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Building an AR


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If I bought a decent lower and parts kit how tough would it be to assemble a working AR? I can put everything (fire control/buffer assembly/mag catch) into the lower without a problem. I have several complete uppers already so they would just drop in assuming my lower was spec.

Would a bare stripped lower require that much fitting to turn into a complete gun?

I am curious as I think it would be a fun project to use some of the parts I have lying around.

Edited by sigfla
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If I bought a decent lower and parts kit how tough would it be to assemble a working AR? I can put everything (fire control/buffer assembly/mag catch) into the lower without a problem. I have several complete uppers already so they would just drop in assuming my lower was spec.

Would a bare stripped lower require that much fitting to turn into a complete gun?

I am curious as I think it would be a fun project to use some of the parts I have lying around.

If you can put a 1911 back together you can build an AR-15. I've only had minor fitting problems with one of the 4 I've built so far. I've also modded two others without issues. Buy good parts and they snap together almost :)

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With mil-spec parts about the only thing that may take fitting is the safety so it will engage completely, otherwise as long as the parts are in the right places it should function.

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Another vote for simplicity. On my rifles that I've built, I do a little extra work, but those are tips from the guy that helped me build them, push a little more to favor reliability over accuracy.

Super simple. Hardest part for me, the first time, was torquing the barrel.


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With no previous rifle experience, I have put together four lowers so far by following the instructions on AR15.com. Get the right punches ahead of time to save yourself grief. I also found that taping thin cardboard (like a cereal box) to the side of the receiver keeps it from getting dinged when you put in that pesky bolt catch roll pin. From ar15.com, I printed out the pic of all the lower parts spread out on a piece of paper with labels, because the springs can be confused. Be sure not to confuse the trigger disconnect spring and the bolt catch spring. Also, when you put the detent spring into the front of the receiver while installing the take down pin, be sure not to launch the detent across the room. I did mine facing a plastic bag--saved me from ordering a new detent and spring! :)

My next project that I am contemplating is the fire control trigger kit from JP Rifles. It takes a little fitting.

Have fun!

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