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To all those that lost their lives save a few.... My flag will be half-staff. Especially to those who ran to instead of away. Also, to those brave souls on United 93 who prevented further loss of life.

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

For those that were lost and to thier family and friends... May God bless you and keep you.


Fatalities (excluding hijackers)

World Trade Center 2,603 died and another 24 remain listed as missing[22][23]

American 11 88[24]

United 175 59[25]

Arlington Pentagon 125[26]

American 77 59[27]

Shanksville United 93 40[28]

Total 2,974 died and another 24 remain listed as missing.

This thread is for remembering those who lost their lives on 11 Sept 2001... it is not an invite to rant and close the thread. Respect those who were lost by paying tribute without political rants which will close the thread.


Edited by JThompson
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Such a sad day that was. I'll always remember where I was when I first heard and what I was doing when the second plane hit. :(

My sympathies go out to all who were affected, which I guess is all of us.

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On the 2nd day of our honeymoon, 1500 miles from home, we watched in horror as things changed forever.

The courage displayed was awe inspiring, and I have not and will not forget all of those who sacrificed their own lives so that others may live.

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I normally don't get upthat early, but for some reason I woke just after the first plane. What's even stanger is I turned on the TV and CNN. I rarely watch the news.... On some level I knew somethin was wrong before I turned on the TV.

I remember it like it was yesterday...

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I normally don't get upthat early, but for some reason I woke just after the first plane. What's even stanger is I turned on the TV and CNN. I rarely watch the news.... On some level I knew somethin was wrong before I turned on the TV.

I remember it like it was yesterday...

i know i will never forget


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I normally don't get upthat early, but for some reason I woke just after the first plane. What's even stanger is I turned on the TV and CNN. I rarely watch the news.... On some level I knew somethin was wrong before I turned on the TV.

I remember it like it was yesterday...

i know i will never forget

That's what I'm talking about. :cheers:

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As I sat here this morning and watched replays of the events of that day I'm reminded of the sacrifice made on that day by the victims and the rescuers. To any and all of the folks here and across the country that are or have been polices officers, troopers, paramedics, EMTs, etc. or in the military you have my deepest respect. To the families and friends of those the lost their lives you have a deepest sympathies.

On 9/11/2001 I was working in an office in Carnegie, PA just outside of Pittsburgh and heard about the first plane hitting from one of our clients. We didn't have cable or satellite in the office so I took a small TV/VCR and about 10ft of network cable that I used to fashion an antenna so we could get local TV stations. As week watched I sent several folks out that wanted to pick up their kids from school, etc. after the second plane hit. Then there was the Pentagon and then news that there was a plane that the FAA lost contact with in Cleveland Center airspace (about 2 hours northwest of Pittsburgh). It was an even more odd feeling after we learned that flight 93 went right back over Pittsburgh before being forced down southeast of Pittsburgh by the courageous passengers on-board.

Never, ever forget.

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I will never forget, and God Bless all those who have suffered from that day on.

I was at work when the first plane hit and I heard about it right away. I watched live as the second plane hit.

My younger brother had told me about having to be there that morning for a meeting in Tower One. What I did not know was his meeting was rescheduled for the next day and never did happen in the end.

Now while we were lucky enough for him to not be in the building that day as a family we were not able to communicate with him until late that afternoon so we did go through hours of the unknown until we heard from him that he was okay. He lost friends and business partners that worked in the towers.

I can see the whole day as vivid in my mind as though I was watching it on a tv that day and I still get tears in my eyes over what happened and I know that will never change.

To the families and friends of those the lost their lives you have a deepest sympathies

God Bless

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I remember exactly what I was doing at that moment. I was nursing my then three month old daughter sitting on the couch watching the morning news. They said a plane had hit a building in New York. I switched over to one of the cable news channels and watched the live feed of smoke pouring from the world trade center. My daughter fell asleep and just after I laid her onto sofa, I looked up at the TV to see the second plane hit. I sat stunned for a moment as I comprehended that while the first plane may have been accident, the second surely wasn't. I looked over at my baby, sleeping so blissfully, and I wondered what kind of world she would grow up in. I then remembered my shooting coach had a daughter that worked at the WTC. She'd been there during the car bomb attack. So I called him to tell him the news. Finally after 15 rings, he picked up the phone (he was still asleep in California). Thankfully , his daughter had just taken a new job some where else not three months before so she was safe.

Of all the songs out there about the events of that day, this one is special.

Little did she know she'd kissed a hero....

To the men and women who fight and protect this country so that nothing like this can ever occur again, you have my eternal gratitude.

Edited by carinab
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