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Upper Eschelon Classifiers


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With the GM's that I have seen shoot classifiers, they do it the same speed as any other stage. There is no more or less importance put on the classifier verses any other stage in the match. They ARE that fast and accurate on a consistent basis, thus why they have the GM card. I know from my own performance, I am able to shoot the classifiers pretty fast and accurate, but my times are getting hurt by my slower draw/first shot and mag changes. Right now I am able to shoot most classifiers stages right around 70%. If I worked on my draw/first shot and reloads to shave off 1 second of wasted time, which is totally doable, that would instantly jump me to the 80% range. To me that’s a good motivator because its basically “Free” stage time to make up on not only the classifier stages, but the other match stages as well. From what I have seen, it really comes down to the polishing of your core skill set. The more polished and "Automatic" it becomes the faster everything gets. If you try and force the shooting beyond your current skill set trying for a “Hero” run, it will almost always be worse than shooting it at your normal comfort level.

I don’t know about anyone else, but what value does a XX Class card have when you know you can’t shoot at that level normally? If you had a few “Hero” classifiers that bumped you into the next skill class but you still shoot the matches at the lower skill level, what is the point of trying to artificially bump up your classification? I would rather be an overall solid B Class shooter than a barely B Class shooter that lucked into getting an A Classification by burning down a few classifiers. We all know our own skill level by how we shoot. Do you really need a card sent to you in the mail saying that you are now this class verses another? You should know what class shooter you are without the classification system.

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I've had to opportunity to watch GM's like Brad Balsey and Dave Sevigney shoot classifiers. They shoot 100's with no wreckless abandon. They are just that damn good.

This mirrors my observations. My own personal bests on classifier stages have been achieved by just shooting. When I push it, I don’t get the best score.

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I would like to chime in on this one if I may. If your skills are in order and all things be equal in that area then your ability to process what your eyes see allows you to react quicker. Hence "see more" term.

That is the reasoning behind shooting faster in your practice than in the actual match - you are training your brain to process information faster along with training your eyes to move faster to process that information.

Like learning to speed read but insert shooting instead. I hope this helps someone - it helped when it was told to me by Max M

Most shooters I see shoot their normal speed and try to stick to what they can do normally and not what they can get lucky at. Now, there are shooters out there - we all know some - they mostly shoot locally and their main goal is the bragging rights and so they go for the hero to zero approach.

That is ok as long as they know where to get the preparation H after a major match! :P :P

Edited by KGentry
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"A" guy here. Its not like riding a bicycle. You just dont get back on and go. After injuries(Motocross) and age(49) dont help, boy do you go down hill quick and its harder to climb back up afterward! My plan so far seems to be working slowly. I went back to production(After getting waxed by the hungry kids in open) and will be moving back to limited soon and will see.....

Sorry to answer your question. NO! I had to try very hard to get good classifiers.

Edited by Silver_Surfer
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