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I was super impressed with Trevor. Not by crushing drives or miracle shots ala Tiger, but his ability to drain those killer eight to ten foot putts for par that make your knees knock. He is one cool customer, his game is rock solid.

It was funny how CBS kept trying to revert to their "Tiger Coverage" mode where the Masters is the Tiger Woods Championship starring Tiger Woods and a bunch of other guys who don't matter.... all about how the four guys ahead of Tiger had never won a major.

Six shots back, stinking up the course with his patented "open block" guided missile tee shots going straight right..... and they still followed him around like a rock star. Then Tiger gets a birdie and it all about:

Is he making a charge?

Is he going to do it?

No..... he just made a putt, and on the next hole it was back to his mediocre play that he had going on all day.

It was great to see Trevor playing like a seasoned pro. Everybody else choked it to some degree, and he kept his game together. Mikelson sure hosed up the third round and blew himself out of the tourney, he didn't exactly sparkle on Sunday either. makes you wonder if his top days are all behind him now.

Edited by bountyhunter
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Trevor had the eye of the tiger for sure....the look on his face told me all I needed to know. He did however come close to blowing it.

I'm still impressed as hell with Tiger though....worst round of golf I've ever seen him play by far, not a good week at all, and he gets 2nd and only loses by 3 strokes. Best competitor in the world without a doubt.

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Trevor had the eye of the tiger for sure....the look on his face told me all I needed to know. He did however come close to blowing it.

I'm still impressed as hell with Tiger though....worst round of golf I've ever seen him play by far, not a good week at all, and he gets 2nd and only loses by 3 strokes. Best competitor in the world without a doubt.

Don't remember where I read it but one of the sports writers might have hit on it...this generation (Trevor's generation of golfers) might not have the fear of Tiger that Els and Mickelson et al have now, and as this new generation matures a bit, it might prove harder for Tiger to romp over the field like he has the last 10 yrs...

It is SOOO hard to get that first major win the Snedeker and those like him, just choke a little on the last 9 holes..so did Trevor, but he had a cushion that Tiger couldn't overcome...Tiger strikes the ball super but even he can be beaten when he has a mediocre week putting like he did last week...and it wasn't like he overcame the cushion, but the field and the leader, Trevor almost came back to him...had he shot 68 or so, he might have had another green jacket..but, like they say, if a bullfrog had wings he could fly too...

Good tourney anyway, and I am glad that some of the new guys are showing the established crew how it can be done, Zack last year and Johnson Wagner in Houston the week B4 the Masters...good stuff..

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It looks like it is Trevor forever. Trevor played fairly well on Sunday. He made a few mistakes, but he was able to pull it off.

As for the Tiger slam, the only Grand slam that Tiger will have will be at Denny's.

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It looks like it is Trevor forever. Trevor played fairly well on Sunday. He made a few mistakes, but he was able to pull it off.

As for the Tiger slam, the only Grand slam that Tiger will have will be at Denny's.

I only saw him hit one really stinky hoser shot when he blocked that one into the water late in the day.

What makes champions is what he did next: he locked it out and went on like it didn't happen. They guy was making clutch shots and putts all day long. he has a great swing but his mental game is the most impressive. be interesting to see how he progresses from here.

Edited by bountyhunter
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As for the Tiger slam, the only Grand slam that Tiger will have will be at Denny's.

I think Tiger will win as much as he decides he wants to. By that, I mean he is gifted with physical skills well beyond most but he doesn't impress me much with his mental game. he doesn't control his temper well, he whines too much, and he acts like he is doing everybody a favor just showing up.... and he only plays maybe half the tournaments. Maybe because he makes so much money in endorsements he figures he doesn't have to work that hard at it.

I think he will win as much as he decides he wants to put in the effort..... we will see how much that is.

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I think Tiger will win as much as he decides he wants to. By that, I mean he is gifted with physical skills well beyond most but he doesn't impress me much with his mental game. he doesn't control his temper well, he whines too much, and he acts like he is doing everybody a favor just showing up.... and he only plays maybe half the tournaments. Maybe because he makes so much money in endorsements he figures he doesn't have to work that hard at it.

I agree and I disagree. I agree he will win as much as he wants to, but I think his mental game is far and away the best - maybe in the world. Yeah he gets frustrated when he makes a bad shot....so do I. I bet most of the shooters here would be frustrated if they blew a stage - and that's without even having professionals in this sport vying for millions of dollars or the equivalent of a green jacket. Yeah he gets pissed at himself when he blows a shot - can you really blame him? Just because he is a professional athlete does that mean that he can't even get upset anymore? What you see as whining I see as the frustration that stems from not performing like you know you are able to.

I don't really agree that he is acting like he's doing everyone a favor by showing up. But the thing I disagree most about is that because he makes money in endorsements he doesn't feel he needs to work hard at it. I'm pretty sure he has put more work into his game than just about anyone in the world has at anything.

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I think Tiger will win as much as he decides he wants to. By that, I mean he is gifted with physical skills well beyond most but he doesn't impress me much with his mental game. he doesn't control his temper well, he whines too much, and he acts like he is doing everybody a favor just showing up.... and he only plays maybe half the tournaments. Maybe because he makes so much money in endorsements he figures he doesn't have to work that hard at it.

I agree and I disagree. I agree he will win as much as he wants to, but I think his mental game is far and away the best - maybe in the world. Yeah he gets frustrated when he makes a bad shot....so do I. I bet most of the shooters here would be frustrated if they blew a stage - and that's without even having professionals in this sport vying for millions of dollars or the equivalent of a green jacket. Yeah he gets pissed at himself when he blows a shot - can you really blame him? Just because he is a professional athlete does that mean that he can't even get upset anymore? What you see as whining I see as the frustration that stems from not performing like you know you are able to.

I don't really agree that he is acting like he's doing everyone a favor by showing up. But the thing I disagree most about is that because he makes money in endorsements he doesn't feel he needs to work hard at it. I'm pretty sure he has put more work into his game than just about anyone in the world has at anything.

A lot of good point in there!

That is the thing that makes Tiger so good is he can get pissed after a bad shot (which is only human) But completely wipe the slare clean and be at a perfect level of focus for the very next shot which is usually a good one. THAT is the key to being a champion!

As far as his work ethic, anyone who challenges that knows very little about golf and Tiger. The man has a workout regiment similar to that of an all pro corner, and has a level of consistancy which his ball striking that can ONLY come from thousands of hours of CORRECT repetition.

I may sound like a Tiger homer but coming from someone who knows how much work it takes to get to a 10 handicap, seeing what he makes look VERY easy on TV seems nearly impossible.

Edited by Jay6
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I thought for sure that Dumb Nance would start bringing up Tiger this and thats in Butler Cabin. Good thing they ran out of time.

Jim and I went to the same college, as did Boom Boom, but he kisses so much a** when he broadcasts, I can't stand him...

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Tiger plays a limited schedule to try to peak at the correct times, mainly the 4 majors each year. Worldwide, Tiger plays about 25 -28 events a year, believe me that is a FULL schedule.

Chi-Chi Rodriguez one said of Jack Nicklaus, "He is a legend in his spare time." Jack only played about 15-19 times per year in the middle of his career. So don't be so tough on Tiger for not playing enough.

Trust me, Tiger is the best player to EVER play golf. Love him or hate him, he is the best, and I have either played with them, seen then, or watch them.

As a foot note, I played with Jack about 30 times, so i have a pretty good idea.

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He is too dumb to know how to kiss a**, he just likes the smell when he gets down there.

don't hold back now...tell us how you really feel....

You know me, never reactive and always PC..... :D

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I think Tiger will win as much as he decides he wants to. By that, I mean he is gifted with physical skills well beyond most but he doesn't impress me much with his mental game. he doesn't control his temper well, he whines too much, and he acts like he is doing everybody a favor just showing up.... and he only plays maybe half the tournaments. Maybe because he makes so much money in endorsements he figures he doesn't have to work that hard at it.

I agree and I disagree. I agree he will win as much as he wants to, but I think his mental game is far and away the best - maybe in the world. Yeah he gets frustrated when he makes a bad shot....so do I. I bet most of the shooters here would be frustrated if they blew a stage - and that's without even having professionals in this sport vying for millions of dollars or the equivalent of a green jacket. Yeah he gets pissed at himself when he blows a shot - can you really blame him? Just because he is a professional athlete does that mean that he can't even get upset anymore? What you see as whining I see as the frustration that stems from not performing like you know you are able to.

Kind of an irrelevant point to beat to death, but everybody who competes knows that getting pissed off is distracting and wasted energy. If you look at the premium quality champions of the past in most sports, they don't lose it and waste the energy on getting mad. They just don't.

It's true Tiger often follows a blown shot with a great recovery shot. It's also true he sometimes "checks out mentally" in a round when he knows he has no chance of winning. My point is that not controlling one's temper is a waste of energy and reduces your chances of winning.

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Tiger plays a limited schedule to try to peak at the correct times, mainly the 4 majors each year. Worldwide, Tiger plays about 25 -28 events a year, believe me that is a FULL schedule.

Chi-Chi Rodriguez one said of Jack Nicklaus, "He is a legend in his spare time." Jack only played about 15-19 times per year in the middle of his career. So don't be so tough on Tiger for not playing enough.

Trust me, Tiger is the best player to EVER play golf. Love him or hate him, he is the best, and I have either played with them, seen then, or watch them.

I don't love him or hate him. I simply and accurately noted he has progressed to the point in his career where he cherry picks where and when he will apply the energy to play in a tournament, and sometimes that attitude shows in his play (ie, when he's out of it he checks out mentally).

Young guys are still thrilled to be able to win and give it 100%. maybe Nicklaus got lazy when he felt he had made his name. maybe Mickelson is doing the same thing now, he sure doesn't put out the effort he used to.

My point is that young guns like Trevor still want to play and show up to play. Somebody with the fire like he has eventually will be the guy who pushes Tiger into the "former great" category.

Edited by bountyhunter
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I don't really agree that he is acting like he's doing everyone a favor by showing up. But the thing I disagree most about is that because he makes money in endorsements he doesn't feel he needs to work hard at it. I'm pretty sure he has put more work into his game than just about anyone in the world has at anything.
From what I read, Vijay Singh pretty much nailed down the title of the hardest working man in show (golf) business.
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I think Tiger will win as much as he decides he wants to. By that, I mean he is gifted with physical skills well beyond most but he doesn't impress me much with his mental game. he doesn't control his temper well, he whines too much, and he acts like he is doing everybody a favor just showing up.... and he only plays maybe half the tournaments. Maybe because he makes so much money in endorsements he figures he doesn't have to work that hard at it.

I agree and I disagree. I agree he will win as much as he wants to, but I think his mental game is far and away the best - maybe in the world. Yeah he gets frustrated when he makes a bad shot....so do I. I bet most of the shooters here would be frustrated if they blew a stage - and that's without even having professionals in this sport vying for millions of dollars or the equivalent of a green jacket. Yeah he gets pissed at himself when he blows a shot - can you really blame him? Just because he is a professional athlete does that mean that he can't even get upset anymore? What you see as whining I see as the frustration that stems from not performing like you know you are able to.

Kind of an irrelevant point to beat to death, but everybody who competes knows that getting pissed off is distracting and wasted energy. If you look at the premium quality champions of the past in most sports, they don't lose it and waste the energy on getting mad. They just don't.

It's true Tiger often follows a blown shot with a great recovery shot. It's also true he sometimes "checks out mentally" in a round when he knows he has no chance of winning. My point is that not controlling one's temper is a waste of energy and reduces your chances of winning.

Tiger plays a limited schedule to try to peak at the correct times, mainly the 4 majors each year. Worldwide, Tiger plays about 25 -28 events a year, believe me that is a FULL schedule.

Chi-Chi Rodriguez one said of Jack Nicklaus, "He is a legend in his spare time." Jack only played about 15-19 times per year in the middle of his career. So don't be so tough on Tiger for not playing enough.

Trust me, Tiger is the best player to EVER play golf. Love him or hate him, he is the best, and I have either played with them, seen then, or watch them.

I don't love him or hate him. I simply and accurately noted he has progressed to the point in his career where he cherry picks where and when he will apply the energy to play in a tournament, and sometimes that attitude shows in his play (ie, when he's out of it he checks out mentally).

Young guys are still thrilled to be able to win and give it 100%. maybe Nicklaus got lazy when he felt he had made his name. maybe Mickelson is doing the same thing now, he sure doesn't put out the effort he used to.

My point is that young guns like Trevor still want to play and show up to play. Somebody with the fire like he has eventually will be the guy who pushes Tiger into the "former great" category.

OK, can either one of you or both for that matter PLEASE cite examples or even ONE example of Tiger "Checking out mentally"????

I cover nearly EVERY shot he hits, and I have never seen it!!! Maybe it is more easily seen on TV than in person :unsure:

You guys have me dumbfounded!!! I am not a Tiger drum beater, just an unbiased "journalist".

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Kind of an irrelevant point to beat to death, but everybody who competes knows that getting pissed off is distracting and wasted energy. If you look at the premium quality champions of the past in most sports, they don't lose it and waste the energy on getting mad. They just don't.

Our host has pointed out that different people have different temperaments. Some kick it up a notch when they get a bit pissed off. Robbie does. Michael Jordan liked to get fired up.

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I, too, have a hard time understanding how anyone thinks Tiger "checks-out" mentally, in matches, if the going gets rough, or otherwise...Personally, I'm amazed he hasn't gone screaming and crazy into the night, when the Golf Gods allow the unknown to grab a major. And it's refreshing to see some anger and spite and glee given the usual robot-like Tour player.

People laud Leatham's dominance, and rightfully so, but the talent base of practical shooting is microscopic compared to golf.

Didn't we have this conversation, already? Fishing slow, Tightloop?

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Tiger plays a limited schedule to try to peak at the correct times, mainly the 4 majors each year. Worldwide, Tiger plays about 25 -28 events a year, believe me that is a FULL schedule.

Chi-Chi Rodriguez one said of Jack Nicklaus, "He is a legend in his spare time." Jack only played about 15-19 times per year in the middle of his career. So don't be so tough on Tiger for not playing enough.

Trust me, Tiger is the best player to EVER play golf. Love him or hate him, he is the best, and I have either played with them, seen then, or watch them.

I don't love him or hate him. I simply and accurately noted he has progressed to the point in his career where he cherry picks where and when he will apply the energy to play in a tournament, and sometimes that attitude shows in his play (ie, when he's out of it he checks out mentally).

Young guys are still thrilled to be able to win and give it 100%. maybe Nicklaus got lazy when he felt he had made his name. maybe Mickelson is doing the same thing now, he sure doesn't put out the effort he used to.

My point is that young guns like Trevor still want to play and show up to play. Somebody with the fire like he has eventually will be the guy who pushes Tiger into the "former great" category.

I hope you are not looking to see this anytime soon because it is going to be AT LEAST 10 years before ANYONE puts tiger in the "formerly great" catagory even with only playing a few matches a year.

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