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Can dry fire can be fun?


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Can dry fire be fun???

As the winter starts in the northern latitudes I'm redefining my dry practice.  I was wondering if there is a way that the forum members make these solo exercises more fun.  I know that there are members that really hit it hard in practice but some of us need to get some fun factor out of the effort.  Maybe we could post some exercises that are effective but still have a fun factor involved so those of us that struggle with 'staying at it' can get more out of the winter doledrums.

I did a few searches but found sporatic results.  I thought if we got all the more fun drills in one place we might put it in the sticky forums at the top.

Just an idea.

(Edited by 3quartertime at 5:33 pm on Oct. 27, 2002)

(Edited by Pat Harrison at 7:20 pm on Oct. 27, 2002)

(Edited by Pat Harrison at 8:58 pm on Oct. 27, 2002)

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Try putting the timer away.  Make up a bunch of 1/5 size targets or smaller out of some cardboard or paper.  Now set up a course of fire.  Run the course then evaluate:  Did your sight stop and pause in each A zone?  Was the gun bouncing?  Did your eyes get to the next target before the gun?  How about far transitions?  Were they quick and precise?  How was the footwork?  I'm sure you get the idea.  You can learn a lot practicing like this.  Find out what you are having trouble with and work on it.  I can easily spend 45 minutes or more with this type of dryfire practice.  It's a blast.  You can also work on course management and memory.  I sometimes use 10-12 targets and switch everything around after each run.  I very rarely make a mental mistake at a match with this training.  

Does anyone else do this or am I the only one scarying my neighbors?

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One thing I did for DF practice was to make "ports" out of cardboard or coreplast.  Get a rectangular target-sized piece, chop a large hole in the middle and mount to a target stand, which you then use to practice acquiring hidden targets and getting in and out of shooting ports.

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If you are qustioning me, yes I am serious, I have been doing the tredmill thing since last winter. I was walking back and forth in the basement keeping the sight movement to a minimum when I realized that if I used the tread mill I wouldn't keep bumping into crap. I kind of feel stupid that I didn't think of it sooner.

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Guy’s this is a killer Idea. My wife and I both tried it and it’s hard. Now I have reason to use the treadmill for the first time. LOL! If you have one in storage get it out. I know most people have them stored away in the garage or closets! Get it out! It’s a great training aide! Thanks for your advice Mike.

Mark S. A18138 (AkidioGirl’s gun cleaner and ammo loader

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