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Bomb threats

Jack Suber

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That Clemson alum musta heard you worked in the building :devil:

BTW, was it hot outside waiting for the all clear sign? :devil: :devil:

It still is hot waiting outside for the clear sign... :angry2:

Ah, must be an iPhone user :D

I am sorry for your sweat

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Yeah, it's even more annoying when they do it somewhere that forces street closures that lead to massive traffic jams :angry2:

A special spot in Hades should be set aside for these folks...right next to the one for spammers and internet scam/virus/trojan/etc creators!

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I know what you mean jack. I went to a Jr. Military college and the locals loved to call them into the baracks at 3 or so in the morning. A special place in hades is way to good for them in my opinion.

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The library building at my university was next to a police HQ building on one side and a military installation on the other. Bomb threats were not just pranks but real possibilities. I only got caught up in a couple thankfully.

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I remember getting woke up and ran out of bed at 4am for a bomb threat. 'cept this was a real bomb. It's destiny was to be dropped off an F-16 in Iraq, but instead...it was dropped off the trailer is was being hauled on when the munitions guys piggy-backed too many trailers in their "bomb train". They lost one(?) when the trailers started fish-tailing on them. At less than 200y from my tent wall...I was OK with getting out of there for a while. :)

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I remember getting woke up and ran out of bed at 4am for a bomb threat. 'cept this was a real bomb. It's destiny was to be dropped off an F-16 in Iraq, but instead...it was dropped off the trailer is was being hauled on when the munitions guys piggy-backed too many trailers in their "bomb train". They lost one(?) when the trailers started fish-tailing on them. At less than 200y from my tent wall...I was OK with getting out of there for a while. :)

That would qualify as a bomb scare. :rolleyes:

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At my old university some bozo would call in a bomb threat during finals week every year. Always for a specific building so the would only evacuate that building and maybe a few around it.

Then the administration did a wise thing and instead of doing wholesale evacuation they would just announce that the final had been moved to a different building. When the dolts realized that a bomb threat wasn't really going to delay their final exam the phone calls stopped coming.

A few years ago a very detailed note was left insinuating that my building would be blown to kingdom come at a specific time on a specific day. The PD didn't want to alert anyone so we were forced to move our server room across campus under cover of darkness with rain pouring down. We did some fancy routing so all the servers "appeared" to still be in the building but they weren't really there. Only two people in my unit knew about the move. Total down time for each server was under 20 minutes. The whole thing was, of course a hoax.

And that morning the space shuttle blew apart during re-entry so our little event didn't even make the paper. Kind of funny now.

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