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shooting left


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i've just recently started shooting handguns.i own a kimber 1911 with 5inch barrel.When i shoot it i hit to the left of the target sometimes i can conect with the center ,but for the most part just to the left.i've adjusted my grip and stance.i even tried shooting with my left eye (i'm right handed).my gun has non-adjustable sights,i'm thinking i should get adjustable sights .all of my groups are consistent ,just to the left a couple of inches.it's a .45 auto.i had houge grips and changed to the stock grips ,but still to left.any and all info will be listened too thank you jeff

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You indicated you are right handed and tried shooting with your left eye which indicates to me you may not know which is your dominate eye. Do a search on the forum and there is plenty of infor on how to determine that. What yardage are you shooting? Left low would be and idication your jerking the trigger. You state that sometimes you are on center so I'll assume it's not a sight issue. When you pull the trigger is it with the pad of your finger tip or are you in up to or past your first joint? You will probably be less likley to pull to the left if just using the pad. I'm sure you going to get a bunch of better replies but it will probably be control issues. Correct the technique with the responses your sure to get and practice. You'll be all set..

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Hi Jeff, and welcome to The forums!

Since you stated you are relatively new to shooting handguns, it would be helpful to diagnose the shooting-left issue to the point of either hardware or software, and approach the fix from that standpoint. If you have access to someone who has the necessary experience/skill, have them shoot the gun with your loads and see how it patterns. If it groups nicely around the center of the target, it's not a hardware issue and I doubt a hardware fix like new sights is going to help much.

If you do find that the gun shoots to point of aim it's time to address the software issue (the one between our ears :D ). Technique is the most likely suspect. Are there any USPSA clubs or matches in your area? Hands-on help is only a match away.

Where are you located? Go to http://www.uspsa.org/ and enter your zip code or state in the club finder to see what's going on locally. You'll get a lot of good advice here, but someone being able to 'see' you shoot and offer suggestions in real-time can be very productive (and help prevent the bad habits so many of us had to unlearn).

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I had the same problem when I started shooting except it was to the right because I'm left handed. I have small hands and it was simply trigger control. I could group really well 1 or 2" to the right of the target. For some reason I just pulled the trigger a little to the right every time instead of directly straight back.

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For the record i'm shooting at 15 yards.I found the target(Haji) that from the looks of it i'm pushing my gun (anticipating recoil) .What should i do to correct it? as for me being left eye dominate ,i was just trying it to see ,but i still shoot the same with either eye.to the left and alittle high .i'm really close and probably should say thats good for a first timer,but i want to do better .as for the trigger finger today i used the pad,day before i wraped my finger around the trigger.

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For the record i'm shooting at 15 yards.I found the target(Haji) that from the looks of it i'm pushing my gun (anticipating recoil) .What should i do to correct it? as for me being left eye dominate ,i was just trying it to see ,but i still shoot the same with either eye.to the left and alittle high .i'm really close and probably should say thats good for a first timer,but i want to do better .as for the trigger finger today i used the pad,day before i wraped my finger around the trigger.

You're probably not anticipating recoil as much as anticipating noise. Try double plugging (plugs/ear muffs) to alleviate this. Have someone knowledgable show you the proper grip and start praticing.

Welcome to the forum :cheers:

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First, is it a new pistol, as in, are you the first owner? Or did you buy it used? Reason I ask, is that if you bought it used, someone may have adjusted the sights to suit them, not you. Shooting high and to the left, you definitely aren't anticipating recoil, that would probably be low and to the left.

Try this: Have someone else load your mag, and somewhere in it have them put a dummy round, hand it to you, and let you fire while they watch. If you are doing something with your trigger pull or grip, you won't know that it's a dummy round until you try to fire it, and it will show. If the site picture stays on target when you try to fire the dummy round, then it probably is your sights. If it moves, then it's your grip or trigger pull.

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