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A New Extremely Grateful And Devout Dillon Customer

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This being my first post here, I would like to say "howdy" to everyone. The primary reason for this post is to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to Dillon for making my bad situation become one I am still having a hard time fathoming.

To make a long story short; I bought a 650 on fleabay shortly before Christmas. Not much of a description, no pictures (which should have been my first clue) and the guy seemed like a nice enough chap. I won't say how much I got hosed but I will admit that I over paid for the machine by several hundred dollars considering what I actually received. Once I opened the press, I realized just how badly I was hosed. The press was stripped down bare-bones missing virtually every part you could scavenge and still call it a press! After sending several email to the seller (all ignored) and contacting fleabay, I realized it was going nowhere. I called Dillon and figured I would send the press in and have them work their magic; I would have to live with the bill and my stupid decision to bid and win the thing.

I got the RA (thanks Gary) and sent it back to Dillon three weeks ago to the date (yesterday) and was truly amazed at what they did. The press came back virtually new with every part replaced to include a conversion kit for .40/10mm even including a primer warning system. I can't thank Dillon, B Lawson and anyone who had a hand on this repair. The most amazing thing was the fact they didn't charge me a dime for the repair or the return shipping. I can't stress enough my sincere thanks and the fact that y'all have acquired a new, very devout Dillon customer. In the economic climate we live in today; to have such an AMERICAN based company dedicated to customer satisfaction above and beyond the call is almost beyond belief. I honestly am still stunned at this outcome. Thank you again DILLON! You folks ROCK!

Sincerest regards,

Steve Raulston

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The Dillon CUSTOMER SERVICE is amazing! :cheers: I don't own a Dillion,....YET! But there is no way I would consider anything else. Hopefully in the next month or so, the 'Blue' machine will be in my shop.

Stay Safe,


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I got hosed on eBay last year. I bought an airsoft pistol and it was a little pricey. It didn't work. After a few nasty e-mails from the seller (a professional photographer and buddy of Dr. Phil), I decided to file a complaint. I ended up getting my money back.

If you paid via paypal, you may be able to do something. But since the machine was refurbished, I'm guessing you're ready to move on with life. Sorry to hear about your experience though.

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If you paid via paypal, you may be able to do something. But since the machine was refurbished, I'm guessing you're ready to move on with life. Sorry to hear about your experience though.

From what the OP said, Dillion took care of everything.

Stay Safe,


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And though hard to believe and for some to accept, based on my own dealings your experience was typical. For you, at least you came out a little better after being screwed over on the purchase. For Dillon, they've earned another customer for life...a good deal for both I'd say. Enjoy your now-new press.

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I am also new to the forum and Hello. I wish I found this site prior to doing all the research I did alone. I bought a RL550B in the middle of 08 and Dillon's service and help has been a great resource. I would also like to add many thanks to the untold and unknown sources of shooters who handload/reload ammo and were incredibly generous with their ideas and data, and for this I am grateful.

Thank you,


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Thank you guys/gals for the great replies. Thanks to Duane also for forwarding this post to Dillon. I have sent a "THANK YOU" to Mike Dillon just to let him know he has one of the finest companies that can still call itself "American. Maybe if WE all flood the Dillon mailbox to let them know just how much they are appreciated. Compliments go a long ways and though I am sure Mike Dillon knows what he has; a simple thank you can go a long ways. Just a thought. Thanks again everyone.

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  • 1 month later...

Have to post about an outstanding DILLON service issue.

I am a two XL650 owner and the older unit, about 12 years old, was recently sent back to DILLON for a "going over". Well a $54.95 charge and $30 or so for shipping and I got my XL650 back after about three weeks.

It not only looks like new, it had an itemized list of stuff DILLION replaced. The total was a tad over $278 for of stuff that DILLON replaced for the simple $54.95 service charge.

Here's to DILLON and Brian Enos :cheers:


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I might as well add my happy customer comments here as well. I made a call to Dillion for a case gage, and some plastic ammo boxes. The boxes were out of stock, so I figured I would just get my gage with them, when they came in. Wrong, I got the case gage 2 days later with the bill for shipping. Today, I received the boxes Via Fed Ex, with no additional charge for shipping. I am very happy , most companies would have handled this alot different. Thanks Dillon

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Talked to a fellow today who had convinced himself the Hornady LNL was the way to go. Showed him my dillons and he had to tell me about all of the great features on the Hornady. Anybody can tell you how great their product is. What counts is the service they back it up with. In that area, Dillon is second to none. Great product, Great Service, and always a friendly helpful voice on the phone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have absolutely no regrets about going "blue" and with their customer service, I will likely always go with them for my reloading needs (this include through BE as well, of course!!!!)


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  • 3 weeks later...

What really sucks about this story is that you got hosed by an AMERICAN on eBay.

I am glad that there are companies like Dillon that will do what they can to

correct a bad situation.

I am sad that eBay has sunk to the level it has. I used to be able to buy parts

for my M1 Garand rifles. Not any longer thanks to the left wing policies of the

crum bums that run the place. And on top of that if there is a dispute you are

usually left to fix the problem yourself.

On the first auction that I participated in I got screwed out of several hundred

dollars on a "Dutch" auction for Photoshop software. eBay was not interested

in helping us out so a friend of mine and I tracked the seller down. He was a 16

year old kid that was not to bright. He used his home address to send the

payment to and he also had a rather unique name. To make a long story short

I contacted the NY State Police, they were interested enough to send a detective

to the kids house and he copped to it. He was charged and found guilty. He was

forced to make restitution to all four of us plus spend some time in jail. eBay did

nothing to help us get our money back.

I did use eBay for a while but I think that I am now done with it.


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