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Comp 3 Speedloader holder - Safariland or Blade Tech?


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I've started using the Safariland Comp 3 speedloader but haven't chosen a holster to carry them during our shoots. It looks like the two available are the Safariland which holds three and the Blade-Tech which holds two.

Anyone have a preference or suggestion on which one to get and why?


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  • 3 years later...

I'm resurrecting this post from the dead because I've been thinking about shooting my 686 in some matches and blade tech no longer makes pouches for speed loaders and the Safariland 333 is not legal for IDPA so what other options are there? I know ready tactical makes them but I've gotten spoiled with tech loc style on and off so I'd like to stick with that if possible.

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There is a thread in the revo section about slh's and how to make the 333 legal (might be open to debate with some ro's)! Not sure why the 333 isn't legal because I can turn it over and shake the snot out of it and the sld's don't come out.



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I'm not sure either. I asked Blade Tech on twitter if they make the holders any more and they said they'd get back to me about it so maybe there's hope.

I do know that in IDPA you can only have two reloads for your revolver up front, the third needs to be behind the center line.

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There is a thread in the revo section about slh's and how to make the 333 legal (might be open to debate with some ro's)! Not sure why the 333 isn't legal because I can turn it over and shake the snot out of it and the sld's don't come out.



Because the body of the speedloader isn't covered.

The rulebook is your friend.

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ReP, that isn't what I meant. I know why based on the rb, my point is that even though the body isn't covered they are very secure and are held securely the way they are. The suggestion in the revo thread is to add a thin piece of material to cover the body of the sl when in the 333. This does nothing for security of the sl, just satisfies the "cover the body of the sl" requirement.



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I know how secure they are, I have Safariland 333s that use the plastic version of the metal clips.

By adding the plastic cover to the 333 or other similar carriers, just satisfies the rule.

FWIW I use the Ready Tactical carriers.

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