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AR sales in California!


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buy what you can....

I learned my lesson last time (1994)

No shortage of AR's in my house, and no they're not for sale.


ar15.com is in a frenzy and the guy hasn't even been sworn in yet.

PMAGS are impossible to find also.

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Nothing's going to happen in the short term. Even if Obama wants to ban some guns, it's not likely that he will be able to push that through in a while and definitely not before he's sworn in ;)

I'll wait a few months until the deals start showing up because people realized they over-used their credit and there still isn't a ban in sight (even if I have enough lowers and receivers to last me a life time, I'm sure there will be some deals that I won't be able to say no to...)

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Current EPA (as of 11/14/08) is proposing to restrict commercial lead smelters and others who emit lead into the atmosphere. Don't expect the next EPA to be especially "lead friendly."

Why would that matter to us?

-all our primers are lead-based.

There are alternative, lead free primers - but they only last about 5 years before some start going dead. The longer you own them, the more of them that will go dead. And they cost more.

Choose wisely.

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If you need Pmags, order them from Brownells. They are on backorder, but get replenished fast. I backordered 16 on Thursday and they were at my house on the next Wednesday. I read that Brownells is Magpul's biggest distributor.

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Heh, yeah buddy of mine said there were over 35,000 people at the Tulsa gun show last Sunday. People are idiots. It will take a couple years before any bans take effect if they even do materialize (not to steer this to a political discussion but I hope the Dems learned their lesson from '94). Prices have jumped recently and people are just getting ripped off. Like gose said, wait till the Spring when everyone's broke and there will be deals aplenty.

Also, this looks like a good time to sell any of that extra stuff you have laying around the safe. The frenzy is working on the private market too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right, dont panic, but whatabout the B.O. proposed 500% increase to the federal excise tax

for firearms and ammunition... If I calculate correctly, a Glock 34 should be about $990.00 ???

Now a JP CTR should be about $3600.00 ?? :surprise::surprise:

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Just ordered a JP CTR-02 - going to be a 16-20 weeks....... hope I can still walk by then :)

Dang!!!!! I anticipated that there could be a higher demand come November and ordered mine in September and had it 4 weeks later. BTW, once you finally get it, you will not be disappointed!

I'm thinking about ordering the LRP-07. I should have ordered that in September as well.

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Nothing's going to happen in the short term. Even if Obama wants to ban some guns, it's not likely that he will be able to push that through in a while and definitely not before he's sworn in ;)

I'll wait a few months until the deals start showing up because people realized they over-used their credit and there still isn't a ban in sight (even if I have enough lowers and receivers to last me a life time, I'm sure there will be some deals that I won't be able to say no to...)

Let's all hope your right. Action may be warranted, though, just in case the 500% tax hits as promised by the spring. He has already backed down from the robin hood economics (tax for the achievers) until 2011, which means he has to show results in other areas quickly. That leaves socialized health care and guns. Health care will take a while. A semi auto gun ban and tax hike are easy and quick. I got caught not looking during clintons term :(

Edited by larry cazes
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Right, dont panic, but whatabout the B.O. proposed 500% increase to the federal excise tax

for firearms and ammunition... If I calculate correctly, a Glock 34 should be about $990.00 ???

Now a JP CTR should be about $3600.00 ?? :surprise::surprise:

Have not found that particular campaign promise. BUT, the next administration's plan to tax certain businesses out of existence (whether gun making or power generation) is plausible in light of the following (with link & audio):

"Let me sort of describe my overall policy.What I've said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else's out there.

I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted."



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Applications for Concealed Pistol Licenses have increased dramatically since the election too. I generally teach a CPL class every other month. I have had a class every month since October and they have been full. My December and January classes are 100% booked so I'm taking enrollments for February during the first few days of December :surprise:

I believe that B O will launch firearms related activities during the third year of his term. That gets past the mid-term election of a lot of his supporters. If they support those kind of activities they might not survive the mid-term elections.

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