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Another practice last night with the 686, along with some dry firing. I feel like I'm shooting the gun much better now, I notice I need a much firmer grip compared to what I'm used to. The biggest challenges for me now is figuring out the gear! I can't get consistent draws with my BladeTech- for some reason the holster's muzzle end points slightly outward so when I draw it quick it seems to bind! Need to figure this out and/or get another hoster... it's making me nuts. I'm so used the my CompTac and Glocks... which just side out like butter! If anyone knows where I can get a TKW hoster for this please let me know!

I also need to work on weak/strong hand a bunch... that stock trigger sure the heck is difficult! I'd consider getting a modest trigger job but I see more revo guys with light strikes or needing to use partially crushed Fed primers- I don't need that problem!

I also don't care for the red ramp front sight... but I don't think I want to muck with that myself- maybe a trip to S&W is in it's future.

This is certainly a good learning experience. Once I get the holster and reloading stuff down- I can see this being a blast.


you should be able to get the trigger down to 5.5lbs before needing federal primers, a extended firing pin will help. Changing to a FO front sight should be straight forward, atleast it was on my revolvers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Dan, Supermoto- I've decided I like plain black front sights the best these days- no FO for me. I don't have too much of a problem acquiring the front sight and I get a much better sight picture with blk/blk. I've been using them on my glocks for a while with good results.

So... I shot a classifier match and an ICORE match with the revolver... wow what fun... and a heck of a challenge for sure! I've been told that I should change my reloads as I was keeping the gun in my strong hand and inserting the speedloader with my weak hand. I dumped some rounds a few times during reloads... I can see how moonclips would be more fun! I decided after the match to drop it off at S&W to get the new sight and some work on the gun.

So.... for a little more fun I shot my G21SF again as well... I was surprised that the recoil seemed very light from what I remembered. Last time I shot it was at the 09 IDPA Indoor Nats (and got bumped to CDP EX). Fun gun although certainly chunky!!

Today I went to test some 9mm loads with my G34 and got some practice in. I liked the loads with N320 better than the loads I've been using with 231... smoother and not as sharp. That is definitely my favorite gun and I was happy to be shooting it again. We ran a stage with some steel that finished with a Texas Star. It wasn't too far away but I cleared it real nice on the 4 runs I did... good times too. I need to be more careful though- I can't afford too many C's and I got a few... no Ds though.

I feel that to make my next big improvements I need to shoot better on the move AND shoot cleaner. I tend to compromise too much accuracy for speed.... too many Cs in Production can really kill me.

I'm sure I'll shoot the revo again but I'll be spending the next month practicing with the G34. We have some local USPSA matches and a major IDPA stage match in a month. Looking forward to it....

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Swapping in a 11 pound Wolff rebound and the reduced power Wolff mainspring makes a huge difference and doesn't require any special talents other then disassembly. You can certainly do better with the stock parts but it is more trial and error. The gun should light Winchester primers reliably although there is always some variance due the different length strain screws that S&W has put out over the years. You can extend the length of the screw with a spent primer or switch to a set screw from the hardware store. Your gun is new so swapping out front sights is pretty easy. It is pinned in place and you can drive the pin out with the appropriate cup tip punch. To put in a new site in you will have to drill a hole through the sight for the pin (don't drill with the sight on the gun, just put it in the gun and mark the spot where the hole needs to go).

Shooting a S&W with stock springs is totally unnecessary.

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I shot a USPSA match Sunday and did pretty good, but felt a couple stages hurt me with some misses that were just careless. I'm sure I'll learn to pay more attention to closer targets!! My classifier should be right around 68% which seems to be about where I'm at now. I can see myself getting better with a few more things coming together.

I went to practice today with the intent of really working on moving aggressively then slowing down and taking some targets on the move. I feel that I am moving pretty well to the next shooting positions but often get some bad shots once there... need to get more fit! I set up a simple drill. Draw and engage 2 paper targets at about 15 feet away to my right... then run diagonally left about ~12 yds at which I would immediately slow down and take two more paper targets on the move finishing with steel (also on the move). I tried to engage the last two paper targets as soon as I ran 12yds yards (imaginary wall) which left me with paper targets and steel at about 12-15yds depending on how smoothly I could slow down. I felt like I was shooting good today and although I was hauling ass I made sure to use my legs to absorb my speed while pressing out my gun till I had a good sight picture. I called most of my shots pretty well. On one run where I really pushed it I had a miss while shooting on the move, other than that it was good clean shooting. My legs will be sore for sure.

I also mixed things up a bit, shooting all shots from about 25 yd which was fun. Real fast shots with splits in the .20s followed by long paper which took more time. "Transitioning" from close to far targets is a good exercise. I also worked on speeding up my draw which seems to be in the 1.20s at close distances. I can get close to 1 sec flat on target where I can basically shoot with target focus... another thing that has "just happened". But I would never try this fast in a match as the shots aren't always As or down zeros. Still... always a blast to push it in practice for about 10% of my shots. One thing is good is I am 99% confindent in my ability to make a shot... meaning there aren't many shots that I see that make me worry... it's just a matter of shooting it quickly... and getting to the next position not out of breath!! LOL About 250 rounds tonight.

Damn after shooting for a few years now.. I still find going to a range, setting up a practice like this to be a hell of an awesome time!

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FRUSTRATION! I usually try to stay pretty positive but I'm letting out my frustration now. I'm pissed at myself. I swear if there were a way to embed my front sight into my eye ball I would! Two short matches this weekend and once I again my lack of discipline is getting to me. I am not having problems making the tough shots but the easy ones are killing me.

Today's match was going pretty well as I was shooting it clean and at a good pace. Then I shot 40 point stage where it was steel 1 (activated clammshell), paper T1, clamshell targetT3, paper T2 and steel 2. I had plenty of time to shoot steel 1, T1, T3, clamshell (T2) and last steel. However while I was engaging T2 before transitioning to the clamshell target-T3 I completely took my eyes off T2 and got two MIKES on T2!!! I know I was shooting T2 while I was watching T3 coming up- no excuse, it was stupid and had plenty of time. I knew what I did but didn't think I missed. I could have made them up but I didn't think it was that bad and I knew it was a high HF stage. So I basically just lost about 40 points in a 320 point match! Ironically after this, I walked over the classifier stage (back to back stages) and got a 76% on Six Chickens- go figure! I try to move on and forget about mistakes at a match and did, but I was killing myself on the ride home.

Again- I'm not focusing on the easy shots. Why is this so damn hard???? If I can do it on the tough shots why not on the easy ones??? It's disappointing when you practice so hard and make dumb ass mistakes like this at the worst time.

At least there is next week....

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Again- I'm not focusing on the easy shots. Why is this so damn hard???? If I can do it on the tough shots why not on the easy ones??? It's disappointing when you practice so hard and make dumb ass mistakes like this at the worst time.

At least there is next week....

Dave, you are fighting the same issues that I do, lack of follow through, you are in such a rush to get to the next target that you are not giving the present target the attention it deserves.. Only when you are done shooting one target move on to the next.

there is no way that I saw the dot on this shot, only by pure luck did I get a hit


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Dave, are you still using a fiber optic front sight? I found that I missed the easy stuff when I had one.

Remember, if it was easy, anyone could do it, and do it well.

No- I switched to black on black and really like it. I wish I had something to blame but it's not the equipment... just me. Funny today I noticed a bunch of people were using plain black front sights- except for the Open shooters that is.. LOL

I know it's not an easy sport.. but it's just stupidity to screw up on the easy stuff!

Where have you been lately? I haven't seen you around in a while. The Production group seems to be getting my bigger which is awesome.

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Again- I'm not focusing on the easy shots. Why is this so damn hard???? If I can do it on the tough shots why not on the easy ones??? It's disappointing when you practice so hard and make dumb ass mistakes like this at the worst time.

At least there is next week....

Dave, you are fighting the same issues that I do, lack of follow through, you are in such a rush to get to the next target that you are not giving the present target the attention it deserves.. Only when you are done shooting one target move on to the next.

there is no way that I saw the dot on this shot, only by pure luck did I get a hit


Yep- that is an amazing picture huh??? I'm sure mine looked worse as I had two Mikes!!

Ok now I'll be positive... scores are posted and I somehow pulled off a 1st place! I ended up getting 7 out of 40 points on that stage.

Congrats on your win in Limited too Mike!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a pretty good practice last night. I'm trying to get as much outdoor as I can but it's getting dark earlier and earlier. :( I used to love practicing indoors but now I really don't like it. Anyway- practiced a few things- starting seated then engaging close targets with a wide transition to far targets. I need to give the close targets the attention they deserve!! Lately that has been a challenge but I'm focused to get good shots on the easy ones. We mixed it up a bit and did a standing draw and kneeling shots with some movement.

I don't usually (I should) measure my draws/splits because, well, I shoot as fast as I can get the draw and a good sight picture no matter what, so I figure there isn't too much sense timing it (other than stage planning for swingers, etc. of course). I was getting consistent draws around 1.20s with close splits in the .20 times. Which is usually a little fast for me and it's amazing- I can really tell the difference between a .20 and a .25. Also interesting is the on two targets at the same distances the splits an each target were usually within .02 secs of each other.

It got dark and we went indoors to practice some low light for the upcoming CT IDPA state. It went pretty well indoors till I went to finish up with an accuracy drill- all head shots at about 45 feet. Well damn I missed most of the shots and the ones that were on the head were way to the left. I couldn't figure out how I shot that bad and when I looked at the sights I noticed that my rear Dawson had drifted way to the left!!!! Damn! Not what I wanted to see. It was loose in the dovetail. Good thing I had a spare at home... I won't use the other one since I think too much was taken off the bottom of the sight. Still sucked.

Another thing- I chrono'd all my loads that I made for the CT match. Somehow they seemed hotter than my practice rounds- must be the slight variation in the powder lots ( I wish I could get kegs of N320!). I used all once fired Win brass too- that's all that was different. Here is what I ended up with- 139F!! I'd prefer something closer to 135PF... oh well.

MG 147gr

3.6gr N320

Win once fired brass

1.130: COL

Fed primers

Hi 958

Lo 936

Av 947

ES 22

SD 7

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there is no way that I saw the dot on this shot, only by pure luck did I get a hit


I have been practicing transitions while dry firing a revo at home. I shoot at 8 1/2 x 11ish (some smaller) size paintings on the wall that are 10 feet or so away. I found that looking at the next target before I broke the shot came naturally when I sped things up and that it didn't effect where the sights were after the shot (I moved my head to line up the sights and see where the gun was pointed). I only need to look at the target to establish when the sights were aligned on the target. This isn't what I do when I live fire BTW I have a different habit ingrained for that.

Another interesting thing I found was that I can point a gun at a target weak hand or strong hand and not line up the sights, dry fire, and then move my head to the sights and the gun will be pointed dead center on the painting. I can do this without my chest square to the target. I can cross my arm over my chest to point at a target and still point the gun accurately.

I don't know how this translates to live fire but I thought it was interesting what you can do naturally if you let yourself.

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I shot the CT State IDPA match today. Real cool stages and props. It was really pouring out during much of the outdoor shooting but it could have been worse. Overall I shot pretty good. Fast and fairly clean on 10 of the 12 stages. I really just never felt in the groove at all at this match but did have some real good runs regardless. Many of the stages had lots of movers/swingers, etc- and in general even when they "looked" fast- I had plenty of time to get my shots.

The two major problems that hurt bad was 2 hit on NTs! On one- I had no idea how I had hit the NT... didn't look like it was mine based on the shots on the moving threat behind it but I didn't check till after so it was mine.

On the other- a paper/popper (real neat prop!) activated two threat targets that were both behind a NT- each appeared on the opposite sides of the NT and disappeared. Some shooters were cautious and engaged the steel (which was behind a threat paper) with one shot then engaged the two disappearing targets. I figured I had plenty of time to engage the paper/steel with two while still having time to hit the disappearing targets.... and I would have been but something went wrong. After hitting the target/popper with two quick shots- I had plenty of time to engage the right disapearing taget. But after my first shot- I short stroked the trigger! In a quick instant I figured out what happened. The problem was my mind couldn't decide what to do... was there time to get the 2nd shot on that target AND time enough to get two on the other target??? What I ended up doing was resetting the trigger- BUT I somehow decided to transition to the left target while at the same time pull the trigger again for a 2nd shot!!! BANG right smack in the middle of the NT!! It was crystal clear what I was doing but I couldn't help myself. Autopilot gone amuck! Down 5 on the right target, hit on NT and down 0 on the left. Ughh that hurt- but at least it was clear what happened...

Every match I learn more and more... see more and more... have fun... and hate it when it's over. The journey continues...

EDIT: 3rd ESP-EX out of 16.

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Yesterday I was able to get a good outdoor practice before our club's indoor IDPA practice. I'm feeling that working on transitions is a solid practice for me with tons of things to do. Importantly- I feel that this is a huge part to making my match results more consistent. I set up some close targets with some far targets- real quick shots with some tough ones and vice versa. I find this somewhat challenging when setting up one target at 10 ft, another 30ft and another at say 50+ft. The sight picture for the 10ft target is easy with target focus. The target at 50+ feet needs decent front sight focus for me. The middle one... is sometimes tricky as... well it's in between. Real interesting to shoot. Worked from close to far and far to close a bunch.

Did some movement drills as well as some shots out to 30 yds with some 25yd head shots. I love haivng some hoser targets on the draw with but I always find time to get some longer accuracy shots in.

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Did a short IDPA match at S&W this Thursday and a local club match today. Not sure how I did Thursday but I always learn something! The start position on one stage required the shooter to pull a rope that activated a swinger on the buzzer.... boy was I surprised when I pulled the rope- lost the grip, dropped it and had to pick it up to activate the swinger! Ughh! 3 secs easy- gone. Otherwise it was ok.... plus I got to pick up my revolver!

I did best overall today but onw of the better shooters shot ESR. Only glitch was an extra shot on a limited vickers stage. Felt a bad shot and made a quick make up... brain fart! The only other thing I did that cost me was on an indoor stage I had trouble stowing a mag which gave me some grief. My favortie stage was an 18 round hoser stage. 9 Targets at various distances and engage all in any order with two shots each. Time was real good but dropped a few easy points... still damn fun.

Tomorrow is the last outdoor USPSA match at my club so I'll be there too... burning up a lot of points with the wife but gotta get all the outdoor matches in I can before the dreaded winter. :( A little dry fire again tonight to get ready....

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Did ok at the USPSA match... 3rd/12 but had 3 Mike's... ouch. One was an easy shot too... the others were longer shots but I clearly didn't get a good enough sight picture nor did I call the misses... On a positive note I tried to do more shooting on the move- this helped some of my times and my shots on the move were pretty good.

Short practice today with my 686 that I got back from S&W. Trigger is real nice now and I like the black partridge sight compared to the red ramp. Shooting was good but I realize as with shotgun matches... reloads will make or break you! Man is this strange for me. I'm running a local match Sunday and I've encouraged many of the regular semi-auto guys to take out the wheel guns- it should be fun one way or another!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last week I did best in my SSR division at the match I ran. It was insane- cold, rainy and then snowy! The SOs did a phenominal job- that and the great attitude of the shooters made it a great day. I really enjoyed shooting the 686 and my new reloads (now that I do them strong hand) were much better. The problem is a just can't spend the time jumping back and forth from gun to gun...

Didn't get in much practice this week. Dry firing has been minimal and I think it's hurting me.

Today I shot a local USPSA match- 6 stages of fun shooting. My shooting was decent but stage planning was poor. At times I was doing reloads when I shouldn't have and then times where I just plain forget and went to slide lock! I'm not being negative or making judgement- but just observing. ;)

For now I am starting to consider my plans/goals for next year as most of the outdoor matches are finished for the year- give or take a couple. I'm starting with the book "The Inner Game of Tennis" - great for mental skills.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the last couple weeks I haven't really spent much time practicing-live or dry fire. I did go to a couple of matches though. Last week was at a steel match indoors. About 25 pieces of falling steel of various sizes- poppers, plates, etc. It's really fun and challenging as there were small poppers mixed with larger ones, etc. and I don't usually do any steel matches. Had some good runs but at the end I was having a bit of a challenge getting a good sight picture and missed a little too much. The paint was wearing off the targets... and I just wasn't seeing things well enough. Still a real fun time and always learning. One guy took a video of me and I was surprised that I recalled the entire run so well... except when I was actually shooting it things seemed much slower than they did in the video... like time was slowing down on me.

Today I came in first overall at a local IDPA match. Best part was it was an amazingly nice day outside!! I was squaded with some good shooters and on a couple stages they had some disasters and I ran them good... so for a first for me... I decided to "take a little off" and made sure I ran it clean as could for the last few stages- just get good shots.. made myself get a better sight picture than I would usually accept. The plan paid off. Not sure how I feel about doing that. The good thing was my raw times weren't that slow relatively speaking but it sure felt like it.

As the season is winding down and good weather is going to get tough to come by I want to try new things and focus on everything I do in matches and practices as much as I can. Focus more on the mental aspects of the game. I need to get more disciplined with my dry fire practices!!! I have such a hard time motivating myself to do much dry fire but I know to break barriers I need it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shot an IDPA match today in the pouring cold rain... man do I hate these. But I guess it's always a good experience. Ran a couple stages real nice, a couple ok and a couple not so good at all. I really need to get more good practices/dry firing in to get some consistency! Indoor USPSA match Sunday.. all good fun. Looks like there might be a lot of indoor/outdoor matches this winter in this area so I need to stay sharp! Still don't have any solid game plans for next year.. I really need to put one together. Fun is at the top of the list though.

EDIT: Results were completed. I came in 2nd overall. A guy beat me by just over a sec. This is good because even when I tanked a couple (and I did tank them) I still managed to do pretty well... but then again... I'm really just trying to shoot at the level I think I'm capable of....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shot a local IDPA match today... turned out to be a nice day. Although it was in the 30s it was sunny and felt plenty warm- it's so nice to shoot outside compared to indoors. I felt sloppy. I lost too many points. Some stages just go so well and smooth... and some don't. After 3+ years you'd think I'd figure this out by now. I did shoot with another shooter who was real good. Smooth and accurate- it was good to watch and learn.

GOAL for 2010: Finding the convergence of speed and accuracy. I need to work on consistency. I have speed and I have accuracy... I really just need to find the right mix consistently!

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Practiced today with one of the better training partners I have. Suffice to say that it was a great practice... I relearned that the IDPA targets are really only 8" circles... damn does that make a difference. Looking at that entire target gives you a false level of confidence if you let it. Always, always trying to learn...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been trying to get in some decent practice but it's been so cold out that indoor is the only option which sucks. Just trying to keep the fundamentals solid as much as I can.

Had a couple matches and I seem to do real well with most of the stages but need more consistency still. My last match started real ugly on the first stage- lesson to myself- I really need to spend more time shooting in awkward postions... enough said. The good thing was I came on strong on the last three stages... For the most part I've been able to put a bad run behind me... realizing it's water under the bridge. I think I'll continue to shoot Limited Minor in USPSA- I like it. I ordered some Arredondo mag extensions though.. figuring since I'm shooting minor, having more than 17 in the mag is really needed to help offset the point disadvantage.

Also took a blood test today- to check my lead levels. I hope it comes out ok but I'm sure it will be elevated since I've been shooting indoors recently.

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Also took a blood test today- to check my lead levels. I hope it comes out ok but I'm sure it will be elevated since I've been shooting indoors recently.

Just found this diary LN, cool !!

Note on the lead test, you just left a fairly dirty range, don't get all scared if the results are high.

Few years ago (maybe more :wacko: ) I fell hard in the MRA range, lead test 2-3 days later showed

a 35 count :surprise: I had been hovering around 18-24.

3 months later I was back down to 18 with out changing anything to my shooting, except maybe getting

outdoors more since the weather was warming up since the fall.

Depending on your Doc it will be interesting to hear what he says.

Some freak out at anything over 10, I've been at or around 20 for more than 15 yrs

In a child it's a WHOLE 'nother story, but in semi-old guys like us, eh, who knows !!

(and I'm not a doctor and when others see this comment about lead the flood gates may open,

good luck, we'll chat at BUAS in a couple weeks)

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