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Guess I should start off with a little about me :P

My name's Chris, I'm 28, and currently an E-5 in the Air Force.

My parents, GentlemanJim and LadyinBlue, introduced me to

this forum back in June and then when I went home on vacation

in August I got to shoot my first matches :)

I'm gunna go ahead and write some 'backdated' entries to talk

about those first few matches and my first experiences with this

sport :)

Please feel free to give advice or make fun of me if I deserve it :D

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Uhh, how are you going to keep a range diary in a country that won't allow you to have a gun? <_<

Vicariously through, uh, you guys? :huh::P

Nah, I'm going to try to get home every now and then and shoot some matches.

Things right now are lookin like I can get back for a month in the spring :)

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Guess I'll start my 'backdated' posts with my first match.

8-16-08 Caja Del Rio

Came home on vacation starting 8-11 for 30 days, man it was sure nice to be able to get away from England for a whole month, and get to visit with my family :)

I wasn't really sure about shooting yet but after a few practice runs at the house with my parents I was pretty hooked, so I decided that Saturday I'd go with my Mom(LadyinBlue) to shoot my first match. I borrowed a race rig and an open gun from my Dad and pretty much jumped in with both feet .Those first few minutes on the range for me were pretty, uh, nerve-wracking I guess would be the best way to put it. I was really nervous about doing something unsafe or just plain stupid. But luckily I kept everything safe and didn't do anything wrong :)

The match was 3 stages and a classifer, I guess thats the standard local match but I don't really know yet. I still had a little uncertainty about actually shooting the match watching the first few guys run through the stage, but I'd say 5 seconds into my first run was all it took to permanently hook me on this sport :)

I didn't do nearly as bad as I thought for my first time out, mostly because of all the awesome people at the match giving me great advice along the way :). Out of some 35-40 people I think I placed 21st or 22nd. I don't remember the classifier but I think I shot around a 40% (If someone still has the scores please correct me if I'm wrong :P ) I had an absolute blast the entire day and met tons of great people like Damon(nm3gnr) and Rick Stanforth, Jay Rock(Rocket35), Chris Bartolo(G-man Bart) Rod Cassidy, and Tommy Campbell(Rod and Tommy are both on here but I don't know their forum names), what a great group of guys to shoot with. These guys made it just about the best indroduction to a sport that someone could ask for :cheers:

Jay was awesome enough to film a bunch of the match and put it online here:


Just to seal the deal and make the addiction complete, my Dad(GentlemanJim) gave me the gun I shot the match with, an STI Trubor in 38 Super Comp. :) It's an awesome gun and it ran the match flawlessly. The gun performed better than I did :P

I had a great time and I really look forward to when I can come home and shoot with these guys again :)

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The August 16 match

That links you to the match results...your classifier percentage here is in reference to the winner of the stage at this match.

Your USPSA national percentage for that classifier (CM06-06) is listed on the USPSA website at your membership number.

You did great at your first match!

And your 2nd match...

Colorado State Championship

Then you beat me at the RM3G!

Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Results

Your 3rd match too!

I expect you'll shoot well when you come home in the spring... :)

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I dunno about 'well' but I intend to have fun :)

Here's my next match the next weekend!

8-24-08 Wild West Practical Shooting Club

This match showed me exactly how much I have to learn about this sport. I need a lot of work with programming stages, not to mention actually shooting the stage. The club is virtually brand new, I think this was their first or second hosted match, and they haven't been given the chance or time to buy up a bunch of steel targets, so the stages were all paper and high round count 28-30. With that many targets I went into sensory overload :( , walked right past a bunch on the first two stages and was super slow every stage. I think I finished last place every stage :(

The classifer, 99-14, par time classifer, taught me one thing: I hate par times :angry:. I shot a whopping 14%. Still, the match was an absolute blast, shot with the same group of guys from the weekend before. Fun is the whole point isn't it? :)

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Welcome to the sport Chris... I shoot open as well.

I'm not sure Jay will thank you for posting that video. :P

Thanks man :):cheers:

Oh and Jay's posted that video somewhere here before, I just couldn't find it at 6 in the morning <_<

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8-29-08/8-30-08 Colorado State Championship(Mile-Hi Showdown)

My first big match, 10 stages :surprise:

After shooting for a whopping 3 weeks I get to shoot a big match with over 100 shooters, talk about awesome! I shot more rounds in competition at this match than I had in my other matches combined :P Every stage was cool, they had good variety of targets, every moving target I could think of, lots of steels, good movement set-ups, and just all around well-thought through stages. A lot of people said the stages had a lot of '180 traps' with targets put right at the 180 line. I don't know too much about stage design yet but I kind of liked the setup, it made you really think about how you were going to work through the stage.

I was really pleased with myself this match, I did really well on a few stages. I think my best stage I placed somewhere around 20-21st overall B) The classifier was 99-45, Easy Street, and I shot it with a 54.6%.

I got to meet tons of cool people again :) and well, I had an all-around awesome time! Thanks to everyone at the match for being so supportive and giving me all the great advice throughout the match :cheers:

I was wondering though, about half-way through the match my Dad asked me if when I was shooting a paper if I was getting a second sight picture for the second shot, and well, I'm not :P I've just been getting that first sight picture then ripping off a double as fast as I can. For the most part that ended up with 2-A's. Is this ok or do I really need to get that 2nd sight picture?

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Hey Chris- Glad I could be there for your first match and am looking forward to shooting with you again. What I think Jim was getting to was that I was a bit rusty and it showed! :blush: I havn't been working as hard as I should be. Anyways kudos on your first season and here is to many more! :cheers:

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Hey Chris- Glad I could be there for your first match and am looking forward to shooting with you again.

I'm going to be back in Alb this spring for a few weeks hopefully I'll get a chance to come out and shoot with you guys again :)

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So I was practicing weak-hand today and I started to think about it, from what I've seen weak-hand is pretty much only used in classifiers, is this correct?

If its only used in classifiers for the majority is it really that important to practice weakhand or should I just not worry about it?

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Young Gentleman, Thank You for the Service you are doing for us all! Glad to hear of service people in this sport. It is MY wish that every American Armed Forces member be a bad guys worst nightmare. I don't know all the rules and regs of guns in England, but please don't forget Airsoft gas guns. They will give you hours of good practice and they're cheap to run. I'm glad to hear you went to the CO State Champ meet right off the bat! One of my shootin' Buds, David Anderson won SS there. I hope to attend that match this year and I hope I get to shake your hand. Good Luck, be safe! Have Fun!!

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That 2nd sight picture you asked about is important, maybe not at targets that are three feet away.

Probably getting away with something. Chris shot Open, so with his combination of gun/ammo/comp/target placement on that day, there wasn't much movement of the muzzle shot to shot on a target. Had it been another division with iron sights the second sight picture becomes much more important.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a little busy lately so I haven't really had time to even write my back-dated stuff :(


September 4-6, 2008: Rocky Mountain 3 Gun

What an amazing match :) Got squadded with some awesome people like Benny Hill and Ty Gentry :)

Every stage was absolutely great but I think my favorite was I think stage 5, I can't quite remember

which was which. The stage started out with some long rifle then you picked up 2 .22 revolvers and had

to shoot two close-up targets old-western movie style. What a blast!. Plus I think the Whittington Center

might just be the coolest place in the world to have this kind of match :)

Hats off to Denise and JJ Johnson for puttin this all together!

Ooo and I won a neato Burris scope in the dinner drawing :)

I did identify a whole bunch of my weaknesses though. Speedloaders for shotguns definitely aren't my

strong point. Trying to hit 300yd targets after running also gets the better of me, guess I should quit

smoking :(

Edited to fix a few typos.

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Back in England as of Sept 9 and I can't shoot anymore :(

But I bought some neato stuff to practice with until I can come back :)

The airsoft was built by Mike Cripps who builds custom guns in England and I bought the rig from Boynty77 here on the forum :)

post-15071-1232329135_thumb.jpg post-15071-1232329148_thumb.jpg

post-15071-1232329179_thumb.jpg post-15071-1232329189_thumb.jpg post-15071-1232329201_thumb.jpg

Now I can practice all the important stuff :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I get to come home to NM for a few weeks in March and if all goes well I'll be able to shoot 3 matches, the 7th, 14th, and 15th :D.

This'll be the first time since September I've got to shoot anything except for an AF M-9 qualification last October. Also, these

matches will be the first time using the new rig I bought a while back :).

I sure hope to do well, but I've not really practiced that much since mid-January, so we'll see.

But I've managed to get a little practice in, with the horrible winter weather in England I've been practicing in my house :unsure: .

I set up a few carboard boxes with pillows inside, then cut 7x10" hole in one side and taped an 8x11" printed target over the

hole to use as my 'simulated' longer distance targets. The pillows work great to capture and re-use airsoft pellets :). On the

other side of this, a rather expensive HDtv projector will luckily deflect a ricocheted pellet with no damage whatsoever, talk

about my heart skipping a beat :surprise: .

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Man I had to laugh today. I was practicing reloads and well, goin to insert my

new mag and not only do I miss the reload, but I miss the magazine well

entirely. But it was too late to catch it so I got to watch an airsoft magazine

go sailing through the air. They'll actually go quite a ways <_< .

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  • 1 month later...

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