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I'd like to try my hands on bobbing my hammer but would like to have a spare before I do it.

Can anyone tell me the right hammer(number code please) to get from Brownells?

Tips on D-I-Y would be truly appreciated.

Thank you guys!


I have ordered a hammer from Smith & Wesson and Brownells before and they never asked about an FFL, just what payment I was going to use.

Not listed for 625-8 but 625-6 same part is #940-000-848AB FFL required part.

Actually no FFL is required. Here is the fine print on that part.

Manufacturer recommends this product be installed by a FFL holder. No copy of FFL is required.


Watch the want ads many parts and tools going up soon. Hammers, triggers, springs, reamers, chamfer tools and more. Cleaning everything out. Can't shoot em any more and won't be working on them either. May have hand surgery next year but for now all will be going.

Watch the want ads many parts and tools going up soon. Hammers, triggers, springs, reamers, chamfer tools and more. Cleaning everything out. Can't shoot em any more and won't be working on them either. May have hand surgery next year but for now all will be going.


Please let me know. Thanks.


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