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Property easements


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I live on a corner, and in the back corner ofthe property there is a communications box/panel forthe various telecommunications people's stuff, the box is a hidious green color and is 5 feet tall by 3 feet wide....today 15 guys invaded my property to install ANOTHER ONE like it or bigger, dug up my property in 3 different places to run the cable conduit anywhere from 3 to 5 feet deep around the cicumfrence of the property

My recourse??? apparently none because the city's easement is my actual house, they can do whatthey want right up to it???? I guess I own the dwelling, but lease the land????

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Probably zero recourse. Easements are written in a way that you have to give the utility reasonable access... but they have to restore the property....

Sucks. I just went through the same nonsense with Verizon over Fios. They tore up my freshly planted lawn, cut my existing cable and were RIGHT on the easement line. Just grin and deal. It'll be over soon...

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I'm with you on this one, my easement is the back 12 ft of my entire lot width. But here's the thing - there is a 50 ft wide greenbelt/drainage area behind the property. I would think it would be alot easier to dig up one continuous trench than to have to keep jumping into people's back yards :angry:

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Property taxes = land rent.

No one actually owns property any more... dont make your payments for the rest of your life, and government evicts you from your property. very disgusting. Makes me mad every time I write the checks.

Easements and eminent domain compound the whole nonsense.

From one property "owner" to another... best of luck.


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I inherited Indian Land Grant land, still have to pay taxes (been trying to figure that one out for years) but at least I dont have to put up with eminent domain crap from the State, not sure about the Feds, they havent tried anything unlike the State.

Edited by hitman
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You only actually own the land if you hold allodial title or you possess the land patent for the land. Otherwise, you are renting it from the state for the sum of your property taxes per year. You gain the right to maintain certain structures on the property (subject to the whims of the state and local governments - you know about building codes and inspections, right?) - but are usually required to pay more "rent" for those structures.

You don't own your car either, BTW. ;)

(edit to fix a typo)

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as a sort of 'post script' to this thread i started, yesterday, they are pouring concrete, andthe wind is blowing like 40mph gusts, so they put upthis biiiiiig piece of plastic to keep crap out ofthe cement, well they pack up and leaveforthe day, and i look out and part of my fence is on the ground....WTF?????? apparently the plastic acted like a sail in the wind and part of it was attached to my fence.....sigh....call the boss ofthe company and leave a message and go grab hammer and drill and such...as i finish the boss of the job rolls up, offers to help finish, which i already was, and THEN offers to landscape the area when they are finished by leveling out the area and then compacting in some crushed granite??? for an area that because the telecom guys that are in and out of the pre existing box all the time and leavingtheir wire and cables and such ive 'blown off' that area for 20+ yrs.....

Am still pissed off on the whole emminent domain crap butthink im gettin the better end ofthe deal at the moment, so will ridethis particular pony for a bit

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You don't own your car either, BTW. ;)

Well you do, you just have to pay the "fee" if you want to use it ;)

Not unless you hold the MSO, you don't. And, you'd know it if you did... Because of the way the MSO is exchanged for Certificate of Title, you own the permission of the state to operate the vehicle that they actually own (assuming you fulfill other requirements, like registration, taxes, possession of a license to operate said vehicle, etc). If you hold the MSO, you actually don't need any of that stuff, but be prepared to be hassled a lot.... It's very very rare to hold the MSO.

Property is owned "fee simple" in the US and most other common law states. AFAIK, at the moment, Texas is the only state where you can hold allodial title (minus things like various land grants), and it's really rare to hold that here, too...

I totally agree with calishootr - the situation sucks in a major way :angry2: Sorry they tore your land up, bud :(

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Is my understanding that the dealer surrenders the MSO to the state when its titled and what you receive, when paid in full, is a certificate of title - not ownership and you the state has the right to the MSO when you license the vehicle?

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Seth - PM inbound. We can start another thread on it, if you like.... Being that this is a hate rant, the mods would probably appreciate no drift/discussion in the thread (I probably already went too far... ;) ).

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