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Live Nationals Coverage


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Well, I don't know where to post this... but I just wanted everyone to know...

I won't be shooting Nationals this year. I'll try to make it out for a few days and provide some Live coverage via webcast. HOWEVER... I checked out a new option to provide Live webcast coverage and it can be done... ALL stages for less than $5000!!!

I've been using a $1K computer with $60/mo. Verizon Broadband access to provide Live webcast coverage for your enjoyment. Now, it can be done with a $200 computer and $60/mo Verizon plan. Anyone interested? ;)

This works!: http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/hpnetbo...accessories.jsp

So, if anyone is willing to get off their couch potato rear end and help cover USPSA Nationals LIVE!... get yourself this set up and I'll help you with the details. I'll set up your ustream account, teach you how to use it and host/set up a website to display any stages covered.

If only a few people helped out... we could have EVERY stage of the Nationals covered... ALL THE TIME!!!

Soooo... step up to the plate Shooting USA, Michael Bane and any couch potato that complains about lack of coverage!!!


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I agree, however some of us will be there and would like to see what's happened. With out proper (commentary, interviews, ect.) editing a live broadcast of a match might be very boring with all the time between shooters.

Just a thought.

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I had a fantastic time watching the match last year. Chatting with the shooter about the stages and such was a great feature too. This year I won't be able to watch sadly, I will be a little busy shooting the match. :wacko: I wish I had the gear to help out for this year though. :(

Joe W.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Sharyn...it's not the technology that's the stumbling point here...in fact, with DOWN RANGE TV we've pretty much hammered that out. The tricky point is, as always, money...who pays the expenses and what is the potential for revenue. Essentially, a couple of years back me, Paul Erhardt and Marshal Halloway (my partner in DRTV, now owned by OUTDOOR CHANNEL) put together a proposal for what we laughingly referred to as "match in a box" — live Internet coverage of shooting matches. I strongly believe that's what we need to be doing, because 6 minutes of coverage aired 6 months later doesn't really do much for us.

As Dave Cutts noted, a live stream per se probably doesn't work because it makes no sense to non-participants, and unfortunately there simply aren't enough practical shooters to make such a stream commercially viable. We need to capture the people who just "drop in" (as does USPSA for potential new members). SOOOOOO, as the "match in a box" proposal outlined, in addition to the stream, we'd need some level of commentary and color, pre- and post-stage interviews (both video and audio) and still photos and companion graphics...sort of like discount Tour De France coverage. Again, all do-able, but with a price tag attached.

Marshal and I did a beta run for OC at the NRA Show this year, and it drew big numbers to DRTV and the various OC sites. Our overlords asked us what was next, and we suggested a "match in a box" run at this year's Steel Challenge, which adds the additional cost of a sat Internet link from some kind of on-site truck, since Piru is in the MIDDLE OF FREAKIN' NOWHERE. In general, 3G cell links will work, but it's really slow for what we'd like to accomplish. OC is not 100% on the Steel Challenge, but all three of us are preparing on the assumption we're going forward with it.

Additionally, both industries involved — shooting and television — are extremely (and surprisingly) conservative when dealing with new technologies. Firearms companies that think nothing of paying full boat for an add in a magazine with an unaudited circulation of less than 70K balk at the idea of paying a similar amount to reach 250K or more viewers on the web — viewers who are 100% trackable and can actually click a button and buy their products. Television worries that their existing advertising models won't work on the Web — pretty much true — and that what we do on the Internet risks cannibalizing what we do on broadcast.

While any number of potential sponsors have told me how excited they'll be to see the effects of the new technology in the shooting sports, no one has even hinted there might be a check attached to that excitement.

All I can say is we're working on it!!!

Michael B

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... ALL stages for less than $5000!!!

Flight to Vegas + Hotel + car rental + Food + Match fee + Misc. spending $ + money that I won't be making taking time off work = enough money for this match!!

It's a cool idea though. I'll be out with my Nikon taking still coverage :P

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What about using a combination of 3G and high-Speed broadband. Take a video of a shooter with a short vocal at the start to indicate competitor name/number, once they have finished, pause the recording and once you have the final time/score add a short vocal at the end. Save that file and email to HQ via 3G network, it doesn't matter how long it takes to send the file.

HQ receives the file, takes out the short vocal and the start and end, adds some captions (shooter name, time, score etc) and perhaps some commentary and then streams it out via high-speed broadband.

While all that is happening, other files are inbound from other stages at the match. As each one is prepped at HQ then it is streamed out, it's not 100% live as there would be a 10-30 minute delay but it does allow you to get rid of all boring the stage reset footage as you won't be recording it anyway. Image quality should be good as you are not trying to stream via 3G.

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Mr. Bane... first and foremost... you need to provide more footage of female shooters... ;) Second, thanks for your response!

In Bali, while I was trying my darndest to provide LIVE footage of World Shoot XV, I had a long talk with Saul Kirsch... (he traded an interview for my photos... and he owes me an interview ;) )... Basically we talked about the quality provided to viewers and the financial potential. His views were in alignment with yours... however, that is not my goal. I completely understand your perspective, but I am not looking for profit.

The technology is out there (although I had been doubted). Now, for less than $300 dollars each, we (as USPSA members) could provide LIVE coverage of USPSA Nationals (and any other match attended). My initial post was more of a plea for support from members (and big names, like you and Shooting USA... or even USPSA) than a commercial exploit.

I put well over $1K into this project by myself. But... I utilize the computer and broadband connection on a daily basis. If anyone was in the market for a connection/new idea, the product I displayed is outstanding. Not only is it viable for personal use, it's viable for LIVE USPSA match coverage (for much less $ than an iPhone).

I feel that I have paved the way for others. I have done the research and testing to prove that this is "doable". I am offering guidance and "expertise" to others who want to help out too. In fact, I have been offered financial support from Schuemann and Millennium Custom for my endeavors. I will contact them for continued support in LIVE coverage of this years Nationals (since I won't be shooting, thanks to right knee surgery and broken left foot... grumble, grumble).

In the intitial testing phases of this "research", I provided 'near' instantaneous uploads of stages and the awards ceremony at Florida Open '07 ( http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...hl=florida+open - I've since changed servers so the videos won't be viewable now). Many THANKS to Millennium Custom for power supply!!! That wasn't nearly as "popular" as the LIVE '08 Nationals coverage, whether that be match related or not... the iPhone idea just isn't as feasible (plus, it's more expensive from a 'baseline' viewpoint). If you have an iPhone and want to provide YouTube videos, awesome! The more coverage, the better! It's a lot more work than LIVE coverage though!

But, if you're interested in providing LIVE coverage, have or want a laptop with webcam capabilities and support Verizon... I'd be happy to help out with the rest. (computer "knowledge" and hosting services)

If people would rather see selected, edited video than LIVE coverage, let me know!!!

BritinUSA, without any additional cost, software is available for what you are describing. No need for multiple connection sources. http://www.webcammax.com It's just tougher as a "one woman show". ;)

Obviously, I'm no business-woman!


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Mr. Bane... first and foremost... you need to provide more footage of female shooters... ;)

Just an FYI; I'll be doing conventional coverage (article/photos for Front Sight) for the Ladies Open/Production championships at Nevada, assuming that the squadding works out. The Ladies got robbed last year, no fault of anyone's it just there were not enough people to fully cover the match.

Sharyn, I think this is going to be one of those ventures that takes time to grow. There is significant interest in Nationals/World Shoots, I remember checking the forums and finding several hundreds of people online trying to find results. If we consider the number of shooters that want this information, plus the number of family members/friends of competitors the numbers get into the thousands really quick.

It's going to take a few dedicated pioneers to lead the way and drag the rest of the organisation into something resembling the 21st Century. As Michael said some seem to drag their feet with the new technology. One person with a streaming camera is okay but it's going to take several to make this viable and attention grabbing. The trick is finding enough people with the spare money/time to make it work plus it would detract from a shooter's match if they tried to do this while also trying to compete. The split schedule gives some latitude and may allow people to work a camera in the am/pm when they are not shooting.

Have you tried asking USPSA for funding to help pay for some equipment to make this work ? Just curious.....

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Good on everyone that is trying to do stuff in this direction! Hopefully we can get coverage from multiple viewpoints via multiple media outlets (OC, YouTube, whatevery magical stuff Sharyn has going) and so on. All of this coverage can only really help build the sport.

As match staff all I really ask is don't interrupt the flow of the squads through the stage and stay safe. Ask before you set cameras and let me know if you are setting up down range cameras.

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davecutts, I didn't get that impression at all. And, thank you! :D

Mr. Bane... first and foremost... you need to provide more footage of female shooters... ;)

Just an FYI; I'll be doing conventional coverage (article/photos for Front Sight) for the Ladies Open/Production championships at Nevada, assuming that the squadding works out. The Ladies got robbed last year, no fault of anyone's it just there were not enough people to fully cover the match.

Awesome, Paul!!! Yeah, we got JACKED on our schedule... especially in the end to accommodate the men's super squad... <_<

Sharyn, I think this is going to be one of those ventures that takes time to grow. There is significant interest in Nationals/World Shoots, I remember checking the forums and finding several hundreds of people online trying to find results. If we consider the number of shooters that want this information, plus the number of family members/friends of competitors the numbers get into the thousands really quick.

It's going to take a few dedicated pioneers to lead the way and drag the rest of the organisation into something resembling the 21st Century. As Michael said some seem to drag their feet with the new technology. One person with a streaming camera is okay but it's going to take several to make this viable and attention grabbing. The trick is finding enough people with the spare money/time to make it work plus it would detract from a shooter's match if they tried to do this while also trying to compete. The split schedule gives some latitude and may allow people to work a camera in the am/pm when they are not shooting.

100,000% AGREE!!!

Have you tried asking USPSA for funding to help pay for some equipment to make this work ? Just curious.....

No, just for media clearance procedures. This topic was the starting grounds... ;)

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As match staff all I really ask is don't interrupt the flow of the squads through the stage and stay safe. Ask before you set cameras and let me know if you are setting up down range cameras.


I've made the MD aware of what I'll be doing.

Not every stage can be covered with a down-range camera. There are issues with steel-splatter etc., but I'm hoping to get some great shots. One of the best things about covering good shooters is that they tend to follow their walkthrough plan more precisely so it's easier to figure out where to put the camera and have a good chance of getting that one-in-a-million shot. I expect to take 1500-2000 shots over the course of the week, maybe as high as 3000.

This was from a local match a few weeks ago... If the timing is right it's possible to get some really good shots.


Edited by BritinUSA
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Sharyn, thank you for all the work you have done. Last year was a whoot to watch and for those of us that couldn't make the match it was really cool getting to watch the super squads (and talk with them once they realized there was a chat room too LOL).

Joe W.

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