'm going to assume then that the springs I bought are too light/short to work?
  16. Like the title asks, is this a recoil master? This was in my Brazos limited. I just bought 2 recoil master springs from Brazos (one light/green and one orange/heavy). The original one that was in there (I did not buy this gun new) was about 1 to 1.5 inch longer than the green one I just put in. I want to make sure the springs I bought was for this.
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