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Stimulus Checks - NOT ELIGIBLE

Flatland Shooter

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My daughter is an LPN (nurse) at an Indian clinic in Oklahoma. Due to the shortage of RN's, she is eligible for education grants from both the state and the Nation. She currently holds down a full time job, cares for her kids, and attends school in the evenings and weekends.

As a divorced mother of two small children she was really looking forward to that stimulus check.

Yesterday she received a notice from the IRS that, due to the Oklahoma grant, she is not eligible for a stimulus check. I'm not sure how much the state grant has paid for her education, so I don't know if its a wash or not. Checking the IRS site I find nothing indicating she is not eligible. Food stamps or other forms of assistance appears OK, just not educational grants I guess.

It also came as a surprise to the lady that does her taxes.

Bill :angry2:

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It's kind of stupid the way federal educational grants and loan go. When I was a sophomore I had a bunch of loans then I got a scholarship that was to the tune of $1500 per quarter for three quarters. When they disbursed the scholarship money to my account I got less than $1000. WTF? It's a scholarship! They told me because I had federal loans, they couldn't give me the full amount of the scholarship (money donated by the Gates Foundation, not federal grant money). So I had to tell them to get rid of my loans, then they gave me the scholarship money!

I hope your daughter is getting lots of grant money for school. It sucks that someone can't just step back and say "someone on educational money is trying to better themselves and contribute to society, we should do all we can to help them out". Damn beauracrats!


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Is she Native or Non? If Non-Native getting federal grants through the Tribe then she is inelligable. If she is Native, it doesn't make sense that she is inelligable, especially with kids.

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What a croc of crap! I'm sorry to hear about that.

FWIW-I get Federal loans for grad school, but still got my stimulus check :(

Grants you don't have to pay back, loans you do

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Is she Native or Non? If Non-Native getting federal grants through the Tribe then she is inelligable. If she is Native, it doesn't make sense that she is inelligable, especially with kids.

She is non-Native but the letter indicates the state grant made her ineligible, not the Indian Nation grant.

Along with the Indian Clinic, she also fills in at the local hospital and the local veterans hospital on an as needed basis. Spoke with her a little while ago. She wanted us to know she won't be home tonight and not to worry. After the clinic closes at 4 PM, she is going over the the Veterans center to fill in for the night.


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Well there is allways a bright side, The IRS could have sent her the check, waited a month or so to insure it was spent and then sent the letter saying she wasnt eligible and would she pleace return it. As a former tax preparer I have seen a few letters like that.

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Sometimes you got to sit back and wonder who's the person burried in a cubicle somewhere that made that decision.

Then you got to wonder who the first person that said "hey that's a great idea".

Sorry but that sucks.

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