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Yea, I noticed that too :) That's rust trying to be knocked off. I was moving faster than you but you hit more points at speed. I noticed a few more C & Ds than normal from you but I figured it was because you weren't accustomed to the recoil of a major load :roflol:

F*ing factory crap glock adjustable sights are crap.

... and lack of practice.

the major PF is why I was saying 'ouch!' after ever shot and weeping softly while reloading my mags.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Still working on load testing for the new AR, but I think I'm getting close. I keep getting to the range in less than ideal wind conditions so I'm not 100% happy with my results yet. Vertical spread in a couple of the loads is very good so far but its hard to really see what a full group looks like when I get tired of waiting for the wind to die down and just shoot through it, haha.

First INMG this Sunday. I've basically practiced about nothing for this other than a few shotgun loads to determine where I want my shell caddies set up and one pistol match this year. Ought to be a good test of what I remember how to do :)

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Still working on load testing for the new AR,

I'll be going to fwrr sometime sat to verify zero on my rifle & figure out where slugs hit at 100. Might shoot some @ 300 just to make sure my tables line up w/ reality...


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First 3gun of the year in the books. Not as rough as I expected! It was much colder than I had expected or hoped for and a steady 10-15 mph wind didn't help the day much. At least it didn't start to rain/sleet until the last hour of the day and luckily my squad was done shooting before it hit.


Stage 1 - 100yd Slugs and up to 200yd rifle. First stage of the match, first shooter, no biggie. Slug target was full size IPSC steel that had to be engaged 3 times from 3 different ports. Missed my first 4 or 5 shots and was getting concerned quick. Finally figured out that I was shooting way right (wind causing that much issue? need to verify soon) and then went 3 for 3 once I found a new POA. Started out smoking the rifle targets then started to get in a hurry. Couldn't get settled into my 2nd shooting position. Ended up about 20 seconds slower than I should have been.

Stage 2 - Full size IPSC steel with pistol at ~40 yards then rifle out to 300. Pistol went ok. Was borrowing a pistol on this stage because I didn't have the right holster for my 2011 with its thumb rest slide stop ( that's what I get for last minute preparation). Went prone and hit the 5 targets in about 7 or 8 shots. No real problems here, just could have moved a bit faster. finished about 10 seconds off the winning pace.

Stage 3 (ClusterF***) - Was supposed to have 2 Newbold "plate racks" at 40 yards. One kept falling over, got thrown out. The other one, bullets were zipping through the target and not signaling or falling. So they got thrown out. The rest of the stage was a quick 8 shots with the shotgun then run forward and 2 paper targets and Texas Star with pistol. But the star had a vision barrier wall across it so you could only see the bottom two plates! The assumption when it was designed was the wall was to be soft cover, but it was properly articulated to everyone and some squads shot it as a hard cover wall so it ended up being thrown out.

Stage 4 - 23 round shotgun stage with plate rack, two popper/clay flippers and some knockdowns. Had a decent plan, executed it fairly well. Couple make-up shots on the plate rack forced and empty chamber load that I wasn't planning on but I got through it ok. Lost a couple seconds with the need to use the match saver mid-stage and then bobbled shells on my 2nd load a bit. Ended up winning the stage but could have been about 5 seconds faster on it.

Stage 5 - all pistol "Steel Hell" with 15-18 knockdowns, a couple mini-poppers and a super fast swinging paper. Had a few misses here and there but a very respectable time. Ended up 2nd on this stage by .3s.

Ended up 2nd in Tac-Ops at 96% of the winner so a good first score for the series for me. Was 4th overall in the combined results.

No video, but maybe some pictures coming later. It was just too cold to mess with, haha. Maybe next time.

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Had a nice live fire session last night between rain drops. Started with Dot Torture. Need to do this one a lot more this year. Did a different dot drill next, 6 rounds 5 second par time into a 2" dot. Harder than it sounds. good for recoil control and watching the sights. Played around with Ben Stoeger's Accelerator drill. Didn't do that well but another easy to set up drill that will tell you a lot about your shooting. Need to give the longer shots a bit more patience. finished up with some group shooting, 10 rounds aiming at a paster. Really need to start/finish each session with this.

I noticed something about my shooting that I've seen a bit in the past and actually started to correct a bit last night but need to focus on it as the season goes. Similar to my archery hobby, if I'm not careful I can get a bit of "target panic" on slow shots. I aim hard when group shooting and break a shot, then hold the trigger back while I reacquire the target. I sometime will then let the trigger reset and then pull it again fast. I can't let myself apply slow steady pressure until the shot breaks like I do with a scoped rifle. Got myself to do it a bit last night, but not on all of them. Need/want to keep working on this for sure...

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Installed a new bolt release button on my Benelli. Took off the Nordic circular one and put the Arredondo paddle one on. I think I'm going to like it but time will tell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shot the classifier match at FWRR yesterday. Put up 2 decent runs in Limited and a would-be 3rd had I not edged a No-Shoot, lol. Quick math shows my percentage should be up to about a 91.xxx%. Ran the classifiers a 2nd time in Open with my Limited gun just because. Once the next update runs, Ill have a classification in all 6 divisions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shot INMG yesterday at ACC. No scores yet but I shot fairly well. Had a couple mental slip-ups that cost me a few seconds but I was right with a couple other guys I usually like to try to pace with most of the day. Considering my lack of general practice, I'm pretty happy with how the day went.

Got a new Armalite rifle comp in the mail Saturday but haven't had a chance to install it yet. Hopefully in the next week or two. Looking forward to tuning that thing and seeing what kind of a difference it makes.

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Scores came in from INMG at ACC. Ended up 3rd in Tac Ops at ~91% of the winner. About where I expected to be and am happy with that performance. Had one stage win too. Pistol match coming up this weekend at FWRR as long as the baby cooperates.

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Got the SS gun back out for the first time in a couple years last week. Actually shot and reloaded it better than I expected! Thinking about changing from a 45 to a 40 though for ammo ease. Not sure yet.

Actually dryfired 2 days in a row now! This "practice" thing is weird

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Slight panic attack this morning. Found out RVB made GM because his calculations were off a bit. I had calculated my Lim total to be around 91% when the latest update ran. Turns out my math was off a bit too. Didn't quite get to GM yet, but I'm fairly close. Maybe I should switch divisions for a bit? Im not ready for the GM card yet, haha.

LIMITED Class: M Pct: 93.81 High Pct: 93.81

I also finally got classified in Open so that makes all 6 divisions.

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Shot the FWRR match yesterday. Feel like I moved fairly well and stage plans felt ok, but shooting was sloppy. Tons of Mikes and only 87% of the points (before penalties). Really need to clean that up. Managed to get a couple cell phone videos. Need to dig out the video camera to get all the stages on one video. Uploading individually from the phone is just too long, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got out and shot a few rounds last night. Small stage with a few steel plates and 5 paper targets. Ran it a few times in various directions. Finished with a couple Bill Drills. Best run was a 1.05 draw from surrender and a total of 1.85. Need to do that one a bit more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

USPSA at Fort Wayne yesterday. I should really try to practice more...

Had a couple good stages, Had a couple marginal stages that I can clean up a bit. Trainwrecked the classifier(3 Mikes) trying to go all out on it. Oops. I had 2 other Mikes throughout the day and a few too many Ds. Need to clean up the points a bit. Felt good with my movement, but as always it doesn't look near that good on video as it felt when I was shooting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Shot FW match yesterday. Almost melted away in the humidity but it ended up being a good day. Dodged the downpour that fell a couple miles away from the range which is always nice. Ended up winning HOA by the closest margin I think I've ever seen at a match: https://practiscore.com/results.php?uuid=f18e23a0-4fc2-4605-b9d3-8c32e637a819&page=overall-combined

With the forecast being how it was all week I opted to not take my camera in case it did rain so of course I have nothing on video from this match. Felt really good with most of my movements throughout the day and was really trying to push my speed where I could. I'm sure there were some spots I could have done a little better but with no video, I don't know.

Stage 1: I figured the HF would be a bit lower so I tried to make sure I got plenty of points. ended p being a few seconds off the pace but the higher point total kept me competitive.

Stage 2: Had a pretty good plan and executed fairly well. Won this stage by a couple seconds.

Stage 3: Had a good plan here too, but got a little carried away with moving into a position after the reload and a target started to disappear behind a barrel on me too fast. Had to stop my movement and decide whether to back up for the A-zone or plug some C/Ds and move on. Took the C/D hits and finished up the stage but it was a bit slower than it should have been. Still nearly won this one.

Stage 4: This was a long swooping stage that started you in the middle/front portion. I opted to start shooting right away and shoot my way to the corner instead of just running straight there like a lot of people did. Most of the targets were close and I tried to be super aggressive. Apparently I need to watch my sights a bit more when I do this...2 Mikes on this stage that I honestly have no idea how it happened. Still finished top 5 on this stage thanks to a time that was about 2 seconds faster than everyone else. If only I had gotten the hits too....

Classifier was Fluffy's Revenge 2 (06-05). This was actually the last stage of the day. I was the last shooter on the stage and just went for it. Hit a great draw and nailed the steel. After that, the rest of the stage is a small blur. Points were sketchy at best, I think i had 3 Ds?. Time was 2.63s and HF north of 12. Should be around a 94% and will get me a tad closer to GM but I don't think its enough to get me there yet (which is fine with IN Section coming up soon).

Stage 5: short little zigzag type course in the narrow bay. We started here and I knew I could go fast to get things warmed up for the day since everything was close. Somehow had a M here too but not sure where as I didn't follow the RO for scoring. Im guessing it was a couple I tried to shoot on the move a bit too fast?

All in all, fairly happy with the day. Still need to clean up some of the accuracy a bit but considering a lack of practice all the way around and the hot/humid weather, I'm happy with how I shot.

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