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Elbow Pain Or Shooter's Elbow?

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I have been have elbow pain since i really started shooting more (500 or so rounds a week).

I have been told my arms could be too extended when i mount the gun.

My buddy had an idea 1st take a hot shower while stretching elbow,2nd get a piece of wax paper and flatten it out on the bed.Why the wax paper?So your candy @#$%^ does'nt stick to the bed! I thanked him (it did'nt work either)

Anyone else having this trouble or a better suggestion than my buddy did.


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look for exercises and stretches for tendonitis..(tennis elbow), also take ibprofen or some other anti-inflamatory, and might try a neoprene brace to help support the joint.

I do the stretches and take the ibprofen..also helped after I stopped shooting a hybricomp gun..

good luck..if i remember.there might be thread here on stretches..

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I recommend the Band-It brand elbow brace. It works much better than any of the other types I've tried. It doesn't cut off the circulation like some of the neoprene types.

They are available at most Golf and Tennis shops. The plain model works better than the magnetic model.

They are also available on-line at


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Friday was my first softball game of the year. I sat out last year because softball made my tendonitis or tennis elbow so bad I couldn't shoot. Batting is the major contributor and throwing contributes to a lesser extent. (Shooting a foo-foo gun also contributes to tennis elbow.)

On the way to the field I picked up an Ace brace at the drugstore for $10. Simple elasticized velcro band about 1.5 inches wide, with a secondary cylindrical top strap. I put it on just forward of my elbow.

After warm-up throws, batting practice, and four at-bats (two grounders and two deep line drives, including a home run, thankyouverymuch)... no pain. Nada, zip, zero.

It's magick, I say!

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My experience with the bands is that they are very very touchy about placement. One place they work great, another slightly different orientation they don't work and yet another they cause more problems.

I have only tried a couple different brands so there might be some out there that are better than others. It may also just be the anatomy of my arms and no one else might not have such problems.

So keep trying Eric.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I developed a serious case of this condition last year during a week at Gunsite.

Shooting more than 1200 200+ power factor rounds out of a 23 ounce HK USP Compact .45 and doing at least 2000 full speed presentations in the course of the week did me in in a big way.

By Wednesday of the week I was in great pain, stupidly tried to ignore it and ate a bunch of Advil. I finished the course and shot pretty well, but it was not pleasant.

When I went to the doc afterward, the diagnosis was medial epicondylitis, or golfers elbow. At one point it looked like I might need surgery. NOTHING touched it (Vioxx, Naprosen, Mobic).

I ended up with two cortisone shots and 4 months of physical therapy (ultrasound, iontophoresis, etc.) to make it go away, (at one point I could not open doors or shift my 6-speed) but I am fully recovered now.

Since I do NOT want to repeat the experience, I only shoot my full size 1911s now, about 500-1000 rounds a week or so. The extra gun mass makes a huge difference.

I cannot shoot more than two mags with the HKs without some pain, but I can go all day with the 1911s, even at 200+ PF.

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I now have a Band-it tan line on my arm.Oh yea its magic(when its in the right spot)

The drug store cheapy would cut off circulation when tight enough to relieve the pain

This magic gizmo applies pressure to a concentrated spot and don't make my hand turn BLUE :)

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While we're on this topic, recently I've been shooting a lot of shotgun at a local clays association. I didn't know what I did to my wrist until this past Friday. I shot 100 rounds of sporting clays and my wrist was killing me at the end. Would you guys suggest a good wrist support, please?


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