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You can't pick just ONE!!! With that being said, the two matches that I make sure I make every year are DPMS and Ft. Benning. Both are excellent matches with their own flavor.

DPMS has challenging stages and a friendly atmosphere that is second to none. Wouldn't miss it for anything.

Ft. Benning has challenging stages, props and support that only Uncle Sam could manage, and since I served there for 6 years, Ft. Benning is like going home for me. As long as my mouse finger keeps me off the waiting list, I won't miss it either.

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The Rocky Mountain 3 gun is without a doubt the best! All natural terrain stages. All the stages are challenging but can be done by everyone. ( as long as marksmanship basics are used. that is something i am still working on.) If i only had one match to make in a year, this one would be it.


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Having shot all three - RM3G, Superstition, and Benning - the JP Rocky Mountain stands out.

The job that Denise, JJ, and everyone did at this years match was fantastic, along with natural terrain and shooting conditions, makes this match, to me, incomparable.

Thanks again to everyone involved....

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First of all, I don't think you should be able to vote if you haven't been to all of them...or at least you can only vote for the ones you have been to :P It is funny that I found this poll just now because I was thinking about this on my way home from the RM3 Gun last weekend. Internally, I'm trying to decide if I enjoy matches because they are fun or because I did well. That is another topic for another time.

Of course I am biased and I have to say my favorite match is the Ironman :cheers: . I don't say this as a shooter, because the truth of the matter is I hate this match, and if I could find someone dumb enough to take over for me, I would :roflol: Trying to put this match on and then shoot it is a total nightmare. It is my favorite match as a match director though.

As a shooter, only voting on matches I have been to they would be in this order:

Rocky Mountain - It is a little rifle heavy, but I love the distances covered in the stages and the use of natural terrain

DPMS - Because I like to load and shoot the shotgun!!

SMM - This match has great stages, but there isn't nearly enough shooting.

Nationals - Hopefully this year will be better

Not having been to Benning, I'd have to say it would probably give Rocky Mountain a run for it's money.



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