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Weight Loss


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I been working out pretty hard. Watching what I been eating, cut any beer(now I talk to the Capt with a diet coke), cut out all pizza, subs, fast food and bread. I cut out pretty much all sugar and if I drink a pop it will be diet. I eat about 6 times a day. My first meal is about 5am usually cottage cheese, then about 7:30am I'll have some eggs or cereal, usually have a granola bar about 10am, lunch about 12:30pm usually consist of vegs, pheasant, chicken or deer steak(whichever I cooked for dinner the night before), dinner is usually about 6pm and pretty small. It will be a small piece of chicken, deer steak or pheasant with a salad. The portions at dinner are small. I want it to be my smallest meal of the day. I'll have a small snack about bedtime. I'll add some fruit through out the day but not too much. I'll have natural unsweetened grapefruit juice 2-3 times a day and usually a cup of milk a day. All my meals are small and not too heavy. I never feel stuffed any more. I drink about 1 gallon of water a day. If I lightened up my workout for any reason I might only drink about a 3/4 gallon of water.

My workouts consist of pretty much just running, rowing machine and eliptical. I added in weights at one point but it I started putting on weight immediately so I cut them out. I been trying to reach a goal of 250lbs for about a yr and decided I would rather reach my goal first before I start hitting the weights. Once I reach my goal and hit the weights if I put on weight, which I will pretty quickly by hitting the weights thats ok, its good weight.

I keep a journal daily, 2 directive affirmations I read daily and write daily. I record what I eat, goals for the day and anything else I need to write down.

I do this every morning so its running through my mind all day. By the time I get off work I prepared mentally to work out and dryfire.

I also picked up a saying from S Anderson.

"Food is nothing more than Fuel" You just take in enough to keep the engine running. If my body needs some extra energy I will add a few more carbs but I really don't limit what I take in I just do not have excessive amount of carbs.

So here are the results

4/07 315lbs

7/07 275lbs

9/08 275lbs this started the beginning of hunting season and I quit working out.

1/08 290lbs 4months of not working out and eating fast food quite a bit. I also was working a ton, 3-5 17hr days and was eating really bad.

1/24/08 295lbs Still working a ton and eating bad. I decided to quit working all the overtime and start working out. I started on this day.

5/16/08 255lbs and feel great. I went 5miles on the treadmill and dryfired after I got home. I was done working out by 4:15pm and spending the rest of the evening with the family.

I only have 5lbs left but I have little doubt I'll reach it.

The only hitch I ran into is when I hit a plateau about 270lbs. I couldn't drop below it. I didn't matter if I worked out more or less or switched my eating around. This was the same place where I hit last yr and was stuck. After about 2-3 weeks without seeing really any difference except my times drop in running I decided to switch it up. I'm really against Adkins type diets because how harmful they are to the body but I did some research and decided to go with a low carb, high protein plan. I had eggs, sausage and grapefruit for breakfast, lunch was a salad, any type of green veg.( no white veg or carrots) and as much meat as I wanted. The dinner was the same. Each meal had grapefruit juice. I only did it for 7 days just throw a curve at my body. It worked and I'm back to my usual eating habits, much more healty. I lost 20lbs since I changed how I ate for that week.

I also added in One a day vitamins and Glucosomine for my joints when I started in Jan and take them daily.

Another thing I did was eat some ice cream, chips, candy bar or cake if I wanted too. It was rare when I did but I allowed myself a very small portion so I wouldn't have a craving for it. If I would have a bowl of ice cream it would be about 1/2cup and thats it. Thats all I wanted.

Once I reach my goal my directive affirmation will be set again and will include maintaing the weight and healthly lifestyle. I might decide to set a new goal like 235lbs or 240lbs but will have a plan for more overall fitness and won't be trying to lose the weight at the pace I have in this yr. Everyone once in awhile I'll throw 225lbs on the bench and do some sets just to see how my strength is. So far, as of about 2weeks ago I haven't lost any strength. I'll probably try it again next week to too keep an eye on any loss of muscle mass and strenght. If I would run into that I would change where I notice a drop in strength I would start to worry. As long as my eating is good I don't see any drop in strength until I hit about 240lbs if I continue to lose weight at the rate I have been. Once I hit 250lbs I plan on switching my entire workout up anyways so I shouldn't have to worry.

Just wanted to add this in case someone might find something useful out of it. You can't get around the blood and sweat if took to get to the point I'm at. I just finally made the decision for a lifestyle change and followed through with it.

Think of your body as a fireplace. Those smaller meals more frequently is like putting wood on the fire every so often. Once it starts to burn low, add some wood, get it burning hot again and repeat. Your body and metabolism is kinda the same thing. Keep that metabolism burning. Once you speed it up your raising the number of calories your body is burning. I keep the meals small and light. You can't eat 6 big, heavy meals and expect to lose weight.

I have lost a total of 60lbs.


Edited by Flyin40
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Awesome job ! That takes a lot of dedication. I bet you feel so much better and faster.

45DV8 and I are in weight loss mode also. I will say with two of us there is a little competition, of course. Since this will be my first open nationals, I set a goal of 269 before September. Missed my 300 goal at Area 6 by one pound. I started at 319, and as of this morning I was at 291 so I have 22 to go in approx 4 months.

Keep up the great work!!

Notice, no beer glasses clinking in this post.

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Congratulations John, I see I have my work cut out for me this year.

See you next week.

I will probably be there Friday and hang out. I'll be trying to get some video on Friday and Sat. What time you guys getting in?? I know a few of us will be heading out to dinner. Kyle and Chad are working the match so it will after they are done. Anyone is welcome to join us. :cheers:

"Your work cut out for you ...." ? :huh: What is Bseevers just an average OPEN MASTER ?

Man up Tom!

Leave it up to Chris to stir the pot :roflol:

You guys probably don't know yet but Ohio has another Open Master. Adam Knowles just made it to Master class. I shot against him once this yr and he is pretty damn good. We all better watch out for him. I'll be squadded with him at Area 8.


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Congrats on losing all the weight. I know its hard to do .If you uever need a running partner let me know.

Also thx for the props. I appreciate it.Just dont kick my butt to bad at area 8 plz.


Edited by Tactical Timmy
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All of you will probably kick my ass at Area 8. Since I've been a gym rat for the last five months I really haven't been practicing much. Hell, I got Matt Cheely kicking my ass in Michigan with a damn Single Stack.

I can't wait to see my friends that I haven't seen since last year.

Area 8, here we come.

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