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Bullet Pulling


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If you only have a handfull of rounds to take apart, then a kinetic puller will work great.

If you have a LOT to take apart then a collet style one will be easier.  I don't think the collet style will work for lead bullets though.

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Thanks for the input,,

I onlyy have 50 or so to take apart so I will give the RCBS Kinetic puller a try this weekend. I have seen it at the store but was unsure how it worked.  What I am planning on doing is to pull some 147g Black Talon 9mm to reload into my 357sig cases. Sounds like it should work or am I just looking for trouble?


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This is just my opinion and I am not trying to judge you but if you are going to reload your carry ammo I do think you are looking for trouble.  Just imagine the glee that a prosecutor might feel when he finds out the guy that is claiming a justifiable shooting made his own super duper death loads to waste some punk.

If you are doing it for some other use it the only problem would be if you somehow damaged the bullet during pulling.  I have pulled a bunch and have not damaged any so I doubt that would be a problem.

Good luck with whatever you choose,


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I think the "This is just my opinion" comment at the begining of my post answers that question.  I am not a student of criminal law so I don't have case studies to cite for you.  Why do I have that opinion?  Mostly from reading.  Gun rags of various sorts often expound the foolishness of making your own ammo for self defense.  I can see the sense in that argument.  If it makes you happy to make your own go ahead.  I like to buy mine.


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Thanks for the input,  I had thoughts along the same line but came to the conclusion I would rather give my self every chance of coming out the sistuation alive and deal with the courts later than rely on ammunition made by somene else.  The ammunition is not illeagal to buy, own, reload or shoot, they might try to present it that way but hopefully a decent defense lawyer should "hopefully" be able to shoot that down.

This is from the Montana State Constituion

"The right of any person to keep or bear arms in defense of his own home, person, and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall not be called in question, but nothing herein contained shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons."

That seems to lean toward the person defending house, home and self,  keeping you innocent for shooting the home intruder.


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The ammo thing.....

The only time I recall hearing that was a Massad Ayoob

article wherein he mentioned the criminal defense issue in using reloads for defense.  He essentially said the same goes for carry compensators....

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Mas likes to warn people about what COULD happen. But the thing to remember is that it HASN'T happened. What we have here is a situation where one gunwriter, a very prolific and high-profile and respected one at that, has a column on "Self-Defense and the Law" in Combat Handguns magazine he has to fill every month. So he does articles on "don't use handloads," and another on, "don't carry a custom gun," and another on "don't pull your Hi-Power's mag disconnector or pin your grip safety." Please understand I'm sure Mas is doing this with the best motives in the world. And his comments about what COULD happen but never has are picked up by his readers, and by well-meaning gun editors who sternly enjoin their readers, in answers to letters, against all the above behavior because "it's well-known this is a problem." Meanwhile, back in reality, we still don't have one single solitary case where any of this stuff has really made a difference in a real life court case.

I remember talking to Bill Laughridge, head man at the Cylinder & Slide Shop, years ago on the topic of yanking a Browning Hi-Power's mag disconnector. Now these days he won't do it, but the reason, as he put is, is "pure-ass liability." So years ago, when he still did this sort of work, he was talking to a California judge about what mods he wanted to his personal Hi-Power. Now, if anyone would see people get hammered in court for modifying their guns, you'd think it would be a California judge. And the judge says, "....and pull the mag disconnector." Bill asked him, "Aren't you worried about getting crucifed in court if you deactivate a 'safety device' on your gun?" And the judge literally laughed at him: "That NEVER happens. That's just something people scare themselves with."

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If it's a case of you can't make your own defense ammo, then the owners of Winchester have to go out and buy either Federal or Remington ammo to stuff their defense guns with.  What if I tell the prosecuting attorney that all I had were reloads for my IPSC gun that's why I clubed him to death with my 170mm mag.  I'm just funnin' guys but I do agree with Montana.  Go big sky. josh

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Having said all that, I use factory ammo for defense. For me the issue isn't possible legal problems but reliability. Yeah, I'm a pretty good reloader, but when push comes to shove I'd rather bet my survival on the quality control and multi-million factory of Federal Cartridge Company than me and my Square Deal.

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OK, I understand the logic behind factory carry ammo.  But of all the pistol ammo I've bought - what do I get a squib load with?  

Federal HydraShok.

So much for the security blanket of Gucci ammo.  Now I just buy whatever hollowpoints are cheap at the gunshow.  Haven't had a squib yet...


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